diff --git a/dist/piezo.js b/dist/piezo.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f322887 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/piezo.js @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +var Ct=Object.defineProperty;var wt=(e,t)=>{for(var r in t)Ct(e,r,{get:t[r],enumerable:!0})};var C,k,$e=e=>(C=0,k=e,e=F(),k[C]?J():e||""),J=(e="Bad syntax",t=k.slice(0,C).split(` +`),r=t.pop())=>{let i=k.slice(C-108,C).split(` +`).pop(),l=k.slice(C,C+108).split(` +`).shift();throw EvalError(`${e} at ${t.length}:${r.length} \`${C>=108?"\u2026":""}${i}\u2503${l}\``,"font-weight: bold")},G=(e,t=C,r)=>{for(;r=e(k.charCodeAt(C));)C+=r;return k.slice(t,C)},ee=(e=1,t=C)=>(C+=e,k.slice(t,C)),F=(e=0,t)=>{let r,i,l,n;for(;(r=vt())&&(l=((n=Z[r])&&n(i,e))??(!i&&G($e.id)));)i=l;return t&&(r==t?C++:J()),i},vt=e=>{for(;(e=k.charCodeAt(C))<=32;)C++;return e},st=$e.id=e=>e>=48&&e<=57||e>=65&&e<=90||e>=97&&e<=122||e==36||e==95||e>=192&&e!=215&&e!=247,Z=[],D=(e,t=32,r,i=e.charCodeAt(0),l=e.length,n=Z[i],o=e.toUpperCase()!==e)=>Z[i]=(a,d,x,M=C)=>(x?e==x:(l<2||k.substr(C,l)==e)&&(x=e))&&dD(e,t,(i,l)=>i&&(l=F(t-(r?.5:0)))&&[e,i,l]),ie=(e,t,r)=>D(e,t,i=>r?i&&[e,i]:!i&&(i=F(t-.5))&&[e,i]),ye=(e,t,r)=>{D(e,t,(i,l)=>(l=F(t),i?.[0]!==e&&(i=[e,i]),l?.[0]===e?i.push(...l.slice(1)):i.push(l),i))},Me=(e,t)=>D(e[0],t,r=>!r&&[e,F(0,e.charCodeAt(1))]),qe=(e,t)=>D(e[0],t,r=>r&&[e[0],r,F(0,e.charCodeAt(1))]),Be=$e;var $="int",y="flt",Fe=Be;var bt=32,ut=39,at=34,pt=46,Rt=92;var pe=48,Pt=49,It=56,_t=57,Nt=65,Ot=70,kt=97,Ut=102,Tt=69,St=101,Lt=98,Mt=111,qt=120,Bt=58;var Ft=35;var zt=1,Ae=4,Dt=6,Ee=8,jt=8,ne=8.25,Gt=11,Ht=12,Kt=13,Qt=14,Xt=15,xt=16,Ce=17,te=18,oe=19,gt=20,ct=22,we=23,Yt=24,Y=26,ze=27,_e=28,Wt=Be.id=e=>st(e)||e===Ft,le=e=>e>=pe&&e<=_t,De=e=>{e&&J();let t,r=$,i,l;return t=G(n=>n===pe||n===qt||n===Mt||n===Lt),t==="0x"?t=parseInt(G(n=>le(n)||n>=kt&&n<=Ut||n>=Nt&&n<=Ot),16):t==="0o"?t=parseInt(G(n=>n>=pe&&n<=It),8):t==="0b"?t=parseInt(G(n=>n===Pt||n===pe),2):(t+=G(le),k.charCodeAt(C)===pt&&le(k.charCodeAt(C+1))&&(t+=ee()+G(le),r=y),(k.charCodeAt(C)===Tt||k.charCodeAt(C)===St)&&(t+=ee(2)+G(le)),t=+t,t!=t&&J(`Bad number ${t}`)),l=[r,t],(i=G(n=>!le(n)&&Wt(n)))&&l.push(i),le(k.charCodeAt(C))&&l.push(De()),l};Z[pt]=e=>!e&&De();for(let e=pe;e<=_t;e++)Z[e]=De;var Vt={n:` +`,r:"\r",t:" ",b:"\b",f:"\f",v:"\v"},mt=e=>(t,r,i="")=>{for(t&&J("Unexpected string"),ee();r=k.charCodeAt(C),r-e;)r===Rt?(ee(),r=ee(),i+=Vt[r]||r):i+=ee();return ee()||J("Bad string"),[,i]};Z[at]=mt(at);Z[ut]=mt(ut);qe("()",ze);qe("[]",ze);Me("()",ze);Me("[]",_e);ye(",",Dt,!0);ye(";",zt,!0);m("*",we);m("/",we);m("%",we);ie("*",Y);m("+",gt);m("-",gt);ie("+",Y);ie("-",Y);D("++",Y,e=>e?["++",e]:["+=",F(Y-1),[$,1]]);D("--",Y,e=>e?["--",e]:["-=",F(Y-1),[$,1]]);ie("~",Y);m("~",oe);m("|",Kt);m("&",Xt);m("^",Qt);m("||",Gt);m("&&",Ht);ie("!",Y);m("=",ne,!0);m("*=",ne,!0);m("/=",ne,!0);m("%=",ne,!0);m("+=",ne,!0);m("-=",ne,!0);m("~=",ne,!0);m("==",xt);m("!=",xt);m(">",Ce);m("<",Ce);m(">=",Ce);m("<=",Ce);m(">>",te);m("<<",te);m(">>>",te);m("<<<",te);m(">>=",te);m("<<=",te);m(">>>=",te);m("<<<=",te);m("**",Yt,!0);m("%%",we,!0);m("~<",oe);m("~/",oe);m("~*",oe);m("~//",oe);m("~**",oe);ye("|>",jt);D("..",ct,e=>["..",e,F(ct)]);D("./",_e,(e,t)=>!e&&(t=F(Ae),t?["./",t]:["./"]));D("../",_e,(e,t)=>!e&&(t=F(Ae),t?["../",t]:["../"]));D("/",_e,(e,t)=>!e&&(t=F(Ae),t?["/",t]:["/"]));ie("^",Ae);m("?",Ee,!0);D("?",Ee,(e,t,r)=>e&&(t=F(Ee-.5))&&G(i=>i===Bt)&&(r=F(Ee-.5),["?:",e,t,r]));D(";;",_e,(e,t)=>(G(r=>r>=bt),e||F(t)||[]));var se={};wt(se,{f32:()=>je,f64:()=>Ge,i16:()=>Jt,i32:()=>W,i64:()=>ve,i8:()=>Zt,uleb:()=>E});var E=(e,t=[])=>{typeof e=="string"&&(e=W.parse(e));let r=e&127;return e=e>>>7,e===0?(t.push(r),t):(t.push(r|128),E(e,t))};function W(e,t=[]){for(typeof e=="string"&&(e=W.parse(e));;){let r=Number(e&127);if(e>>=7,e===0&&!(r&64)||e===-1&&r&64){t.push(r);break}t.push(r|128)}return t}var Zt=W,Jt=W;W.parse=e=>parseInt(e.replaceAll("_",""));function ve(e,t=[]){for(typeof e=="string"&&(e=ve.parse(e));;){let r=Number(e&0x7Fn);if(e>>=7n,e===0n&&!(r&64)||e===-1n&&r&64){t.push(r);break}t.push(r|128)}return t}ve.parse=e=>(e=e.replaceAll("_",""),e=e[0]==="-"?-BigInt(e.slice(1)):BigInt(e),U.setBigInt64(0,e),e=U.getBigInt64(0));var U=new DataView(new BigInt64Array(1).buffer),er=2147483648,tr=2139095040;function je(e,t,r){return~(r=e.indexOf("nan:"))?(t=W.parse(e.slice(r+4)),t|=tr,e[0]==="-"&&(t|=er),U.setInt32(0,t)):(t=typeof e=="string"?je.parse(e):e,U.setFloat32(0,t)),[U.getUint8(3),U.getUint8(2),U.getUint8(1),U.getUint8(0)]}var rr=0x8000000000000000n,ir=0x7ff0000000000000n;function Ge(e,t,r){return~(r=e.indexOf("nan:"))?(t=ve.parse(e.slice(r+4)),t|=ir,e[0]==="-"&&(t|=rr),U.setBigInt64(0,t)):(t=typeof e=="string"?Ge.parse(e):e,U.setFloat64(0,t)),[U.getUint8(7),U.getUint8(6),U.getUint8(5),U.getUint8(4),U.getUint8(3),U.getUint8(2),U.getUint8(1),U.getUint8(0)]}je.parse=Ge.parse=e=>{if(e.includes("nan"))return e[0]==="-"?NaN:NaN;if(e.includes("inf"))return e[0]==="-"?-1/0:1/0;if(e=e.replaceAll("_",""),e.includes("0x")){let[t,r]=e.split(/p/i),[i,l]=t.split("."),n=i[0]==="-"?-1:1;return t=parseInt(i)*n+(l?parseInt(l,16)/16**l.length:0),n*(r?t*2**parseInt(r,10):t)}return parseFloat(e)};var 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xe=e=>{let t=0,r=[],i="",l=()=>i&&(r.push(i),i=""),n=()=>{for(let o,a;t1?r:r[0]};var ge=e=>{throw Error(e)};var Ye=e=>{typeof e=="string"&&(e=xe(e));let t={type:[],import:[],func:[],table:[],memory:[],global:[],export:[],start:[],elem:[],code:[],data:[]},r=[0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0];typeof e[0]=="string"&&e[0]!=="module"&&(e=[e]),e=e.map(n=>{if(n[2]?.[0]==="import"){let[o,a,d,...x]=n;return[...d,[o,a,...x]]}else if(n[1]?.[0]==="import"){let[o,a,...d]=n;return[...a,[o,...d]]}return n});let i=["type","import","table","memory","global","func","export","start","elem","data"],l=[];for(let n of i){let o=[];for(let a of e)a[0]===n?l.push(Xe[n](a,t)):o.push(a);e=o}for(let n of l)n?.();for(let n in t){let o=t[n];if(o.importc&&(o=o.slice(o.importc)),!o.length)continue;let a=dt[n],d=[];a!==8&&d.push(o.length);for(let x of o)d.push(...x);r.push(a,...E(d.length),...d)}return new Uint8Array(r)},Xe={type([,e,[t,...r]],i){t!=="func"&&ge(`Unknown type kind 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if(_>=252)g=[252,...E(_-=252)],_&2?g.push(0):g.push(...E(c.shift())),_&1||g.push(0),_=null;else if(!(_>=69))if(_>=40&&_<=62){let v=Qe(c);g=[Math.log2(v.align??Re[B]),...E(v.offset??0)]}else if(_>=65&&_<=68)g=se[B.split(".")[0]](c.shift());else if(_>=32&&_<=34)g=E(c[0]?.[0]==="$"?n[K=c.shift()]||r[K]:c.shift());else if(_==35||_==36)g=E(c[0]?.[0]==="$"?t.global[c.shift()]:c.shift());else if(_==16){let v=c.shift();g=E(K=v[0]==="$"?t.func[v]??ge("Unknown function `"+v+"`"):v)}else if(_==17){let v=c.shift()[1];v=v[0]==="$"?t.type[v]:v,g=E(v),g.push(0)}else if(_==63||_==64)g=[0];else if(_===2||_===3||_===4){if(i.push(_),_<4&&c[0]?.