Is this a Bug or Feature request?:
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a new blazor project
dotnet new blazor
- Make a code change and verify the message "Code changes were successfully applied."
- Switch back to the browser.
- Observe that the browser is not automatically refreshed to reflect the changes.
- Manually reload the page to see the applied changes.
Description of the problem:
I tired the new experimental hot reload feature in C# Dev Kit. After making a code change and seeing the message "Code changes were successfully applied," the browser does not automatically refresh. The changes are only visible after manually reloading the page.
Expected behavior:
The browser should automatically refresh to display the latest changes made in the code.
Actual behavior:
The browser does not refresh automatically after code changes. The updated content is only visible after manually reloading the page.
------------------- Please fill in this section -------------------------
To find the OmniSharp log, open VS Code's "Output" pane, then in the dropdown choose "OmniSharp Log".
-- Starting Issue Data Collection--
provideCodeLens failed with Error: Illegal argument
provideCodeLens failed with Error: Illegal argument
72 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
72 - Projected document in sync with host document
72 - Projected text document in sync with data type
72 - Synchronization successful!
73 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
73 - Projected document in sync with host document
73 - Projected text document in sync with data type
73 - Synchronization successful!
74 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
74 - Projected document in sync with host document
74 - Projected text document in sync with data type
74 - Synchronization successful!
75 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
75 - Projected document in sync with host document
75 - Projected text document in sync with data type
75 - Synchronization successful!
76 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
76 - Projected document in sync with host document
76 - Projected text document in sync with data type
76 - Synchronization successful!
77 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
77 - Projected document in sync with host document
77 - Projected text document in sync with data type
77 - Synchronization successful!
78 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
78 - Projected document in sync with host document
78 - Projected text document in sync with data type
78 - Synchronization successful!
79 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
79 - Projected document in sync with host document
79 - Projected text document in sync with data type
79 - Synchronization successful!
80 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.html':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
80 - Projected document in sync with host document
80 - Projected text document in sync with data type
80 - Synchronization successful!
81 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.html':
Currently at 16, synchronizing to version '16'.'
81 - Projected document in sync with host document
81 - Projected text document in sync with data type
81 - Synchronization successful!
Updating the HTML document for Razor file 'd:/Projects/Experimental/BlazorSSR/Components/Layout/MainLayout.razor' (17)
Notifying document 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor' changed 'htmlChanged'
Updating the C# document for Razor file 'd:/Projects/Experimental/BlazorSSR/Components/Layout/MainLayout.razor' (17)
Notifying document 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor' changed 'csharpChanged'
82 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 17, synchronizing to version '17'.'
82 - Projected document in sync with host document
82 - Projected text document not in sync with data type, waiting for update...
Current projected text document sync version: 16
82 - Projected text document synchronized to 17.
82 - Projected text document in sync with data type
82 - Synchronization successful!
83 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 17, synchronizing to version '17'.'
83 - Projected document in sync with host document
83 - Projected text document in sync with data type
83 - Synchronization successful!
Updating the HTML document for Razor file 'd:/Projects/Experimental/BlazorSSR/Components/Layout/MainLayout.razor' (18)
Notifying document 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor' changed 'htmlChanged'
Updating the C# document for Razor file 'd:/Projects/Experimental/BlazorSSR/Components/Layout/MainLayout.razor' (18)
Notifying document 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor' changed 'csharpChanged'
84 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 18, synchronizing to version '18'.'
84 - Projected document in sync with host document
84 - Projected text document in sync with data type
84 - Synchronization successful!
85 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 18, synchronizing to version '18'.'
85 - Projected document in sync with host document
85 - Projected text document in sync with data type
85 - Synchronization successful!
86 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.cs':
Currently at 18, synchronizing to version '18'.'
86 - Projected document in sync with host document
86 - Projected text document in sync with data type
86 - Synchronization successful!
87 - Synchronizing 'd:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor__virtual.html':
Currently at 18, synchronizing to version '18'.'
87 - Projected document in sync with host document
87 - Projected text document in sync with data type
87 - Synchronization successful!
-- Stopping Issue Data Collection--
Workspace information
Razor document:
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
<div class="page">
<div class="sidebar">
<NavMenu />
<div class="top-row px-4">
<a href="" target="_blank">About</a>
<article class="content px-4">
<div id="blazor-error-ui" data-nosnippet>
An unhandled error has occurred.
