The HTML fragment DataGrid puts into the clipboard is not accepted by other applications.
It appears that the fragment's offsets (StartHTML/EndHTML/StartFragment/EndFragment) do not match the content.
Reproduction Steps
Select all data in a DataGrid, copy and then paste to Excel.
Expected behavior
Excel (or other application) correctly accepts HTML data from DatGrid in clipboard.
Actual behavior
Application cannot interpret and paste HTML data copied from DataGrid but display error.
Error was introduced with #8519.
Known Workarounds
- Derive DataGrid subclass and override OnExecutedCopy:
protected override void OnExecutedCopy(ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
String htmlData = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Html) as String;
htmlData = htmlData.Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n");
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Html, htmlData);
2. Manually select csv or other format when pasting data copied from DataGrid in other applications.
### Impact
High impact at my company's backoffice which uses copy/paste to Excel intensely. On a more general scale, probably low.
### Configuration
.Net 9 Win11
### Other information
The problem with the wrong offsets is a result of double CR/LFs between the header items in Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf/src/PresentationFramework/System/Windows/Controls/DataGridClipboardHelper.cs (lines 86-102) - remove those and everything works as before.