[0]==="$"&&(i[c.shift()]=i.length),c[0]?.[0]==="result"&&c[0].length<3){let[,v]=c.shift();g=[X[v]]}else if(c[0]?.[0]==="result"||c[0]?.[0]==="param"){let[v]=Ie(c,t);g=[v]}else g=[X.void];if(he)if(x.unshift("end"),_<4)for(;c.length;)x.unshift(c.pop());else c.length<3||(x.unshift(c.pop()),x[0][0]!=="else"?x.unshift("else"):x[0].length<2&&x.shift()),x.unshift(c.pop())}else if(_===5){if(he)for(;c.length;)x.unshift(c.pop())}else if(_===6)_=null;else if(_==11)i.pop();else if(_==12||_==13)g=E(c[0]?.[0]==="$"?i.length-i[c.shift()]:c.shift());else if(_==14){for(g=[];!Array.isArray(c[0]);)K=c.shift(),g.push(...E(K[0][0]==="$"?i.length-i[K]:K));g.unshift(...E(g.length-1))}else _<0&&ge(`Unknown instruction \`${B}\``);if(he)for(;c.length;)d(c,M);_&&M.push(_),g&&M.push(...g)};return()=>{let x=[];for(;e.length;)d(e,x);t.code.push([...E(x.length+2+a.length),...E(a.length>>1),...a,...x,11])}},memory([,...e],t){e[0][0]==="$"&&(t.memory[e.shift()]=t.memory.length),e[0][0]==="export"&&Xe.export([...e.shift(),["memory",t.memory.length]],t),t.memory.push(Ke(e))},global([,...e],t){let r=e[0][0]==="$"&&e.shift();r&&(t.global[r]=t.global.length);let[i,[...l]]=e,n=i[0]==="mut"?1:0;t.global.push([X[n?i[1]:i],n,...ue(l,t),11])},table([,...e],t){let r=e[0][0]==="$"&&e.shift();r&&(t.table[r]=t.table.length);let i=Ke(e);t.table.push([X[e.pop()],...i])},elem([,[...e],...t],r){r.elem.push([0,...ue(e,r),11,...E(t.length),...t.flatMap(l=>E(l[0]==="$"?r.func[l]:l))])},export([,e,[t,r]],i){r[0]==="$"&&(r=i[t][r]),i.export.push([...Pe(e),He[t],...E(r)])},import([,e,t,r],i){let l,[n,...o]=r,a=o[0]?.[0]==="$"&&o.shift();if(n==="func"){a&&(i.func[a]=i.func.length);let[d]=Ie(o,i);i.func.push(l=E(d)),i.func.importc=(i.func.importc||0)+1}else if(n==="memory")a&&(i.memory[a]=i.memory.length),l=Ke(o);else if(n==="global"){a&&(i.global[a]=i.global.length);let[d]=o,x=d[0]==="mut"?1:0;l=[X[x?d[1]:d],x],i.global.push(l),i.global.importc=(i.global.importc||0)+1}else throw Error("Unimplemented "+n);i.import.push([...Pe(e),...Pe(t),He[n],...l])},data([,...e],t){let 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r=[],i=[],l,n;for(;e[0]?.[0]==="param";){let[,...o]=e.shift();o[0]?.[0]==="$"&&(r[o.shift()]=r.length),r.push(...o.map(a=>X[a]))}return e[0]?.[0]==="result"&&(i=e.shift().slice(1).map(o=>X[o])),n=[X.func,...E(r.length),...r,...E(i.length),...i],l=t.type.findIndex(o=>o.every((a,d)=>a===n[d])),l<0&&(l=t.type.push(n)-1),[l,r,i]},Qe=e=>{let t={},r;for(;e[0]?.includes("=");)r=e.shift().split("="),t[r[0]]=Number(r[1]);return t};var We="",Ne=` +`;function Oe(e,t={}){return typeof e=="string"&&(e=xe(e)),{indent:We=" ",newline:Ne=` +`}=t,We||="",Ne||="",typeof e[0]=="string"?Ve(e):e.map(r=>Ve(r)).join(Ne)}var ht=["param","local","drop","f32.const","f64.const","i32.const","i64.const","local.get","global.get","memory.size","result","export","unreachable","nop"];function Ve(e,t=0){if(!Array.isArray(e))return e+"";let r=e[0];for(let i=1;i=32&&r<=126?t+=i:t+=`\\${r.toString(16).padStart(2,"0")}`}return t}var me,Et;function Ue(e){Et={units:me},me={};let t=u(e);return{units:me}=Et,t}function 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(f64.ne (local.get 0) (local.get 0)))","f64.pow":"(func $f64.pow(param f64 f64)(result f64)(local f64 i64 i64 i64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64)(local.set 2(f64.const 0x1p+0))(block(br_if 0(f64.eq(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x0p+0)))(local.set 3(i64.const 0))(block(br_if 0(i64.gt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 0))(i64.const -1)))(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.nearest(local.get 1))(local.get 1)))(local.set 3(i64.shl(i64.extend_i32_u(f64.ne(f64.nearest(local.tee 2(f64.mul(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x1p-1))))(local.get 2)))(i64.const 63)))(local.set 0(f64.neg(local.get 0))))(local.set 2(f64.const 0x1p+0))(block(br_if 0(f64.eq(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1p+0)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x0p+0)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const inf)(f64.const 0x0p+0)(i64.lt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 0))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.abs(local.get 0))(f64.const inf)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const 0x0p+0)(f64.const inf)(i64.lt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 0))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(i64.ge_s(local.tee 4(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 0)))(i64.const 0)))(local.set 2(f64.const nan))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.abs(local.get 1))(f64.const inf)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const inf)(f64.const 0x0p+0)(i32.eq(i32.wrap_i64(i64.shr_u(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 63)))(f64.lt(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1p+0)))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(i64.gt_u(local.get 4)(i64.const 4503599627370495)))(local.set 4(i64.sub(i64.shl(local.get 4)(local.tee 5(i64.add(i64.clz(local.get 4))(i64.const -11))))(i64.shl(local.get 5)(i64.const 52)))))(local.set 2(f64.const inf))(br_if 0(f64.gt(local.tee 1(f64.add(local.tee 10(f64.mul(local.tee 6(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const -4294967296))))(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 7(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(local.tee 11(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.tee 9(f64.div(local.tee 7(f64.add(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.sub(local.get 4)(i64.and(local.tee 5(i64.add(local.get 4)(i64.const -4604544271217802189)))(i64.const -4503599627370496))))(f64.const -0x1p+0)))(local.tee 8(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.const 0x1p+1))))))(i64.const -134217728))))(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 10(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.get 0)))(local.tee 8(f64.add(f64.mul(local.tee 7(f64.div(f64.sub(f64.sub(local.get 7)(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.tee 11(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 8))(i64.const -4294967296))))))(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1p+1)(local.get 11)))))(local.get 8)))(f64.add(local.get 9)(local.get 0)))(f64.mul(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.mul(local.get 9)(local.get 9)))(local.get 0))(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1.91a4911cbce5ap-3))(f64.const 0x1.97a897f8e6cap-3))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.d8a9d6a7940bp-3))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.1745bc213e72fp-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.5555557cccac1p-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.b6db6db6b8d5fp-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.3333333333385p-1))))))(f64.const 