<a href="." class="reload">Reload</a>
<span class="dismiss">🗙</span>
Projected CSharp document:
////////////////////// Projected CSharp as seen by extension ///////////////////////
// <auto-generated/>
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace BlazorSSR.Components.Layout
#line default
using global::System;
using global::System.Collections.Generic;
using global::System.Linq;
using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
using global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
#nullable restore
#line 1 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using System.Net.Http;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 2 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using System.Net.Http.Json;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 3 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 4 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 5 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 6 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.RenderMode;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 7 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 8 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 9 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using BlazorSSR;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 10 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using BlazorSSR.Components;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
public partial class MainLayout : LayoutComponentBase
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable 219
private void __RazorDirectiveTokenHelpers__() {
((global::System.Action)(() => {
#nullable restore
#line 1 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
LayoutComponentBase __typeHelper = default!;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 219
#pragma warning disable 0414
private static object __o = null;
#pragma warning restore 0414
#pragma warning disable 1998
protected override void BuildRenderTree(global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder __builder)
__builder.AddAttribute(-1, "ChildContent", (global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderFragment)((__builder2) => {
#nullable restore
#line 5 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
__o = typeof(global::BlazorSSR.Components.Layout.NavMenu);
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 14 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
__o = Body;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 1998
#pragma warning restore 1591
////////////////////// Projected CSharp as seen by extension ///////////////////////
// <auto-generated/>
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace BlazorSSR.Components.Layout
#line default
using global::System;
using global::System.Collections.Generic;
using global::System.Linq;
using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
using global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
#nullable restore
#line 1 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using System.Net.Http;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 2 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using System.Net.Http.Json;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 3 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 4 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 5 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 6 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.RenderMode;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 7 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 8 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 9 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using BlazorSSR;
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 10 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\_Imports.razor"
using BlazorSSR.Components;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
public partial class MainLayout : LayoutComponentBase
#nullable disable
#pragma warning disable 219
private void __RazorDirectiveTokenHelpers__() {
((global::System.Action)(() => {
#nullable restore
#line 1 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
LayoutComponentBase __typeHelper = default!;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 219
#pragma warning disable 0414
private static object __o = null;
#pragma warning restore 0414
#pragma warning disable 1998
protected override void BuildRenderTree(global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder __builder)
__builder.AddAttribute(-1, "ChildContent", (global::Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderFragment)((__builder2) => {
#nullable restore
#line 5 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
__o = typeof(global::BlazorSSR.Components.Layout.NavMenu);
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#nullable restore
#line 14 "d:\Projects\Experimental\BlazorSSR\Components\Layout\MainLayout.razor"
__o = Body;
#line default
#line hidden
#nullable disable
#pragma warning restore 1998
#pragma warning restore 1591
// 18
Projected Html document:
////////////////////// Projected Html as seen by extension ///////////////////////
/*~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
<div class="page">
<div class="sidebar">
<NavMenu />
<div class="top-row px-4">
<a href="" target="_blank">About</a>
<article class="content px-4">
<div id="blazor-error-ui" data-nosnippet>
An unhandled error has occurred.
<a href="." class="reload">Reload</a>
<span class="dismiss">🗙</span>
////////////////////// Projected Html as seen by extension ///////////////////////
/*~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
<div class="page">
<div class="sidebar">
<NavMenu />
<div class="top-row px-4">
<a href="" target="_blank">About</a>
<article class="content px-4">
<div id="blazor-error-ui" data-nosnippet>
An unhandled error has occurred.
<a href="." class="reload">Reload</a>
<span class="dismiss">🗙</span>
// 18
Machine information
VSCode version: 1.97.2
Razor.VSCode version: 2.63.32
dotnet --info
Version: 9.0.200
Commit: 90e8b202f2
Workload version: 9.0.200-manifests.c4f6226a
MSBuild version: 17.13.8+cbc39bea8
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Windows
OS Version: 10.0.26100
OS Platform: Windows
RID: win-x64
Base Path: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\9.0.200\
.NET workloads installed:
There are no installed workloads to display.
Configured to use loose manifests when installing new manifests.
Version: 9.0.2
Architecture: x64
Commit: 80aa709f5d
.NET SDKs installed:
9.0.200 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
.NET runtimes installed:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 8.0.13 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 9.0.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 8.0.13 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.NETCore.App 9.0.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 8.0.13 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 9.0.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]
Other architectures found:
x86 [C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet]
registered at [HKLM\SOFTWARE\dotnet\Setup\InstalledVersions\x86\InstallLocation]
Environment variables:
Not set
global.json file:
Not found
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Download .NET:
Extension | Author | Version |
copilot | GitHub | 1.272.0 |
copilot-chat | GitHub | 0.24.1 |
csdevkit | ms-dotnettools | 1.16.6 |
csharp | ms-dotnettools | 2.63.32 |
vscode-dotnet-runtime | ms-dotnettools | 2.2.8 |