- 78eb833 [fixed] correctly accounting for aria-labelledby (resolves #99)
- f43b546 [fixed] Spelling error
- 26afd1e [fixed] correctly accounting for aria-labelledby (resolves #87)
- 0e6bb84 [added] includeSrcNode takes "asString" as option.
- 2f5f942 [added] warningPrefix option
- bdc24df [added] "picture" to the list of redundant words in img[alt]
- 598c8f8 [fixed] Label test should require a label for placeholder anchors (resolves #68) [fixed] Label assertion errors if label is a number (resolves #67)
- 4d1f885 [fixed] bug where placeholder links required a tabindex and an ARIA role (closes #62) [fixed] bug where elements with role=none required a label (closes #63) [fixed] bug where elements with aria-hidden required a label (closes #64) [added] test to ensure interactive elements hidden using aria-hidden are removed from the tab flow
- 66aea56 [added] docs for excluding tests to the README (resolves #60)
- 6f38fe8 [Added] Ability to exclude tests (resolves #57)
- 8f2a22a [fixed] bug where label assertion didn't account for the label being an image created by a custom component (resolves #52) [fixed] bug where label assertion wouldn't fail when none of the child Components have label text (resolves #53)
- 2c47c8d [fixed] issue where elements with the presentation role required a label. resolves #50
- 8c6a7ce [fixed] bug where the label assertion can return a false failure #48
- c4d52fc [fixed] Issue where label assertion returns a false negative when label is inside a child Component (fixes #44) [added] Tests to ensure anchors with a tabIndex but without an href require an ARIA button role (fixes #45) [added] selection and option to the list of interactive elements that require labels [removed] getFailures() method since all failures are now logged asynchronously
- 7c16747 Add filtering for different device types.
- 6475a4a Add a means of filtering failures on a per-component basis
- 9c0f970 Add Travis build status
- 34533d7 Drop React from peerDependency and rely on passing it in
- 803325d Mark all failing tags with an ID and include it in the message
- 3af4d51 Use Babel for prepublish
- 870237a Ensure elements with a tabIndex is set to 0 are considered interactive
- 069ab87 Add support for React 0.13. Switch from 6to5 to Babel
- e7d1373 Skip processing props that are null or undefined
- b6f1d81 Ensure buttons have onKeyDown event listeners that trigger a click event for Spacebar and Enter keys
- 3b7f988 [fixed] missing interactive tags
- 2d0c081 [added] ability to throw instead of warn
- 109bd94 [added] button role but no keydown handler