0x1.8p+1)))(i64.const -67108864))))))(local.tee 9(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 7)(local.get 0))(f64.mul(local.get 9)(f64.add(local.get 8)(f64.add(local.get 10)(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1.8p+1)(local.get 0)))))))))(i64.const -4294967296))))(f64.const 0x1.ec709dc4p-1)))(local.tee 9(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.const -0x1.7f00a2d80faabp-35))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 9)(f64.sub(local.get 11)(local.get 0)))(f64.const 0x1.ec709dc3a03fdp-1)))))(local.tee 8(f64.convert_i64_s(i64.shr_s(local.get 5)(i64.const 52))))))(i64.const -2097152))))))(local.tee 0(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.get 6))(local.get 0))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 9)(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.sub(local.get 8)(local.get 0))))(local.get 1))))))(f64.const 0x1p+10)))(local.set 9(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.get 10)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x1p+10)))(br_if 1(f64.lt(local.get 9)(local.get 0))))(local.set 2(f64.const 0x0p+0))(br_if 0(f64.lt(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.0ccp+10)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.0ccp+10)))(br_if 1(f64.gt(local.get 9)(local.get 0))))(local.set 4(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 8(f64.mul(local.tee 7(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.tee 2(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.tee 9(f64.nearest(local.get 1))))))(i64.const -4294967296))))(f64.const 0x1.62e42ffp-1)))(f64.add(local.tee 2(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.const -0x1.718432a1b0e26p-35))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 0)(f64.sub(local.get 10)(f64.add(local.get 9)(local.get 7))))(f64.const 0x1.62e42ffp-1))))(f64.div(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.add(local.get 8)(local.get 2)))(local.tee 2(f64.sub(local.get 0)(f64.mul(local.tee 2(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.get 0)))(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.const 0x1.63f2a09c94b4cp-25))(f64.const -0x1.bbd53273e8fb7p-20)))(f64.const 0x1.1566ab5c2ba0dp-14)))(f64.const -0x1.6c16c16c0ac3cp-9)))(f64.const 0x1.5555555555553p-3))))))(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1p+1)(local.get 2)))))(f64.const 0x1p+0))))(block(block(br_if 0(i32.eqz(f64.lt(f64.abs(local.get 9))(f64.const 0x1p+63))))(local.set 5(i64.trunc_f64_s(local.get 9)))(br 1))(local.set 5(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))(local.set 2(select(f64.mul(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.add(local.tee 4(i64.add(i64.shl(local.get 5)(i64.const 52))(local.get 4)))(i64.const 4593671619917905920)))(f64.const 0x1p-1020))(f64.reinterpret_i64(local.get 4))(f64.lt(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.fep+9)))))(local.set 2(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.or(local.get 3)(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 2))))))(local.get 2))","i32.modwrap":`(func $i32.modwrap (param i32 i32) (result i32) (local $rem i32) + (local.set $rem (i32.rem_s (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) + (if (result i32) (i32.and (local.get $rem) (i32.const 0x80000000)) + (then (i32.add (local.get 1) (local.get $rem))) + (else (local.get $rem) + ) + ))`,"f64.modwrap":`(func $f64.modwrap (param f64 f64) (result f64) (local $rem f64) + (local.set $rem (call $f64.rem (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) + (if (result f64) (f64.lt (local.get $rem) (f64.const 0)) + (then (f64.add (local.get 1) (local.get $rem))) + (else (local.get $rem)) + ) + )`,"f64.rem":`(func $f64.rem (param f64 f64) (result f64) + (f64.sub (local.get 0) (f64.mul (f64.floor (f64.div (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) (local.get 1))) + )`,malloc:`(func $malloc (param i32) (result i32) (local i32 i32) +(local.set 1 (global.get $__mem)) +(global.set $__mem (i32.add (global.get $__mem) (local.get 0))) +(local.set 2 (i32.shl (memory.size) (i32.const 16)) ) +(if (i32.ge_u (global.get $__mem) (local.get 2)) (then +(memory.grow (i32.add (i32.shr_u (i32.sub (global.get $__mem) (local.get 2))(i32.sub (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 1)) )(drop) +)) +(local.get 1) +)`,range:` + (func $range.dsc (param i32 f64 f64 f64) (result i32) + (loop + (if (f64.gt (local.get 1)(local.get 2)) + (then + (f64.store (local.get 0) (local.get 1)) + (local.set 0 (i32.add (local.get 0) (i32.const 8))) + (local.set 1 (f64.sub (local.get 1) (local.get 3))) + (br 1) + ) + ) + ) + (local.get 0) + )`,"arr.ref":`(func $arr.ref (param i32 i32) (result f64) +(f64.reinterpret_i64 (i64.or +(i64.reinterpret_f64 (f64.convert_i32_u (local.get 0))) +(i64.extend_i32_u (i32.and (i32.const 0x00ffffff) (local.get 1))))) +(return))`,"arr.adr":"(func $arr.adr (param f64) (result i32) (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (return))","arr.len":"(func $arr.len (param f64) (result i32) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.and (i64.const 0x0000000000ffffff) (i64.reinterpret_f64 (local.get 0)))))","arr.set":`(func $arr.set (param f64 i32 f64) (result f64) +(if (i32.lt_s (local.get 1) (i32.const 0)) (then (local.set 1 (call $i32.modwrap (local.get 1) (call $arr.len (local.get 0)))))) +(f64.store (i32.add (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (i32.shl (local.get 1) (i32.const 3))) (local.get 2)) +(local.get 0) +(return)) +`,"arr.tee":"(func $arr.tee (param f64 i32 f64) (result f64) (call $arr.set (local.get 0)(local.get 1)(local.get 2))(drop) (return (local.get 2)))","arr.get":`(func $arr.get (param f64 i32) (result f64) +(if (i32.lt_s (local.get 1) (i32.const 0)) (then (local.set 1 (call $i32.modwrap (local.get 1) (call $arr.len (local.get 0)))))) +(f64.load (i32.add (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (i32.shl (local.get 1) (i32.const 3)))) +)`,math:"(global pi f64 (f64.const 3.141592653589793))"},et=fr;var P={const:e=>f(`(i32.const ${e})`,"i32"),load:e=>f(`(i32.load ${e})`,"i32"),store:(e,t)=>f(`(i32.store ${e} ${t})`),add:(e,t)=>f(`(i32.add ${e} ${t})`,"i32"),sub:(e,t)=>f(`(i32.sub ${e} ${t})`,"i32"),eqz:e=>f(`(i32.eqz ${e})`,"i32")},H={const:e=>f(`(f64.const ${e})`,"f64"),load:e=>f(`(f64.load ${e})`,"f64"),store:(e,t)=>f(`(f64.store ${e} ${t})`),add:(e,t)=>f(`(f64.add ${e} ${t})`,"f64"),sub:(e,t)=>f(`(f64.sub ${e} ${t})`,"f64"),lt:(e,t)=>f(`(f64.lt ${e} ${t})`,"i32")};function tt(e,t,r){let i=t.type?`(result ${t.type.join(" ")})`:"";return f(`(if ${i} ${e} (then ${t}) ${r?`(else ${r})`:""})`,t.type)}function rt(e){return f(`(loop ${e})`)}function f(e="",t){return e=new String(e),t?typeof t=="string"&&(t=[t]):t=[],Object.assign(e,{type:t})}function I(e){return!S&&e[0]!=="_"||b[e]?