Requires further investigation by the WPF team.
Ports from .NET Framework
Problem in test source code (most likely)
To track dependencies with other teams or repos
To request more information from author.
Not enough information has been provided. Please share more detail as requested
The PR changes the API surface and requires updating the docuementation
This issue needs an updated estimate
Needs data from telemetry
Netfx Approved for Servicing
metadata: The PR is not ready for merge yet (see discussion for detailed reasons)
metadata: PRs/Issues thar are not being considered at the moment
Performance related issue
Fixes that need to ported back to .NET 9
metadata: Label to tag PRs, to facilitate with triage
Work that we can't release without
Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without
Work that is important, but not critical for the release
Work that is nice to have
General question, not a problem in source code or documentation (yet)