System Information (please complete the following information):
- OS & Version: Windows 10
- ML.NET Version: ML.NET 1.5.4 and greater
- .NET Version: .NET 5
Describe the bug
When using DetectEntireAnomalyBySrCnn
with versions 1.5.4 or greater, no anomalies are detected when running the DetectAnomaly
method from the phone call tutorial.
Changing options does nothing. Has anything changed with this algorithm that would suddenly make it stop working after 1.5.4?
If you run the sample using version 1.5.2 with the same data and options it works.
Related docs issue dotnet/docs#23888
To Reproduce
Follow the steps in the phone call tutorial. For reference, here's a completed code sample
Expected behavior
Anomalies are detected.