Releases: downshift-js/downshift
8.0.0 (2023-07-15)
- Release Downshift v8.
PRs included:
These changes will also be covered in the V8 migration guide.
Both useCombobox
and useSelect
now support the isItemDisabled
function. This new API is used to mark menu items as disabled, and as such remove the from the navigation and prevent them from being selected. The old API required passing the disabled
prop to the getItemProps
function. This old API has been removed and you will receive a console warning if you are trying to use the disabled
prop in getItemProps.
Example of API migration:
const items = [{value: 'item1'}, {value: 'item2'}]
const {getInputProps,} = useCombobox({items})
return (
// ... rest
<li {...getItemProps({item, disabled: item.value === 'item2'})}>
const items = [{value: 'item1'}, {value: 'item2'}]
const {getInputProps,} = useCombobox({items, isItemDisabled(item, _index) { return item.value === 'item2' }})
return (
// ... rest
<li {...getItemProps({item})}>
The API for Downshift remains unchange.
useCombobox input click
ARIA 1.2 recommends to toggle the menu open state at input click. Previously, in v7, the menu was opened on receiving focus, from both mouse and keyboard. Starting with v8, input focus will not trigger any state change anymore. Only the input click event will be handled and will trigger a menu toggle. Consequently:
- getInputProps will not return any Focus event handler.
- getInputProps will return a Click event handler.
has been removed.useCombobox.stateChangeTypes.InputClick
has been added instead.
We recommend having the default toggle on input click behaviour as it's part of the official ARIA combobox 1.2 spec, but if you wish to override it and not toggle the menu on click, use the stateReducer:
function stateReducer(state, actionAndChanges) {
const {changes, type} = actionAndChanges
switch (type) {
case useCombobox.stateChangeTypes.InputClick:
return {
isOpen: state.isOpen, // do not toggle the menu when input is clicked.
return changes
If you want to return to the v7 behaviour and open the menu on focus, keep the reducer above so you remove the toggle behaviour, and call the openMenu imperative function, returned by useCombobox, in a onFocus handler passed to
onFocus() {
Consider to use the default 1.2 ARIA behaviour provided by default in order to align your widget to the accessibility official spec. This behaviour consistency improves the user experience, since all comboboxes should behave the same and
there won't be need for any additional guess work done by your users.
Getter props return value types
Previously, the return value from the getter props returned by both Downshift and the hooks was any
. In v8 we improved the types in order to reflect what is actually returned: the default values return by the getter prop function and
whatever else the user passes as arguments. The type changes are done in this PR, make sure you adapt your TS code, if applicable.
Also, in the Downshift
component, the return values for some getter prop values have changed from null
to undefined
, since that is what HTML elements expect (value or undefined). These values are also reflected in the TS types.
- getRootProps: 'aria-owns': isOpen ? this.menuId :
nullundefined, - getInputProps:
- 'aria-controls': isOpen ? this.menuId :
nullundefined - 'aria-activedescendant': isOpen && typeof highlightedIndex === 'number' &&
highlightedIndex >= 0 ? this.getItemId(highlightedIndex) :nullundefined
- 'aria-controls': isOpen ? this.menuId :
- getMenuProps: props && props['aria-label'] ?
nullundefined : this.labelId,
environment propTypes
The environment
prop is useful when you are using downshift in a context
different than regular DOM. Its TS type has been updated to contain Node
the propTypes have also been updated to reflect the properties which are
required by downshift from environment