Background and motivation
See discussion in #75933 .
For performance reason using LINQ ".Any()" to check if a collection is empty is discouraged in favour of checking if Length and Count is greater than zero. However arguably using "Any()" expresses the intent more clearer and there could even be collection implementations where computing Count is more expensive than just checking if the collection is empty or not.
Adding an IsEmpty property would not only solve that issue but also align with other APIs that have an IsEmpty property like Span.
API Proposal
Since there are probably millions of existing implementations of collection types, using a default implementation that checks the Count might be the best option.
namespace System.Collections.Generic;
public interface ICollection<T>
bool IsEmpty => Count == 0;
API Usage
// Fancy the value
var c = new List<int>();
Alternative Designs
Improve performance of using Any() might solve part of the problem.
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