This issue has been moved from a ticket on Developer Community.
[severity:It's more difficult to complete my work]
When you format a Razor component (e.g. .razor
extension) with Ctrl+E, D, it doesn't format the document correctly. Elements randomly have the wrong indentation level. Open and close tags are misaligned.
It's not even idempotent. That is, if you keep formatting, it keeps moving some ending tags infinitely to the right.
Original Comments
Feedback Bot on 16/11/2023, 05:43 PM:
(private comment, text removed)
Wenwen Fan [MSFT] on 16/11/2023, 07:33 PM:
(private comment, text removed)
Wenwen Fan [MSFT] on 23/11/2023, 06:50 PM:
(private comment, text removed)
Original Solutions
Jared Goodwin solved on 17/11/2023, 03:43 AM, 0 votes:
I found out that this was due to my misuse of the pre
tag. The Razor formatter doesn’t like HTML elements inside it. In the below example, it won’t format the text correctly and will result in the behavior I described. I couldn’t replicate it with any other HTML tags.
So I’m not sure if this would be considered a bug, user error, or both.
<div @ref="_terminalOutputContainer" class="terminal-output-container"> <pre> @foreach (var line in _output) { <div> @(line) </div> } </pre> </div>
@code {
private string[] _output = Array.Empty<string>();
private ElementReference _terminalOutputContainer;