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Java enumerations should *cache* the field values #1243




Consider the Thread.State enum:

/* partial */ class Thread {
    public static final /* partial */ enum State {

This "actually" is a class with fields for each enum value:

% javap java.lang.Thread.State
Compiled from ""
public final class java.lang.Thread$State extends java.lang.Enum<java.lang.Thread$State> {
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State NEW;
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State RUNNABLE;
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State BLOCKED;
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State WAITING;
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State TIMED_WAITING;
  public static final java.lang.Thread$State TERMINATED;
  public static java.lang.Thread$State[] values();
  public static java.lang.Thread$State valueOf(java.lang.String);
  static {};

When we bind it, we bind the fields as properties:

public sealed partial class State : Java.Lang.Enum
internal State() : base (default(Java.Interop.JniObjectReference), default(Java.Interop.JniObjectReferenceOptions)) { }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State Blocked { get { throw null; } }
public override Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers JniPeerMembers { get { throw null; } }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State New { get { throw null; } }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State Runnable { get { throw null; } }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State Terminated { get { throw null; } }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State TimedWaiting { get { throw null; } }
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State Waiting { get { throw null; } }
[Java.Interop.JniMethodSignatureAttribute("valueOf", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Thread$State;")]
public static Java.Lang.Thread.State ValueOf(string name) { throw null; }
[Java.Interop.JniMethodSignatureAttribute("values", "()[Ljava/lang/Thread$State;")]
public static Java.Interop.JavaObjectArray<Java.Lang.Thread.State>? Values() { throw null; }

However, each of those properties involves a ValueManager lookup:

namespace Java.Lang {
	public partial class Thread {
		public sealed partial class State : global::Java.Lang.Enum {
			public static global::Java.Lang.Thread.State? Runnable {
				get {
					const string __id = "RUNNABLE.Ljava/lang/Thread$State;";

					var __v = _members.StaticFields.GetObjectValue (__id);
					return global::Java.Interop.JniEnvironment.Runtime.ValueManager.GetValue<global::Java.Lang.Thread.State? >(ref __v, JniObjectReferenceOptions.Copy);

This is JavaInterop1, not XAJavaInterop1, but .NET for Android isn't much different:

			public static Java.Lang.Thread.State? Runnable {
				get {
					const string __id = "RUNNABLE.Ljava/lang/Thread$State;";

					var __v = _members.StaticFields.GetObjectValue (__id);
					return global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Java.Lang.Thread.State> (__v.Handle, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef);

The problem is that value lookup is not fast -- identity hash code needs to be obtained, locks obtained, etc. -- to the point that repeated enum lookups can actually show up in profiles.

TODO: @jonathanpeppers, please provide your profile data. :-D

Suggestion: could we update property generation for all final fields to cache the return value? This means we'd only need to call StaticFields.GetObjectValue() and "GetValue" once, instead of once per-access:

			global::Java.Lang.Thread.State? _Runnable_cache;
			public static global::Java.Lang.Thread.State? Runnable {
				get {
					if (_Runnable_cache != null) return _Runnable_cache;
					const string __id = "RUNNABLE.Ljava/lang/Thread$State;";

					var __v = _members.StaticFields.GetObjectValue (__id);
					return _Runnable_cache  = global::Java.Interop.JniEnvironment.Runtime.ValueManager.GetValue<global::Java.Lang.Thread.State? >(ref __v, JniObjectReferenceOptions.Copy);




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    enhancementProposed change to current functionalitygeneratorIssues binding a Java library (generator, class-parse, etc.)


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