.NET version
.NET 9 Preview 4
Did it work in .NET Framework?
Did it work in any of the earlier releases of .NET Core or .NET 5+?
This worked in .NET 6.0
Issue description
Opening a modal Dialog form on a 150% monitor does not scale properly and the buttons anchored to the bottom right do not anchor properly. They are rendered underneath controls above them and are unusable.
Steps to reproduce
- Open the project on a 100% monitor.
- Click on Edit Non-Modal and Edit Modal. Both forms scale properly and are the same size.
- Move the MDIParent to a 150% monitor.
- Click on Edit Non-Modal and the form looks OK, but the buttons overlap slightly with the controls above them.
- Click on Edit Modal and the buttons are higher and completely under other controls making them unusable. The form itself is also larger than the Non-Modal version.
Here is a sample project: