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662 lines (506 loc) · 26.8 KB

File metadata and controls

662 lines (506 loc) · 26.8 KB

Changelog for DscResource.DocGenerator

The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.13.0] - 2025-02-28


  • Removed build.psd1 as it is no longer required to build the project.
  • Removed ClassAst functions
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty
    • Get-ClassAst
    • Get-ClassResourceAst


  • Added a devcontainer for development.
  • Added private function ConvertTo-WikiSidebarLinkName that converts a name to a format suitable for use as a Wiki sidebar link.
  • New tasks:
    • Prepare_Markdown_FileNames_For_GitHub_Publish - This task will prepare the markdown file names for publishing to the GitHub Wiki by replacing hyphens with spaces and converting Unicode hyphens to standard hyphens. It can be controlled by parameter ReplaceHyphen in the task, which defaults to $true.
    • Clean_WikiContent_For_GitHub_Publish - This task will remove the top level header from any markdown file where the top level header equals the filename. The task will convert standard hyphens to spaces and Unicode hyphens to standard hyphens before comparison. The task can be controlled by parameter RemoveTopLevelHeader in the task, which defaults to $true.
  • Added Helper functions as part of [#163] (#163).
    • Get-ClassPropertyCustomAttribute
    • Get-DscResourceAttributeProperty
    • Get-DscPropertyType
    • Test-ClassPropertyDscAttributeArgument


  • New-GitHubWikiSidebar
    • Replaces ASCII hyphens for the Wiki sidebar.
    • Replaces Unicode hyphens with standard hyphens for the Wiki sidebar.
  • Task Generate_Wiki_Content
    • Now calls Prepare_Markdown_FileNames_For_GitHub_Publish after the markdown files and external help file for command help has been generated.
    • Now calls Clean_WikiContent_For_GitHub_Publish as the last step to remove the top level header from any markdown file where the top level header equals the filename.
  • Task Generate_Markdown_For_Public_Commands
    • Verbose output of the markdown files that was created.
  • Task Generate_Markdown_For_DSC_Resources
    • Outputs a warning message if the old configuration key is used in the build configuration but keeps using the old configuration key.
  • New-DscClassResourcePage
    • Remove using Ast to generate documentation. Fixes #116.
    • Order properties correctly fixes #126.


  • Fix Dockerfile to include GitVersion alias for PowerShell Extension profile script.
  • Fix .vscode/settings.json file to exclude unrecognized words.
  • Fix pipeline issues on Windows PowerShell due to the issue PoshCode/ModuleBuilder#136.

[0.12.5] - 2024-08-14

  • Get-ClassResourceProperty
    • Check for a prefixed and non-prefixed class names issue #132.
  • azure-pipelines
    • Pin gitversion to V5.
  • Update README with the tasks that were not documented.
  • Generate_Wiki_Content
    • Change the order of the tasks to avoid getting and exception when source/WikiSource contain additional markdown files that are copied to output/WikiContent.

[0.12.4] - 2024-06-03


    • Now the task will skip if PlatyPS is not available. Generate_External_Help_File_For_Public_Commands
    • Now the task will skip if PlatyPS is not available.

[0.12.3] - 2024-06-01


    • Now the task will not try to generate markdown if the module does not have any publicly exported commands (issue #135).
    • Now has error handling if the script that is called using the call operator & fails. Generate_External_Help_File_For_Public_Commands
    • Now the task will not fail if there are no extern help file generated, which is the case for modules that does not have any publicly exported commands (issue #135).
    • Now has error handling if the script that is called using the call operator & fails.

[0.12.2] - 2024-05-31


  • Task Package_Wiki_Content - This task will compress generated documentation into a .zip archive.


  • Skipped failing tests on Linux due to libmi.
  • Task Generate_Wiki_Content converted to a metatask. Existing functionality split into smaller tasks. Fixes (Issue #135)

[0.12.1] - 2024-01-21


  • Remove-EscapedMarkdownCode
    • Add additional escape sequences to remove (issue #140).

[0.12.0] - 2024-01-21


  • Removed the public command Split-ModuleVersion since it is now available from the module Sampler.


