Originally posted by @SoulSeekkor in #9658 (comment)
Repro project: SoulSeekkor/NginxPanel
Blazor formatting when it comes to indentation has been awful for years, it seems like it's only gotten much worse with VS 2022 and .NET 8.... Usually it likes to inexplicably mess up where a block is supposed to be indented towards the end of the HTML portion of the razor file, but not always, and once it messes up one spot it's screwed for the rest of the file including the code block. I've attached 3 screenshots where all I did was 'Format Document' from the Edit->Advanced menu. 3 times in a row and it just completely botches everything repeatedly. I REALLY wish this worked better, I'm at the point of just turning off formatting in VS 2022 entirely for razor files if possible since at least I can then manually fix it and it'll stay. As it sits if I manually fix these and do anything within a method for example, it will re-screw everything within that method for blocks. Insanely frustrating.