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ManagedToNativeGenerator task fails: Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildException.GenericBuildTransferredException: Unsupported parameter type in method 'PInvokeTests.StructureTests+CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate.Invoke' #113025




Build Information

Build error leg or test failing: Build / browser-wasm linux Release AllSubsets_Mono_RuntimeTests monointerpreter / Build Tests
Pull request: #112938

Error Message

Fill the error message using step by step known issues guidance.

  "ErrorMessage": "Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildException.GenericBuildTransferredException: Unsupported parameter type in method 'PInvokeTests.StructureTests+CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate.Invoke'",
  "BuildRetry": false,
  "ExcludeConsoleLog": false

Known issue validation

Build: 🔎
Error message validated: [Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildException.GenericBuildTransferredException: Unsupported parameter type in method 'PInvokeTests.StructureTests+CdeclSimpleExplStructDelegate.Invoke']
Result validation: ✅ Known issue matched with the provided build.
Validation performed at: 2/28/2025 10:20:27 PM UTC


Build Definition Step Name Console log Pull Request
968614 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113129
971666 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113014
971634 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112863
971632 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
971543 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113241
971477 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113241
971337 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113184
971173 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111178
971051 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
970842 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113014
970713 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113164
970701 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112945
970678 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112863
970605 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113211
970593 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112863
970590 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113210
967751 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113014
970518 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112945
970499 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113164
970496 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
970418 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113184
970404 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112937
970397 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113190
970399 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113191
970313 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113184
970222 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113111
970216 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113056
969731 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113140
970062 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113175
969964 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
969763 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113164
969447 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112863
969377 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112985
969362 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
969333 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111610
969284 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112937
969228 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113113
969147 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111771
969108 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113140
969031 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112985
968971 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113141
968838 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
968796 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111771
968735 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113113
968649 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113131
968524 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111610
968514 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112863
968333 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112986
968416 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112947
968370 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112693
968366 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
968296 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113113
968283 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113111
968276 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112937
966920 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #99596
968141 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112937
968114 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111771
967913 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112406
967856 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112985
967749 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
967546 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112406
967494 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112985
967283 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113044
967275 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112825
967256 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #110565
967250 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112406
967247 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112947
967236 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112404
967230 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112404
967142 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
967057 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112833
967028 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113056
966779 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113044
966767 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #99596
966759 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
966734 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #110818
966709 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113044
966683 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #99596
966609 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
966591 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112976
966472 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #111642
966471 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
966392 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112406
966300 dotnet/runtime Build Tests
966271 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113007
966122 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113028
965844 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112938
965964 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113007
965734 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #113014
965394 dotnet/runtime Build Tests #112936


24-Hour Hit Count 7-Day Hit Count 1-Month Count
0 60 90




arch-wasmWebAssembly architecturearea-Infrastructure-monoin-prThere is an active PR which will close this issue when it is mergedos-browserBrowser variant of arch-wasm


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