  • Task Generate_Markdown_For_Public_Commands - This task will generate markdown documentation for the public commands in the built module.
  • Task Generate_External_Help_File_For_Public_Commands - This task will generate the modules help files to support Get-Help for public commands. This task is dependent on the task Generate_Markdown_For_Public_Commands to have been run prior.
  • Task Clean_Markdown_Of_Public_Commands which will edit the the command markdown documentation. For example it will remove the ProgressAction parameter that PlatyPS remove wrongly add (due to a bug).
  • Task Clean_Markdown_Metadata which will remove the markdown metadata block from the markdown documentation. The metadata block was used for other tasks to know what type of content the markdown file contained.
  • Task Generate_Wiki_Sidebar - This task will generate the GitHub Wiki Repository sidebar based on the files present in the built documentation folder (defaults to ./output/WikiOutput).
  • Public command Remove-MarkdownMetadataBlock that removes metadata from a Markdown file.
  • Public command New-GitHubWikiSidebar generate the GitHub Wiki Repository sidebar based on the files present in the built documentation folder (defaults to ./output/WikiOutput).
  • Private function Remove-ParameterFromMarkdown that removes a parameter from a commands markdown documentation.
  • Private function Remove-EscapedMarkdownCode that removes a escape sequences from the markdown documentation (that PlatyPS is making).
  • Public command Edit-CommandDocumentation that will modify the a generated command markdown documentation.
  • Public command Add-NewLine that can add line endings at the end of a file.


  • DscResource.DocGenerator
    • Updated pipeline files to support resolving dependencies using ModuleFast or PSResourceGet.
    • The built module is now removed from the session when initiating a new build. The build pipeline is dogfooding functionality and leaving a previous version imported in the session do not use new code.
  • Task Generate_Wiki_Content
    • Support passing metadata trough the build configuration file (build.yaml).
  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • A new parameter Metadata that takes a hashtable of metadata. See comment-based help for the format of the hashtable.
  • New-DscClassResourceWikiPage
    • A new parameter Metadata that takes a hashtable of metadata. See comment-based help for the format of the hashtable.
  • New-DscCompositeResourceWikiPage
    • A new parameter Metadata that takes a hashtable of metadata. See comment-based help for the format of the hashtable.
  • New-DscMofResourceWikiPage
    • A new parameter Metadata that takes a hashtable of metadata. See comment-based help for the format of the hashtable.


  • Get-CommentBasedHelp was fixed so it correctly filters out the comment-based help from a script file.
  • Remove-MarkdownMetadataBlock was fixed to only remove the metadata block at the top of the file.

[0.11.2] - 2023-01-03

  • Get-ClassResourceProperty
    • Regression tests for PR #123.
    • Now longer throws an exception if a parent class that isn't part of the module is being used. If a class's source file is not found the class is skipped (fixes issue #127).

[0.11.1] - 2022-08-09


  • Get-ClassResourceProperty
    • Now does a more limited wildcard search for the class script file (issue #122).
    • Regression tests.

[0.11.0] - 2022-05-10


  • Updated pipelines files to the latest in Sampler.
  • Fix missing verbose message in function Invoke-Git.
  • Fix variable reference for localized strings so they passed HQRM tests.
  • Fix statement so function passed HQRM tests.
  • Tasks now uses Set-SamplerTaskVariable from the module Sampler to set the common build task variables.
  • Updated task parameters ProjectName and SourcePath to reflect Sampler


  • Common task variables have not been set, fixed that.
  • Get-CompositeSchemaObject threw an error when a composite did not have comment based help, now returns $null.

[0.10.3] - 2022-01-26


  • When or files already exist in the wiki repo, the code did not override these files. Updated the code to generate these files when they do not exist in the 'WikiSource' folder (fixes issue #108).
  • When subfolders exist (only for images, not markdown) the Generate_Wiki_Content did not copy these files. Updated the code to copy the files recursively (fixes issue #109).


  • Moved to the build images windows-latest (fixes issue #112).

[0.10.2] - 2022-01-25


  • When there is an existing in the folder 'WikiSource' that is copied to the folder 'WikiContent', it will no longer be overwritten during publish (issue #105).
  • Fixed failing unit tests for the task Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content.
  • Rearranged and rephrased some text in the to increase clarity. Previously some documentation applied to a task, but should have applied to the command that the task called.

[0.10.1] - 2021-10-19


  • Uses latest version of DscResource.Common (fixes SqlServerDsc issue #85).
  • Switched to a new Linux build worker for the pipeline.
  • Switched to omi-1.6.8-1.ssl_110.ulinux.x64.deb for tests on new Linux image.


  • Correctly uses the correct default branch for Codecov.
  • New-DscMofResourceWikiPage
    • Removed unused mandatory parameter (issue #85).

[0.10.0] - 2021-08-05


  • Added private functions:
    • Out-GitResult - Displays Invoke-Git returned hashtable via Write-Verbose and Write-Debug localized messages. Fixes Issue 90
    • Hide-GitToken - Used to redact the token from the specified git command so that the command can be safely outputted in logs.