(b[e]||={type:"f64"},f(`(global.get $${e})`,b[e].type)):h[e].static?f(`(global.get $${h[e].static})`,h[e].type):(h[e]||={type:"f64"},f(`(local.get $${e})`,h[e].type))}function z(e,t=""){return!S&&e[0]!=="_"||!Le&&b[e]?(b[e]||={type:t.type||"f64"},f(`(global.set $${e} ${t})`)):h[e].static?f(`(global.set $${h[e].static} ${t})`):(h[e]||={type:t.type||"f64"},f(`(local.set $${e} ${t})`))}function Te(e,t=""){return!S&&e[0]!=="_"||!Le&&b[e]?(b[e]||={type:t.type||"f64"},f(`(global.set $${e} ${t})(global.get $${e})`,t.type)):h[e].static?f(`(global.set $${h[e].static} ${t})(global.get $${h[e].static})`,h[e].type):(h[e]||={type:t.type||"f64"},f(`(local.tee $${e} ${t})`,t.type))}function N(e,...t){return T[e]||A(`Unknown function call '${e}'`),f(`(call $${e} ${t.join(" ")})`,T[e].type)}function R(e){et[e]||A("Unknown include `"+e+"`");let t=et[e],r=t.match(/\(result\s+([^\)]+)\)/i)?.[1].trim().split(/\s+/);T[e]||it(e,t,r)}function it(e,t,r){T[e]&&A(`Redefine func \`${e}\``),T[e]=new String(t),T[e].type=r}function lt(e,t){e.lengthe.type[l]!=i);if(r<0)return e;if(r>=e.type.length-1){e=p(e);for(let i=e.type.length;it.type.length&&A("Picking more members than available")}var nt=e=>e[0]===$||e[0]===y;var re,b,h,T,S,Le,ce,V,j,L,Q,q,de="%return%",At=2048,or=1024;function ft(e,t={}){typeof e=="string"&&(e=Fe(e)),e=Ue(e),console.log("compile",e);let r={imports:re,globals:b,locals:h,funcs:T,func:S,exports:ce,datas:V,mem:j,returns:L,defers:Q,depth:q};b={},h={},re=[],T={},ce={},L=null,Q=null,S=null,j=!1,q=0,V={};let i=s(e,!0).trim(),l="",n=e[0]===";"?e[e.length-1]:e;for(let o of ae(n))o.includes(":")||(ce[o]=b[o]||T[o]||A("Unknown export member `"+o+"'"));if(Object.keys(re).length){l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Imports +`;for(let o in re)l+=`(import "${re[o][0]}" "${re[o][1]}" ${re[o][2]}) +`;l+=` +`}j!==!1&&(l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Memory +`,t.memory&&(l+=`(import "imports" "memory" (memory ${Math.ceil(j/65536)} ${At})) +`),l+=`(memory (export "memory") ${Math.ceil(j/65536)} ${At}) +(global $__mem (mut i32) (i32.const ${j})) + +`);for(let o in V){l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Data +`;break}for(let o in V)l+=`(data (i32.const ${o}) "${V[o]}") +`;for(let o in V){l+=` +`;break}for(let o in b)if(!o.includes(":")){l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Globals +`;break}for(let o in b)b[o].import||(l+=`(global $${o} (mut ${b[o].type}) ${b[o].init||`(${b[o].type}.const 0)`}) +`);l+=` +`;for(let o in T){l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Functions +`;break}for(let o in T)l+=Ze(T[o])+` + +`;i&&(l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Init +`+Ze(`(func $module:start + ${Object.keys(h).map(o=>`(local $${o} ${h[o].type})`).join("")} + ${i} + (return))`)+` +(start $module:start) + +`);for(let o in ce){l+=`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Exports +`;break}for(let o in ce)l+=`(export "${o}" (${T[o]?"func":"global"} $${o})) +`;return console.groupCollapsed(),console.log(l),console.groupEnd(),{imports:re,globals:b,funcs:T,func:S,locals:h,exports:ce,datas:V,mem:j,returns:L,defers:Q,depth:q}=r,t?.target==="wasm"&&(l=Ye(l)),l}function s(e,t=!0){if(!e)return f();if(typeof e=="string")return h[e]||={type:"f64"},t?I(e):f();if(e.expr)return e.expr;if(e[0]in s)return e.expr=s[e[0]](e,t)||f();A(`Unknown operation ${e}`)}Object.assign(s,{[y]([,e],t){return t&&H.const(e)},[$]([,e],t){return t&&P.const(e)},'"'([,e],t){if(!t)return;V[j]=[...new TextEncoder().encode(e)];let r=N("arr.ref",j,e.length);return j+=e.length<<3,r},";"([,...e],t){let r=e.length-1,i=e.map((l,n)=>(Le=!n,s(l,n==r?t:!1)));return f(i.join(` +`),i[r]?.type)},","([,...e],t){let r=[];for(let i of e)r.push(s(i,t));return r=r.filter(Boolean),f(r.join(` +`),t&&r.flatMap(i=>i.type))},"("([,e,[,...t]],r){return T[e]||A("Unknown function call: "+e),r?N(e,t.map(i=>p(s(i)))):f(N(e,t.map(i=>p(s(i))))+"(drop)".repeat(!r&&T[e].type.length))},"[]"([,[,...e]],t){if(j||=0,!e.length)return t&&f(H.const(0),"f64");if(q++,function n(o){return o.every(a=>!a||typeof a[1]=="number"||a[0]==="["&&n(a.slice(1)))}(e)){let n=new Float64Array(e.map(a=>a?a[1]:0)),o=j;if(j+=n.length<<3,V[o]=yt(new Uint8Array(n.buffer)),q--,S){let a=`arr:${q}`;return h[a]={type:"i32"},R("malloc"),R("arr.ref"),f(z(a,N("malloc",P.const(n.length<<3)))+`(memory.copy ${I(a)} ${P.const(o)} ${P.const(n.length<<3)})`+N("arr.ref",I(a),P.const(n.length)),"f64")}else return R("arr.ref"),t&&N("arr.ref",P.const(o),P.const(n.length))}let r=`arr.start:${q}`,i=`arr.ptr:${q}`;h[r]={type:"i32"},h[i]={type:"i32"},R("malloc");let l=z(i,Te(r,N("malloc",P.const(or))));for(let n of e)if(n[0]===".."){let[,o,a]=n;if(a[1]===1/0&&A("Arrays cannot be constructed from right-open ranges"),o[1]===-1/0&&typeof a[1]=="number")a[1]<0&&A("Bad array range"),l+=z(i,P.add(I(i),P.const(a[1]<<3)));else{let d=`range.i:${q}`,x=`range.end:${q}`;h[d]=h[x]={type:"f64"},l+=z(d,p(s(o)))+z(x,p(s(a))),l+=rt(tt(H.lt(I(d),I(x)),H.store(I(i),I(d))+z(i,P.add(I(i),P.const(8)))+z(d,H.add(I(d),H.const(1)))+"(br 1)"))}}else n[0]==="|>"?l+=s(n):l+=H.store(P.sub(Te(i,P.add(I(i),P.const(8))),P.const(8)),p(s(n)));return R("malloc"),R("arr.ref"),l+=`(global.set $__mem ${I(i)})`,q--,t?f(l+N("arr.ref",`${I(r)} (i32.shr_u (i32.sub ${I(i)} ${I(r)}) ${P.const(3)}) +`),"f64",{buf:!0}):f(l)},"["([,e,t],r){return R("arr.len"),R("i32.modwrap"),r?t?typeof t[1]=="number"&&t[1]>=0?H.load(P.add(`(i32.trunc_f64_u ${s(e)})`,P.const(t[1]<<3))):(R("arr.get"),N("arr.get",s(e),O(s(t)))):N("arr.len",s(e)):f(s(e,!1)+s(t,!1))},"="([,e,t],r){if(e[0]==="["){let[,i,l]=e;return R("arr.len"),R("arr.set"),R("arr.tee"),R("i32.modwrap"),N("arr."+(r?"tee":"set"),s(i),O(s(l)),p(s(t)))}if(e[0]==="("){let[,i,[,...l]]=e,n=t,o=[],a="",d=[],x;S&&A("Declaring local function `"+i+"`: not allowed"),T[i]&&A("Redefining function `"+i+"`: not allowed");let M=h;S=i,h={},L=Object.assign([],{type:[]}),Q=[],l=l.map(c=>{let g,K;return typeof c=="string"?g=c:c[0]==="="?([,g,K]=c,o.push(["?",["!=",g,g],["=",g,K]])):c[0]==="~"?([,g,K]=c,o.push(["~=",g,c[2]])):A("Unknown function argument"),h[g]={arg:!0,type:"f64"},d.push(`(param $${g} f64)`),g}),t.splice(1,0,...o),n=s(t),lt(L.type,n.type);let B=n.type;for(let c of L)Q.length?c=f(`${Se(c,L.type)}(br $func)`,L.type):c=f(`(return ${Se(c,L.type)})`,L.type),n=n.replace(de,c);n=Se(f(n,B),L.type),L.type.length&&(a=`(result ${L.type.join(" ")})`),Q.length&&(n=f(`(block $func ${a} ${n})`,n.type));let _;return it(i,`(func $${i} ${d.join("")} ${a}`+Object.entries(h).filter(([c,g])=>!g.arg&&!g.static).map(([c,g])=>`(local $${c} ${g.type})`).join(" ")+(n?` +${n}`:"")+(Q.length?` +${Q.join(" ")}`:"")+")",n.type),h=M,S=L=Q=null,_}if(e[0]==="*"){if([,e]=e,h[e]||={static:`${S}.${e}`,type:"f64"},nt(t)){b[`${S}.${e}`]={type:"f64",init:p(s(t))};return}return b[`${S}.${e}`]={type:"f64",init:f("(f64.const nan)")},s(["?",["!=",e,e],["=",e,t]],r)}if(typeof e=="string"){if(b[e]?.func&&A(`Redefining function '${e}' is not allowed`),!S&&nt(t)){b[e]={type:"f64",init:p(s(t))};return}h[e]||={type:"f64"};let i=s(t);return(r?Te:z)(e,p(i))}A(`Unknown assignment left value \`${ke(e)}\``)},"|>"([,e,t],r){if(e[0]===".."){q++;let[,i,l]=e,n=s(i),o=s(l),a="_",d=`idx:${q}`,x=`end:${q}`,M=s(t,r);h[a]=h[d]=h[x]={type:"f64"};let B=`;; |>:${q} +`+z(d,p(s(i)))+z(x,p(s(l)))+rt(tt(H.lt(I(d),I(x)),z(a,I(d))+M+z(d,H.add(I(d),H.const(1)))+"(br 1)"));return q--,f(B)}else console.log(e,t),A("loop over list: unimplemented");return q--,f(str,"f64",{dynamic:!0})},"-"([,e,t],r){if(!t){let n=s(e,r);return r?(n.type.length>1&&A("Group negation: unimplemented"),n.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.sub (i32.const 0) ${n})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.neg ${n})`,"f64")):n}let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?((i.type.length>1||l.type.length>1)&&A("Group subtraction: unimplemented"),i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.sub ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.sub ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"f64")):f(i+l)},"+"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]=="i32"&&l.type[0]=="i32"?f(`(i32.add ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.add ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"f64"):f(i+l)},"*"([,e,t],r){if(!t)return h[e]||={static:`${S}.${e}`,type:"f64"},b[`${S}.${e}`]={type:"f64",init:f("(f64.const nan)")},s(e,r);let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?((i.type.length>1||l.type.length>1)&&A("Complex group multiplication is not supported"),f(`(f64.mul ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"f64")):f(i+l)},"/"([,e,t],r){if(!t){S||A("Global return");let n=s(e);return L.push(n),L.type?lt(L.type,n.type):L.type=[...n.type],f(de,n.type)}let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(f64.div ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"f64"):f(i+l)},"**"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?t[1]===.5?f(`(f64.sqrt ${p(i)})`,"f64"):(R("f64.pow"),N("f64.pow",p(i),p(l))):f(i+l)},"%"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?t[1]===1/0?i:(i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"&&f(`(i32.rem_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"),R("f64.rem"),N("f64.rem",p(i),p(l))):f(i+l)},"%%"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?(R("i32.modwrap"),N("i32.modwrap",i,l)):(R("f64.modwrap"),R("f64.rem"),N("f64.modwrap",p(i),p(l))):f(i+l)},"++"([,e],t){if(!t)return s(["=",e,["+",e,[$,1]]],!1);if(e[0]==="[")return s(["-",["=",e,["+",e,[$,1]]],[$,1]]);typeof e!="string"&&A("Invalid left hand-side expression in prefix operation");let r=s(e);return f(`${r}${z(e,s(["+",e,[$,1]]))}`,r.type[0])},"--"([,e],t){if(!t)return s(["=",e,["-",e,[$,1]]],!1);if(e[0]==="[")return s(["+",["=",e,["-",e,[$,1]]],[$,1]]);typeof e!="string"&&A("Invalid left hand-side expression in prefix operation");let r=s(e);return f(`${r}${z(e,s(["-",e,[$,1]]))}`,r.type[0])},"!"([,e],t){let r=s(e,t);return t?(r.type.length>1&&A("Group inversion: unimplemented"),r.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(if (result i32) (i32.eqz ${r}) (then (i32.const 1)) (else (i32.const 0)))`,"i32"):f(`(if (result i32) (f64.eq ${r} (f64.const 0)) (then (i32.const 1)) (else (i32.const 0)))`,"i32")):f(r)},"|"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?t[1]===0?O(i):f(`(i32.or ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"&"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.and ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"^"([,e,t],r){if(!t){let n=s(e,!1);Q||A("Bad defer"),Q.push(n);return}let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.xor ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"<<"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.shl ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},">>"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.shr_s ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"<<<"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.rotl ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},">>>"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?f(`(i32.rotr ${O(i)} ${O(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"<"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.lt_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.lt ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"<="([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.le_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.le ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},">"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.gt_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.gt ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},">="([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.ge_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.ge ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"=="([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.eq_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.eq ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"!="([,e,t],r){let i=s(e,r),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]==="i32"&&l.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(i32.ne_s ${i} ${l})`,"i32"):f(`(f64.ne ${p(i)} ${p(l)})`,"i32"):f(i+l)},"||"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]=="f64"?f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param f64) (result f64) (f64.ne (f64.const 0)) (then) (else (drop) ${p(l)}))`,"f64"):l.type[0]=="i32"?f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param i32) (result i32) (then) (else (drop) ${l}))`,"i32"):f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param i32) (result f64) (then (f64.convert_i32_s)) (else (drop) ${l}))`,"f64"):f(`(if ${i.type[0]=="i32"?i:`(f64.ne ${i} (f64.const 0))`} (else ${l}))`)},"&&"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e),l=s(t,r);return r?i.type[0]=="f64"?f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param f64) (result f64) (f64.ne (f64.const 0)) (then (drop) ${p(l)}))`,"f64"):l.type[0]=="i32"?f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param i32) (result i32) (then (drop) ${l}))`,"i32"):f(`${fe(2,i)}(if (param i32) (result f64) (then (drop) ${l})) (else (f64.convert_i32_s))`,"f64"):f(`(if ${i.type[0]=="i32"?i:`(f64.ne ${i} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${l}))`)},"?"([,e,t],r){let i=s(e),l=s(t,r);return i.type.length>1&&A("Group condition is not supported yet."),r?f(`(if (result ${l.type[0]}) ${i.type[0]=="i32"?i:`(f64.ne ${i} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${l.type[0]==="i32"?l:p(l)} ) (else (${l.type[0]}.const 0)))`,l.type):f(`(if ${i.type[0]=="i32"?i:`(f64.ne ${i} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${l}))`)},"?:"([,e,t,r],i){let l=s(e),n=s(t,i),o=s(r,i);return l.type.length>1&&A("Group condition is not supported yet."),n.type[0]==="i32"&&o.type[0]==="i32"?f(`(if ${i?"