When building roslyn-analyzers from source, live dependencies should be used. Until 8bfe8b8 that was broken though and resulted in an older CodeAnalysis version to be used instead (the repo defined versions).
This is an issue for multiple reasons but the one that concerns me the most is that SBRP needs to keep those ancient package versions "living" and with those, netstandard1.x packages. Therefore, we want to make sure that source-build correctly uses the live version of CodeAnalysis when building source-only.
Now that this flow issue got fixed, dotnet/sdk#47100 shows that when source-building the product (in the VMR), there are two compile errors:
C:\git\roslyn-analyzers\src\NetAnalyzers\CSharp\Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers\Performance\CSharpUseStringMethodCharOverloadWithSingleCharacters.Fixer.cs(82,67): error CS
1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SeparatedSyntaxList<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxNode>' to 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SeparatedSyntaxList<Mi
crosoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax.ArgumentSyntax>' [C:\git\roslyn-analyzers\src\NetAnalyzers\CSharp\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.NetAnalyzers.csproj]
C:\git\roslyn-analyzers\src\NetAnalyzers\VisualBasic\Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers\Performance\BasicUseStringMethodCharOverloadWithSingleCharacters.Fixer.vb(72,67): erro
r BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'SeparatedSyntaxList(Of SyntaxNode)' to 'SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ArgumentSyntax)'. [C:\git\roslyn-analyz
Through experimentation I found out that this happens starting with a 4.7.0
version of CodeAnalysis packages. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the actual breaking change though.