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Describe the solution you would like
PySCIPOpt solution from @CharJon
def branch_on_disjunction(model: scip.Model, coefficients, variables):
"""Branch on the sum of integer/binary variables.
Always creates both children and will error out
if branching would not cut off current solution!
As nodeselprio and childestimate for 'createChild'
are unknown, the node-selection-heuristic will be
quite random.
assert len(variables) > 0, f"Need at least one variable to branch on"
assert len(variables) == len(coefficients), f"Need as many coefficients as variables"
assert all(v.vtype() == 'BINARY' for v in variables), f"Binary only implemented"
current_values_sum = sum(v.getLPSol() for v in variables)
assert not model.isFeasIntegral(current_values_sum), f"Sum {current_values_sum} is not fractional"
floored_bound = math.floor(current_values_sum)
if len(variables) == 1:
elif floored_bound == 0:
# trick to allow better bound checking
child_1 = model.createChild(1, 0)
for cur_variable in variables:
model.chgVarUbNode(child_1, cur_variable, 0)
child_2 = model.createChild(1, 0)
model.addConsNode(child_2, scip.quicksum(c * v for c, v in zip(coefficients, variables)) >= 1)
elif floored_bound + 1 == len(variables):
# trick to allow better bound checking
child_1 = model.createChild(1, 0)
model.addConsNode(child_1, scip.quicksum(c * v for c, v in zip(coefficients, variables)) <= floored_bound)
child_2 = model.createChild(1, 0)
for cur_variable in variables:
model.chgVarLbNode(child_2, cur_variable, 1)
child_1 = model.createChild(1, 0)
model.addConsNode(child_1, scip.quicksum(c * v for c, v in zip(coefficients, variables)) <= floored_bound)
child_2 = model.createChild(1, 0)
model.addConsNode(child_2, scip.quicksum(c * v for c, v in zip(coefficients, variables)) >= floored_bound + 1)