  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Restored to original structure.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Added -PassThru switch to return result hashtable and not throw regardless of ExitCode value when used.
    • Throws when ExitCode -ne 0 and -PassThru switch not used.
    • Calls Out-GitResult when using -Debug or -Verbose.

[0.9.1] - 2021-07-14


  • Added private functions:
    • Get-CompositeResourceSchemaPropertyContent - Returns markdown for composite resource properties returned by Get-CompositeSchemaObject.
    • New-DscCompositeResourceWikiPage - Returns the markdown content for a wiki page for a DSC composite resource.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • Added support for creating wiki pages for composite resources.

[0.9.0] - 2021-07-08


  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class resources.
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and New-DscClassResourceWikiPage.
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.
    • No longer write a new line to the end of string for the returned properties StandardOutput and StandardError.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task. Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
    • Added optional debug configuration option in build.yml.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
    • Output properties in return value if called with the Debug optional common parameter.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the temporary folder.
    • Fixed code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.
    • Fixed bug that prevented the repo to be cloned.

[0.8.3] - 2021-04-10


  • DscResource.DocGenerator
    • Adding uploading coverage to


  • DscResource.DocGenerator
    • Fixed formatting in the code through out.
    • Minor change in code comment.

[0.8.2] - 2021-03-19


  • Fixed the Tasks to support BuiltModuleDirectory and use new Sampler functions.

[0.8.1] - 2021-03-11


  • Updated tasks to use the Sampler functions Get-SamplerProjectName and Get-SamplerSourcePath.
  • Made Sampler a required Modules.
  • Updated the build.yaml & RequiredModules.psd1 to use Sampler.GitHubTasks for automation.

[0.8.0] - 2021-02-08


  • Added a new private function Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp to get comment-based help from a PowerShell script file.
  • Added a new private function Get-ClassResourcePropertyState to get named attribute argument (from the attribute [DscProperty()]) for a class-based resource parameter and return the corresponding name used by MOF-based resources.
  • Added a new private function Get-ResourceExampleAsMarkdown that helps to return examples as markdown, and to reduce code duplication.
  • Added a test helper module DscResource.DocGenerator.TestHelper.psm1 that contain helper functions for tests.
    • Added helper function Out-Diff that outputs two text strings in hex side-by-side (thanks to @johanringman for help with this one).


  • Split-ModuleVersion
    • This cmdlet is now exported as a public function because it is required by the build task Generate_Wiki_Content.
  • Generate_Wiki_Content
    • The Build task Generate_Wiki_Content was changed to call the cmdlet New-DscResourceWikiPage with the correct parameters to support generating documentation for class-based resource (issue #52).
  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • Now supports generating wiki documentation for class-based resources (issue #52).
    • BREAKING CHANGE: To support class-based resource the parameters were renamed to better recognize what path goes where.
    • Each values that are in a ValueMap of a MOF schema parameter, or in a ValidateSet() of a class-based resource parameter, will be outputted as markdown inline code.


  • Get-ResourceExampleAsText
    • Comment-based help was updated to reflect the correct parameters.
  • New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp
    • Fixed unit tests to support new private function Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp and use the test helper module DscResource.DocGenerator.TestHelper.psm1.
    • It no longer uses Recurse when looking for the module's PowerShell script files. It could potentially lead to that it found resources that are part of common modules in the Modules folder.
    • Made use of private functions to reduce duplicate code.
  • Get-DscResourceSchemaPropertyContent
    • Fixed the private function so that the description property no longer output an extra whitespace in some circumstances.

[0.7.4] - 2021-02-02


  • Conceptual help for MOF-based resource works again (broken in v0.7.3) (issue #55).

[0.7.3] - 2021-02-02


  • Support conceptual help for class-based resources (issue #51).


  • Renamed default branch to main (issue #49).

[0.7.2] - 2021-01-17


  • New-WikiFooter
    • Fixed Encoding, parameter value passed to Out-File to use ascii rather than [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII (issue #45).
  • New-WikiSidebar
    • Fixed Encoding, parameter value passed to Out-File to use ascii rather than [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII (issue #45).
  • Set-WikiModuleVersion
    • Fixed Encoding, parameter value passed to Out-File to use ascii rather than [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII (issue #45).
  • Fix the tests for the tasks that recently started failing. The tests tried to dot-source the task scripts but that is not possible because they need to be run within the scope of Invoke-Build. Instead a new test was added to make sure the task alias is pointing to an existing task script.

[0.7.1] - 2020-08-05


  • New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp
    • Fixed so the cmdlet is case-insensitive when it looks for the file in a resource source folder (issue #42).

