function is not available on nodeJS < 18 (unless additional packages are installed) and even on 18 it's in experimental mode.
We want to use fetch
to read runArgs.json
. Currently #77719 enabled reading it only on browser, so that debugging libraries will be done correctly.
NodeJS is shipped with emcc and the latest emcc 3.1.30 has still an old Node = 14.18. Here is a PR to update it o v=15: emscripten-core/emsdk#829.
Officially, even Node 16 is already out of support.
According to @radekdoulik, trying to update Node to v=18 on Ubuntu 18.04 was not successful because it has too old libs. Ubuntu 20.04 is already fine, so for this OS we could upgrade when the end of support for Ubuntu 18 comes - April 2023.
Not sure what could be the plan for Windows.