<ListView IsRefreshing={Binding IsLoadingData}> </ListView>
after loaded data, the app set viewmodel.IsLoadingData to false,
but the loading indicator still shown.
- ListView set the IsRefreshing property without specify SetterSpecificity, thus SetterSpecificity.ManualValueSetter will be used.
- while for {Binding}, it will use SetterSpecificity.FromBinding, which has low priority than ManualValueSetter.
- thus ListView won't raise PropertyChanged event for IsRefreshing after changed value in viewmodel.
- finally, then Handler/Renderer won't hide the refreshing indicator.
Steps to Reproduce
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Link to public reproduction project repository
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Version with bug
9.0.50 SR5
Is this a regression from previous behavior?
Yes, this used to work in Xamarin.Forms
Last version that worked well
Affected platforms
Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Other (Tizen, Linux, etc. not supported by Microsoft directly)
Affected platform versions
Did you find any workaround?
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