[0.7.0] - 2020-07-08


  • The build task Generate_Conceptual_Help can now remove markdown code from the schema MOF parameter descriptions if markdown code is used to improve the Wiki documentation.

[0.6.1] - 2020-07-01


  • Update with the correct build task name; 'Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content'.
  • Fixed wiki generation to correctly describe embedded instances in parameters and made new section for each embedded instances with their parameters (issue #37).


  • The regular expression for minor-version-bump-message in the file GitVersion.yml was changed to only raise minor version when the commit message contain the word add, adds, minor, feature, or features.

[0.6.0] - 2020-06-22


  • Added cmdlet Publish-WikiContent that publishes the Wiki content generated by the cmdlet New-DscResourceWikiPage.
  • Added build task Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content that can publish content to a GitHub Wiki repository. This task runs the cmdlet Publish-WikiContent.
  • Added a markdown page to the folder source/WikiSource that will be published to the GitHub Wiki for each PR that is merged. The module version number will be updated prior to pushing to the Wiki. This is done by the the build task Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content.


  • The parameter WikiSourcePath was removed from the function Copy-WikiFolder.
  • The parameter WikiSourcePath was removed from the function Publish-WikiContent.
  • The parameter WikiSourceFolderName was removed from the build task Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content.
  • The function Publish-WikiContent will no longer call the function Set-WikiModuleVersion (it is now done by the task Generate_Wiki_Content).


  • Update the documentation style in the
  • The repository is using the latest version of the module ModuleBuilder.
  • The repository was pinned to use version 4.10.1 of the module Pester since this repository does not support Pester 5 tests yet.
  • Updated build.ps1 to be able to dogfood build tasks.
  • Moved the Wiki source logic from Publish-WikiContent to the build task Generate_Wiki_Content to align with the other tasks that creates a build artifact that should be deployed. Publish-WikiContent no longer changes the build artifact during publishing. The build task Generate_Wiki_Content now first generates documentation for any existing DSC resources. Secondly if the Wiki source folder (defaults to WikiSource) exists in the source folder then the content of that folder will be copied to the Wiki output folder (defaults to output/WikiOutput). If there is a markdown file called then any module version placeholders (#.#.#) will be replaced by the built module version.
  • The Set-WikiModuleVersion was made a public function to be able to use it in the build task Generate_Wiki_Content.


  • Fixed issue with New-DscResourceWikiPage where Test-Path was case sensitive on Linux machines and therefore didn't find some files.
  • Minor style and documentation updates to the build tasks Generate_Wiki_Content and Generate_Conceptual_Help.
  • Fixed example in comment-based help form cmdlet New-DscResourceWikiPage.
  • Fixed a problem in the build task Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content that made the Wiki output path to not shown correctly.

[0.5.1] - 2020-05-01


  • Added helper function Split-ModuleVersion that is required by the helper function Get-BuiltModuleVersion.


  • Replaced the helper function Get-ModuleVersion with the helper function Get-BuiltModuleVersion.

[0.5.0] - 2020-03-28


  • Fix missing documentation in the for the cmdlet New-DscResourceWikiPage and the build task Generate_Wiki_Content (issue #20).
  • The function Get-MofSchemaObject did not correctly create the temporary schema file depending on the formatting of the schema.

[0.4.0] - 2020-02-25


  • Added build tasks Generate_Wiki_Content (that runs the cmdlet New-DscResourceWikiPage). The build task is primarily meant to be run by the project Sampler's build.ps1. To make the task available for Invoke-Build in a repository that is based on Sampler add this module to required modules, and then in the build.yaml add the following.

        - 'Task.*'


  • Fixes the build task Generate_Conceptual_Help to use the correct module version folder name for the built module path (issue #17).
  • Fixes the build task Generate_Conceptual_Help to correctly evaluate the module version (issue #21).

[0.3.0] - 2020-02-11


  • Added build tasks Generate_Conceptual_Help (that runs the cmdlet New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp). The build task is primarily meant to be run by the project Sampler's build.ps1. To make the task available for Invoke-Build in a repository that is based on Sampler add this module to required modules, and then in the build.yaml add the following.

        - 'Task.*'


  • Fix the description in the

[0.2.0] - 2020-02-06


  • New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp
    • Add new parameter DestinationModulePath to be able to set the path to a built module (for example) (issue #9).


  • New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp
    • Fixed comment-based help for the parameter OutputPath (issue #8).

[0.1.1] - 2020-02-02


  • Add cmdlet New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp to generate conceptual help for DSC resources. This was moved from repo PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.


  • Fixed unit tests to work cross platform.
  • Fix status badges in
  • Fix the description in the