(result i32)":""} ${l.type[0]=="i32"?l:`(f64.ne ${l} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${n} ) (else ${o}))`,i?"i32":[]):f(`(if ${i?"(result f64)":""} ${l.type[0]=="i32"?l:`(f64.ne ${l} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${p(n)} ) (else ${p(o)}))`,i?"f64":[])},"~"([,e,t],r){if(!t)return r&&f(`(i32.xor (i32.const -1) ${O(s(e))})`,"i32");t[0]!==".."&&A("Non-range passed as right side of clamp operator");let[,i,l]=t,n=s(e),o=i&&s(i,r),a=l&&s(l,r);return r?l?i?n.type=="i32"&&o.type=="i32"&&a.type=="i32"?(R("i32.smax"),R("i32.smin"),N("i32.smax",N("i32.smin",n,a),o)):f(`(f64.max (f64.min ${p(n)} ${p(a)}) ${p(o)})`,"f64"):n.type[0]==="i32"&&a.type[0]==="i32"?(R("i32.smin"),N("i32.min",n,a)):f(`(f64.min ${p(n)} ${p(a)})`,"f64"):n.type[0]==="i32"&&o.type[0]==="i32"?(R("i32.smax"),N("i32.max",n,o)):f(`(f64.max ${p(n)} ${p(o)})`,"f64"):f(o+a)}});var Vr=ft;export{ft as compile,Vr as default,Fe as parse,Ue as precompile}; diff --git a/docs/todo.md b/docs/todo.md index 7672002..905dfc2 100644 --- a/docs/todo.md +++ b/docs/todo.md @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ * [x] remove op `info` * [x] unvoid `a ? b;` * [x] make `/`, `/a` as function return +* [ ] make all viznut bytebeats work (ints rotate) * [ ] make nan as null in fn arguments (`config(a,,b,c)`) * [ ] range iterator via pipe * [ ] convert all string instructions to builder calls diff --git a/examples/index.html b/examples/index.html index 50c716a..5dd2c78 100644 --- a/examples/index.html +++ b/examples/index.html @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@

async function init() { if (audioContext) return audioContext = new AudioContext(); - await audioContext.audioWorklet.addModule("processor.js"); + await audioContext.audioWorklet.addModule("./processor.js"); processor = new AudioWorkletNode( audioContext, "processor", diff --git a/examples/processor.js b/examples/processor.js index 6e219be..1a2f39b 100644 --- a/examples/processor.js +++ b/examples/processor.js @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -import piezo from '../piezo.js' -import watr from '../node_modules/watr/watr.js' +import piezo from '../dist/piezo.js' +// import watr from '../node_modules/watr/watr.js' +import watr from 'https://unpkg.com/watr' class MeloProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor { f() { return Math.random() * 2 - 1 } diff --git a/examples/tejeez-2011-09-18.z b/examples/tejeez-2011-09-18.z deleted file mode 100644 index 1aef172..0000000 --- a/examples/tejeez-2011-09-18.z +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -f()=( - *t=0;^t++; - t*(t>>8*((t>>15)|(t>>8))&(20|(t>>19)*5>>t|(t>>3))) -) diff --git a/examples/visy-2011-09-18.z b/examples/visy-2011-09-18.z deleted file mode 100644 index a98e5a7..0000000 --- a/examples/visy-2011-09-18.z +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -f()=( - *t=0; ^t++; - t*(t>>((t>>9)|(t>>8))&(63&(t>>4))) -); diff --git a/examples/viznut-2011-09-18.z b/examples/viznut-2011-09-18.z deleted file mode 100644 index af5d3b5..0000000 --- a/examples/viznut-2011-09-18.z +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -;; http://viznut.fi/demos/unix/bytebeat_formulas.txt - -f() = ( - *t=0; ^t++; - t * (((t>>12)|(t>>8))&(63&(t>>4))); -) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c408ddc..ec08ce2 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ "type": "module", "scripts": { "test": "node test", - "watch": "esbuild --bundle --watch ./index.js --outfile=./piezo.js --format=esm", - "build": "esbuild --bundle --minify ./index.js --outfile=./piezo.js --format=esm" + "watch": "esbuild --bundle --watch ./index.js --outfile=./dist/piezo.js --format=esm", + "build": "esbuild --bundle --minify ./index.js --outfile=./dist/piezo.js --format=esm" }, "repository": { "type": "git", diff --git a/piezo.js b/piezo.js deleted file mode 100644 index c0e114f..0000000 --- a/piezo.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2436 +0,0 @@ -var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; -var __export = (target, all) => { - for (var name in all) - __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); -}; - -// node_modules/subscript/src/const.js -var SPACE = 32; - -// node_modules/subscript/src/parse.js -var idx; -var cur; -var parse = (s) => (idx = 0, cur = s, s = expr(), cur[idx] ? err() : s || ""); -var err = (msg = "Bad syntax", lines = cur.slice(0, idx).split("\n"), last = lines.pop()) => { - let before = cur.slice(idx - 108, idx).split("\n").pop(); - let after = cur.slice(idx, idx + 108).split("\n").shift(); - throw EvalError(`${msg} at ${lines.length}:${last.length} \`${idx >= 108 ? "\u2026" : ""}${before}\u2503${after}\``, "font-weight: bold"); -}; -var next = (is, from = idx, l) => { - while (l = is(cur.charCodeAt(idx))) idx += l; - return cur.slice(from, idx); -}; -var skip = (n = 1, from = idx) => (idx += n, cur.slice(from, idx)); -var expr = (prec = 0, end) => { - let cc, token2, newNode, fn; - while ((cc = space()) && // till not end - // FIXME: extra work is happening here, when lookup bails out due to lower precedence - - // it makes extra `space` call for parent exprs on the same character to check precedence again - (newNode = ((fn = lookup[cc]) && fn(token2, prec)) ?? // if operator with higher precedence isn't found - (!token2 && next(parse.id)))) token2 = newNode; - if (end) cc == end ? idx++ : err(); - return token2; -}; -var space = (cc) => { - while ((cc = cur.charCodeAt(idx)) <= SPACE) idx++; - return cc; -}; -var id = parse.id = (c) => c >= 48 && c <= 57 || // 0..9 -c >= 65 && c <= 90 || // A...Z -c >= 97 && c <= 122 || // a...z -c == 36 || c == 95 || // $, _, -c >= 192 && c != 215 && c != 247; -var lookup = []; -var token = (op2, prec = SPACE, map, c = op2.charCodeAt(0), l = op2.length, prev2 = lookup[c], word = op2.toUpperCase() !== op2) => lookup[c] = (a, curPrec, curOp, from = idx) => (curOp ? op2 == curOp : (l < 2 || cur.substr(idx, l) == op2) && (curOp = op2)) && curPrec < prec && // matches precedence AFTER operator matched -!(word && parse.id(cur.charCodeAt(idx + l))) && // finished word, not part of bigger word -(idx += l, map(a) || (idx = from, !prev2 && err())) || prev2?.(a, curPrec, curOp); -var binary = (op2, prec, right = false) => token(op2, prec, (a, b) => a && (b = expr(prec - (right ? 0.5 : 0))) && [op2, a, b]); -var unary = (op2, prec, post) => token(op2, prec, (a) => post ? a && [op2, a] : !a && (a = expr(prec - 0.5)) && [op2, a]); -var nary = (op2, prec, skips) => { - token( - op2, - prec, - (a, b) => (b = expr(prec), a?.[0] !== op2 && (a = [op2, a]), // if beginning of sequence - init node - b?.