A zero-configuration style guide for ESLint and Prettier that provides sensible default settings and flexible configuration options.
JS Style Kit is a comprehensive, batteries-included linting and formatting solution for modern JavaScript and TypeScript projects.
- ✅ All dependencies included (ESLint, Prettier, plugins) - no need to install extras
- ✅ ESLint v9 flat config
- ✅ TypeScript support out of the box
- ✅ Optional React and React Compiler support
- ✅ JSDoc validation with configurable requirements for libraries
- ✅ Automatic import, prop, and object sorting with Perfectionist
- ✅ Tailwind CSS support for Prettier
- ✅ Modern ESM-only package
Note: This is very much a work in progress. I want to know what configuration changes you make, so please open an issue!
- Node.js v20.11.0 or higher
- TypeScript (for TypeScript projects, not bundled)
npm install js-style-kit --save-dev
# or
yarn add js-style-kit --dev
# or
pnpm add js-style-kit --save-dev
# or
bun add js-style-kit --dev
Create an eslint.config.js
file in your project root:
import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default eslintConfig();
Note: If you're not using
"type": "module"
in your package.json, name your fileeslint.config.mjs
Setup your package.json
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint . --max-warnings 0",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --fix --max-warnings 0"
Note: The
--max-warnings 0
option is important because all rules are set to warning by default.
The eslintConfig()
function accepts a configuration object with the following options:
import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default eslintConfig({
// All options shown with their default values
functionStyle: "arrow", // Controls function style: "arrow", "declaration", "expression", or "off"
ignores: [], // Additional paths to ignore (node_modules and dist already excluded)
jsdoc: { requireJsdoc: false }, // JSDoc configuration or false to disable
react: false, // Whether to include React rules, see below for options
sorting: true, // Whether to include sorting rules from Perfectionist
storybook: false, // Whether to include Storybook rules
typescript: true, // Boolean or string path to tsconfig.json
Controls how functions should be written. Some configurations are auto-fixable, but some require manual adjustment.
// Enforce arrow functions (default)
functionStyle: "arrow";
// Enforce function declarations
functionStyle: "declaration";
// Enforce function expressions
functionStyle: "expression";
// Disable function style enforcement
functionStyle: "off";
TypeScript support is enabled by default. You can:
// Enable with automatic project detection
typescript: true;
// Disable TypeScript rules
typescript: false;
// Specify path to your tsconfig.json
typescript: "./tsconfig.json";
React support is disabled by default.
// `true` enables standard react rules, react hook rules, and react compiler
react: true
// you can also pass an object to control react compiler and next support
react: {
reactCompiler: false,
next: true
// next simply adds ".next" to the ignores array, but I plan add the next plugin in the future
JSDoc validation is enabled by default, but requirement rules are off:
// Disable JSDoc validation completely
jsdoc: false;
// Enable JSDoc with requirement rules, ideal for libraries
jsdoc: {
requireJsdoc: true;
Testing support is enabled by default with Vitest configuration. You can customize it or disable it completely:
// Disable testing configuration
testing: false;
// Enable with custom options
testing: {
filenamePattern: "spec", // "test" (.test, default) or "spec" (.spec)
files: ["**/*.{test,spec}.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}"], // Override file patterns
formattingRules: true, // Whether to include formatting rules like padding around blocks
framework: "vitest", // "vitest" (default), "jest", "node", or "bun"
itOrTest: "test", // "it" (default) or "test"
Sorting/organization rules from the Perfectionist plugin are enabled by default:
// Disable sorting rules
sorting: false;
Storybook support is disabled by default, but can be enabled to provide linting rules specifically for Storybook files:
// Enable Storybook rules
storybook: true;
When enabled, this configuration:
- Applies best practices for Storybook files (.stories. and .story.)
- Includes rules for Storybook configuration files (.storybook/main.*)
- Ensures the .storybook directory is not ignored by ESLint (adds a negation pattern to ignores)
You can extend the base configuration by providing additional ESLint config objects as rest parameters:
import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default eslintConfig(
// Base configuration options
typescript: "tsconfig.eslint.json",
react: true,
// Additional custom ESLint configuration objects
name: "custom-globals",
languageOptions: {
globals: {
process: "readonly",
__dirname: "readonly",
name: "custom-rules",
rules: {
// Override or add specific rules
"no-console": ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }],
"max-len": ["warn", { code: 100 }],
quotes: ["error", "single"],
// Add as many additional configs as needed
Create a prettier.config.js
file in your project root:
import { prettierConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default prettierConfig();
Note: If you're not using
"type": "module"
in your package.json, name your fileprettier.config.mjs
Setup your package.json
"scripts": {
"format": "prettier --write .",
"format:check": "prettier --check ." // run this one in your CI
The prettierConfig()
function accepts a configuration object with the following options:
import { prettierConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default prettierConfig({
// All options shown with their default values
cssOrderPlugin: true, // Enable CSS order plugin
curlyPlugin: true, // Enable curly braces enforcement for all control statements
jsonSortPlugin: true, // Enable JSON sorting plugin
packageJsonPlugin: true, // Enable package.json sorting plugin
tailwindPlugin: false, // Enable Tailwind CSS plugin (boolean, string[], or options object)
// You can also pass any standard Prettier options
printWidth: 80,
tabWidth: 2,
// etc.
Tailwind CSS formatting is disabled by default. You can enable it in different ways:
// Enable Tailwind with default utility functions (clsx, cva, cn)
tailwindPlugin: true
// Enable Tailwind with custom utility functions
tailwindPlugin: ["clsx", "cva", "cn", "myCustomFunction"]
// Enable Tailwind with custom options
tailwindPlugin: {
tailwindFunctions: ["clsx", "cva", "myCustomFunction"],
tailwindAttributes: ["tw"]
The CSS order plugin is enabled by default. It sorts CSS properties in a consistent order. You can disable it:
// Disable CSS order plugin
cssOrderPlugin: false;
The curly braces plugin is disabled by default. It enforces consistent use of curly braces for all control flow statements (if
, for
, while
, etc.), even for single-line statements. This is equivalent to ESLint's curly
rule with the all
option, but applied at the Prettier formatting level:
- if (abc) def;
+ if (abc) {
+ def;
+ }
You can disable it:
// Disable curly braces enforcement
curlyPlugin: false;
The JSON sorting plugin is enabled by default. You can disable it or configure it:
// Disable JSON sorting
jsonSortPlugin: false;
// Configure JSON sorting
jsonSortPlugin: {
jsonRecursiveSort: true;
// other plugin options...
You can pass any standard Prettier options directly:
import { prettierConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default prettierConfig({
// Enable Tailwind
tailwindPlugin: true,
// Standard Prettier options
printWidth: 100,
tabWidth: 2,
useTabs: false,
semi: true,
singleQuote: false,
trailingComma: "all",
bracketSpacing: true,
endOfLine: "lf",
Here's a complete example with both ESLint and Prettier configurations:
import { eslintConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default eslintConfig(
typescript: "tsconfig.eslint.json",
react: true,
jsdoc: { requireJsdoc: true },
functionStyle: "arrow",
name: "project-specific-rules",
rules: {
"no-console": ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }],
import { prettierConfig } from "js-style-kit";
export default prettierConfig({
tailwindPlugin: true,
cssOrderPlugin: true,
printWidth: 100,
singleQuote: true,