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Question: When adding an item to a list, Append or Prepend? #discuss #408




Very soon we're going to allow people to add items to list. #356 (included in #345)
So the question is: should an item be added to start of the list i.e. prepend?
or should it be tacked onto the end of the list i.e. append?

Currently the default behaviour is to prepend an item to the list such that the newest item is first:


IMO: this "makes sense" because as soon as the person has more than a handful of items,
they would have to scroll to find the latest one ... 💭

However this only makes sense in the world where we are building a "Todo List" ...
Which, we are not. The "Todo List" is just one of the features we are building.
I actually think it makes more sense for the item to be appended to the list
and for the interface to scroll to keep that latest item in the viewport.

I'm very keen to hear/read your thoughts on this ... 🙏 💭


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