The build in question is Microsoft-internal, so I can't share the .binlog file, but I am in possession of a binary log file that appears to have been generated badly.
s:\msbuild>msbuild /flp:v=d /noconlog S:\VS\src\xmake\msbuild_ddbld572.binlog
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
There was an exception while reading the log file: Parameter "BuildEventContext" cannot be null.
s:\msbuild>msbuild /flp:errorsonly;logfile=msbuild.err2 /noconlog S:\VS\src\xmake\msbuild_ddbld572.binlog
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
There was an exception while reading the log file: BinaryReader encountered an invalid string length of -1053630578 characters.
It appears to be safe to ignore the BuildEventContext part (and just skip message events with no message or context), but the latter is fatal as far as I can tell.