[0] === op2 ? a.push(...b.slice(1)) : a.push(b), // comments can return same-token expr - a) - ); -}; -var group = (op2, prec) => token(op2[0], prec, (a) => !a && [op2, expr(0, op2.charCodeAt(1))]); -var access = (op2, prec) => token(op2[0], prec, (a) => a && [op2[0], a, expr(0, op2.charCodeAt(1))]); -var parse_default = parse; - -// src/parse.js -var INT = "int"; -var FLOAT = "flt"; -var parse_default2 = parse_default; -var SPACE2 = 32; -var QUOTE = 39; -var DQUOTE = 34; -var PERIOD = 46; -var BSLASH = 92; -var _0 = 48; -var _1 = 49; -var _8 = 56; -var _9 = 57; -var _A = 65; -var _F = 70; -var _a = 97; -var _f = 102; -var _E = 69; -var _e = 101; -var _b = 98; -var _o = 111; -var _x = 120; -var COLON = 58; -var HASH = 35; -var PREC_SEMI = 1; -var PREC_RETURN = 4; -var PREC_SEQ = 6; -var PREC_IF = 8; -var PREC_PIPE = 8; -var PREC_ASSIGN = 8.25; -var PREC_LOR = 11; -var PREC_LAND = 12; -var PREC_BOR = 13; -var PREC_XOR = 14; -var PREC_BAND = 15; -var PREC_EQ = 16; -var PREC_COMP = 17; -var PREC_SHIFT = 18; -var PREC_CLAMP = 19; -var PREC_ADD = 20; -var PREC_RANGE = 22; -var PREC_MULT = 23; -var PREC_POW = 24; -var PREC_UNARY = 26; -var PREC_CALL = 27; -var PREC_TOKEN = 28; -var isId = parse_default.id = (char) => id(char) || char === HASH; -var isNum = (c) => c >= _0 && c <= _9; -var num = (a) => { - if (a) err(); - let n, t = INT, unit, node; - n = next((c) => c === _0 || c === _x || c === _o || c === _b); - if (n === "0x") n = parseInt(next((c) => isNum(c) || c >= _a && c <= _f || c >= _A && c <= _F), 16); - else if (n === "0o") n = parseInt(next((c) => c >= _0 && c <= _8), 8); - else if (n === "0b") n = parseInt(next((c) => c === _1 || c === _0), 2); - else { - n += next(isNum); - if (cur.charCodeAt(idx) === PERIOD && isNum(cur.charCodeAt(idx + 1))) n += skip() + next(isNum), t = FLOAT; - if (cur.charCodeAt(idx) === _E || cur.charCodeAt(idx) === _e) n += skip(2) + next(isNum); - n = +n; - if (n != n) err(`Bad number ${n}`); - } - node = [t, n]; - if (unit = next((c) => !isNum(c) && isId(c))) node.push(unit); - if (isNum(cur.charCodeAt(idx))) node.push(num()); - return node; -}; -lookup[PERIOD] = (a) => !a && num(); -for (let i = _0; i <= _9; i++) lookup[i] = num; -var escape = { n: "\n", r: "\r", t: " ", b: "\b", f: "\f", v: "\v" }; -var string = (q) => (qc, c, str3 = "") => { - qc && err("Unexpected string"); - skip(); - while (c = cur.charCodeAt(idx), c - q) { - if (c === BSLASH) skip(), c = skip(), str3 += escape[c] || c; - else str3 += skip(); - } - skip() || err("Bad string"); - return [, str3]; -}; -lookup[DQUOTE] = string(DQUOTE); -lookup[QUOTE] = string(QUOTE); -access("()", PREC_CALL); -access("[]", PREC_CALL); -group("()", PREC_CALL); -group("[]", PREC_TOKEN); -nary(",", PREC_SEQ, true); -nary(";", PREC_SEMI, true); -binary("*", PREC_MULT); -binary("/", PREC_MULT); -binary("%", PREC_MULT); -unary("*", PREC_UNARY); -binary("+", PREC_ADD); -binary("-", PREC_ADD); -unary("+", PREC_UNARY); -unary("-", PREC_UNARY); -token("++", PREC_UNARY, (a) => a ? ["++", a] : ["+=", expr(PREC_UNARY - 1), [INT, 1]]); -token("--", PREC_UNARY, (a) => a ? ["--", a] : ["-=", expr(PREC_UNARY - 1), [INT, 1]]); -unary("~", PREC_UNARY); -binary("~", PREC_CLAMP); -binary("|", PREC_BOR); -binary("&", PREC_BAND); -binary("^", PREC_XOR); -binary("||", PREC_LOR); -binary("&&", PREC_LAND); -unary("!", PREC_UNARY); -binary("=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("*=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("/=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("%=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("+=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("-=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("~=", PREC_ASSIGN, true); -binary("==", PREC_EQ); -binary("!=", PREC_EQ); -binary(">", PREC_COMP); -binary("<", PREC_COMP); -binary(">=", PREC_COMP); -binary("<=", PREC_COMP); -binary(">>", PREC_SHIFT); -binary("<<", PREC_SHIFT); -binary(">>>", PREC_SHIFT); -binary("<<<", PREC_SHIFT); -binary(">>=", PREC_SHIFT); -binary("<<=", PREC_SHIFT); -binary(">>>=", PREC_SHIFT); -binary("<<<=", PREC_SHIFT); -binary("**", PREC_POW, true); -binary("%%", PREC_MULT, true); -binary("~<", PREC_CLAMP); -binary("~/", PREC_CLAMP); -binary("~*", PREC_CLAMP); -binary("~//", PREC_CLAMP); -binary("~**", PREC_CLAMP); -nary("|>", PREC_PIPE); -token("..", PREC_RANGE, (a) => ["..", a, expr(PREC_RANGE)]); -token("./", PREC_TOKEN, (a, b) => !a && (b = expr(PREC_RETURN), b ? ["./", b] : ["./"])); -token("../", PREC_TOKEN, (a, b) => !a && (b = expr(PREC_RETURN), b ? ["../", b] : ["../"])); -token("/", PREC_TOKEN, (a, b) => !a && (b = expr(PREC_RETURN), b ? ["/", b] : ["/"])); -unary("^", PREC_RETURN); -binary("?", PREC_IF, true); -token("?", PREC_IF, (a, b, c) => a && (b = expr(PREC_IF - 0.5)) && next((c2) => c2 === COLON) && (c = expr(PREC_IF - 0.5), ["?:", a, b, c])); -token(";;", PREC_TOKEN, (a, prec) => (next((c) => c >= SPACE2), a || expr(prec) || [])); - -// node_modules/watr/src/encode.js -var encode_exports = {}; -__export(encode_exports, { - f32: () => f32, - f64: () => f64, - i16: () => i16, - i32: () => i32, - i64: () => i64, - i8: () => i8, - uleb: () => uleb -}); -var uleb = (n, buffer = []) => { - if (typeof n === "string") n = i32.parse(n); - let byte = n & 127; - n = n >>> 7; - if (n === 0) { - buffer.push(byte); - return buffer; - } else { - buffer.push(byte | 128); - return uleb(n, buffer); - } -}; -function i32(n, buffer = []) { - if (typeof n === "string") n = i32.parse(n); - while (true) { - const byte = Number(n & 127); - n >>= 7; - if (n === 0 && (byte & 64) === 0 || n === -1 && (byte & 64) !== 0) { - buffer.push(byte); - break; - } - buffer.push(byte | 128); - } - return buffer; -} -var i8 = i32; -var i16 = i32; -i32.parse = (n) => parseInt(n.replaceAll("_", "")); -function i64(n, buffer = []) { - if (typeof n === "string") n = i64.parse(n); - while (true) { - const byte = Number(n & 0x7Fn); - n >>= 7n; - if (n === 0n && (byte & 64) === 0 || n === -1n && (byte & 64) !== 0) { - buffer.push(byte); - break; - } - buffer.push(byte | 128); - } - return buffer; -} -i64.parse = (n) => { - n = n.replaceAll("_", ""); - n = n[0] === "-" ? -BigInt(n.slice(1)) : BigInt(n); - byteView.setBigInt64(0, n); - return n = byteView.getBigInt64(0); -}; -var byteView = new DataView(new BigInt64Array(1).buffer); -var F32_SIGN = 2147483648; -var F32_NAN = 2139095040; -function f32(input, value, idx2) { - if (~(idx2 = input.indexOf("nan:"))) { - value = i32.parse(input.slice(idx2 + 4)); - value |= F32_NAN; - if (input[0] === "-") value |= F32_SIGN; - byteView.setInt32(0, value); - } else { - value = typeof input === "string" ? f32.parse(input) : input; - byteView.setFloat32(0, value); - } - return [ - byteView.getUint8(3), - byteView.getUint8(2), - byteView.getUint8(1), - byteView.getUint8(0) - ]; -} -var F64_SIGN = 0x8000000000000000n; -var F64_NAN = 0x7ff0000000000000n; -function f64(input, value, idx2) { - if (~(idx2 = input.indexOf("nan:"))) { - value = i64.parse(input.slice(idx2 + 4)); - value |= F64_NAN; - if (input[0] === "-") value |= F64_SIGN; - byteView.setBigInt64(0, value); - } else { - value = typeof input === "string" ? f64.parse(input) : input; - byteView.setFloat64(0, value); - } - return [ - byteView.getUint8(7), - byteView.getUint8(6), - byteView.getUint8(5), - byteView.getUint8(4), - byteView.getUint8(3), - byteView.getUint8(2), - byteView.getUint8(1), - byteView.getUint8(0) - ]; -} -f32.parse = f64.parse = (input) => { - if (input.includes("nan")) return input[0] === "-" ? NaN : NaN; - if (input.includes("inf")) return input[0] === "-" ? -Infinity : Infinity; - input = input.replaceAll("_", ""); - if (input.includes("0x")) { - let [sig, exp] = input.split(/p/i), [dec, fract] = sig.split("."), sign = dec[0] === "-" ? -1 : 1; - sig = parseInt(dec) * sign + (fract ? parseInt(fract, 16) / 16 ** fract.length : 0); - return sign * (exp ? sig * 2 ** parseInt(exp, 10) : sig); - } - return parseFloat(input); -}; - -// node_modules/watr/src/const.js -var OP = [ - "unreachable", - "nop", - "block", - "loop", - "if", - "else", - "then", - , - , - , - , - "end", - "br", - "br_if", - "br_table", - "return", - "call", - "call_indirect", - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - "drop", - "select", - , - , - , - , - "local.get", - "local.set", - "local.tee", - "global.get", - "global.set", - , - , - , - "i32.load", - "i64.load", - "f32.load", - "f64.load", - "i32.load8_s", - "i32.load8_u", - "i32.load16_s", - "i32.load16_u", - "i64.load8_s", - "i64.load8_u", - "i64.load16_s", - "i64.load16_u", - "i64.load32_s", - "i64.load32_u", - "i32.store", - "i64.store", - "f32.store", - "f64.store", - "i32.store8", - "i32.store16", - "i64.store8", - "i64.store16", - "i64.store32", - "memory.size", - "memory.grow", - "i32.const", - "i64.const", - "f32.const", - "f64.const", - "i32.eqz", - "i32.eq", - "i32.ne", - "i32.lt_s", - "i32.lt_u", - "i32.gt_s", - "i32.gt_u", - "i32.le_s", - "i32.le_u", - "i32.ge_s", - "i32.ge_u", - "i64.eqz", - "i64.eq", - "i64.ne", - "i64.lt_s", - "i64.lt_u", - "i64.gt_s", - "i64.gt_u", - "i64.le_s", - "i64.le_u", - "i64.ge_s", - "i64.ge_u", - "f32.eq", - "f32.ne", - "f32.lt", - "f32.gt", - "f32.le", - "f32.ge", - "f64.eq", - "f64.ne", - "f64.lt", - "f64.gt", - "f64.le", - "f64.ge", - "i32.clz", - "i32.ctz", - "i32.popcnt", - "i32.add", - "i32.sub", - "i32.mul", - "i32.div_s", - "i32.div_u", - "i32.rem_s", - "i32.rem_u", - "i32.and", - "i32.or", - "i32.xor", - "i32.shl", - "i32.shr_s", - "i32.shr_u", - "i32.rotl", - "i32.rotr", - "i64.clz", - "i64.ctz", - "i64.popcnt", - "i64.add", - "i64.sub", - "i64.mul", - "i64.div_s", - "i64.div_u", - "i64.rem_s", - "i64.rem_u", - "i64.and", - "i64.or", - "i64.xor", - "i64.shl", - "i64.shr_s", - "i64.shr_u", - "i64.rotl", - "i64.rotr", - "f32.abs", - "f32.neg", - "f32.ceil", - "f32.floor", - "f32.trunc", - "f32.nearest", - "f32.sqrt", - "f32.add", - "f32.sub", - "f32.mul", - "f32.div", - "f32.min", - "f32.max", - "f32.copysign", - "f64.abs", - "f64.neg", - "f64.ceil", - "f64.floor", - "f64.trunc", - "f64.nearest", - "f64.sqrt", - "f64.add", - "f64.sub", - "f64.mul", - "f64.div", - "f64.min", - "f64.max", - "f64.copysign", - "i32.wrap_i64", - "i32.trunc_f32_s", - "i32.trunc_f32_u", - "i32.trunc_f64_s", - "i32.trunc_f64_u", - "i64.extend_i32_s", - "i64.extend_i32_u", - "i64.trunc_f32_s", - "i64.trunc_f32_u", - "i64.trunc_f64_s", - "i64.trunc_f64_u", - "f32.convert_i32_s", - "f32.convert_i32_u", - "f32.convert_i64_s", - "f32.convert_i64_u", - "f32.demote_f64", - "f64.convert_i32_s", - "f64.convert_i32_u", - "f64.convert_i64_s", - "f64.convert_i64_u", - "f64.promote_f32", - "i32.reinterpret_f32", - "i64.reinterpret_f64", - "f32.reinterpret_i32", - "f64.reinterpret_i64", - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - "memory.init", - "data.drop", - "memory.copy", - "memory.fill", - "table.init", - "elem.drop", - "table.copy", - , - // ref: https://github.com/WebAssembly/simd/blob/master/proposals/simd/BinarySIMD.md - "v128.load", - "v128.load8x8_s", - "v128.load8x8_u", - "v128.load16x4_s", - "v128.load16x4_u", - "v128.load32x2_s", - "v128.load32x2_u", - "v128.load8_splat", - "v128.load16_splat", - "v128.load32_splat", - "v128.load64_splat", - "v128.store", - "v128.const", - "i8x16.shuffle", - "i8x16.swizzle", - "i8x16.splat", - "i16x8.splat", - "i32x4.splat", - "i64x2.splat", - "f32x4.splat", - "f64x2.splat", - "i8x16.extract_lane_s", - "i8x16.extract_lane_u", - "i8x16.replace_lane", - "i16x8.extract_lane_s", - "i16x8.extract_lane_u", - "i16x8.replace_lane", - "i32x4.extract_lane", - "i32x4.replace_lane", - "i64x2.extract_lane", - "i64x2.replace_lane", - "f32x4.extract_lane", - "f32x4.replace_lane", - "f64x2.extract_lane", - "f64x2.replace_lane", - "i8x16.eq", - "i8x16.ne", - "i8x16.lt_s", - "i8x16.lt_u", - "i8x16.gt_s", - "i8x16.gt_u", - "i8x16.le_s", - "i8x16.le_u", - "i8x16.ge_s", - "i8x16.ge_u", - "i16x8.eq", - "i16x8.ne", - "i16x8.lt_s", - "i16x8.lt_u", - "i16x8.gt_s", - "i16x8.gt_u", - "i16x8.le_s", - "i16x8.le_u", - "i16x8.ge_s", - "i16x8.ge_u", - "i32x4.eq", - "i32x4.ne", - "i32x4.lt_s", - "i32x4.lt_u", - "i32x4.gt_s", - "i32x4.gt_u", - "i32x4.le_s", - "i32x4.le_u", - "i32x4.ge_s", - "i32x4.ge_u", - "f32x4.eq", - "f32x4.ne", - "f32x4.lt", - "f32x4.gt", - "f32x4.le", - "f32x4.ge", - "f64x2.eq", - "f64x2.ne", - "f64x2.lt", - "f64x2.gt", - "f64x2.le", - "f64x2.ge", - "v128.not", - "v128.and", - "v128.andnot", - "v128.or", - "v128.xor", - "v128.bitselect", - "v128.any_true", - "v128.load8_lane", - "v128.load16_lane", - "v128.load32_lane", - "v128.load64_lane", - "v128.store8_lane", - "v128.store16_lane", - "v128.store32_lane", - "v128.store64_lane", - "v128.load32_zero", - "v128.load64_zero", - "f32x4.demote_f64x2_zero", - "f64x2.promote_low_f32x4", - "i8x16.abs", - "i8x16.neg", - "i8x16.popcnt", - "i8x16.all_true", - "i8x16.bitmask", - "i8x16.narrow_i16x8_s", - "i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u", - "f32x4.ceil", - "f32x4.floor", - "f32x4.trunc", - "f32x4.nearest", - "i8x16.shl", - "i8x16.shr_s", - "i8x16.shr_u", - "i8x16.add", - "i8x16.add_sat_s", - "i8x16.add_sat_u", - "i8x16.sub", - "i8x16.sub_sat_s", - "i8x16.sub_sat_u", - "f64x2.ceil", - "f64x2.floor", - "i8x16.min_s", - "i8x16.min_u", - "i8x16.max_s", - "i8x16.max_u", - "f64x2.trunc", - "i8x16.avgr_u", - "i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s", - "i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u", - "i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s", - "i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u", - "i16x8.abs", - "i16x8.neg", - "i16x8.q15mulr_sat_s", - "i16x8.all_true", - "i16x8.bitmask", - "i16x8.narrow_i32x4_s", - "i16x8.narrow_i32x4_u", - "i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_s", - "i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_s", - "i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_u", - "i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_u", - "i16x8.shl", - "i16x8.shr_s", - "i16x8.shr_u", - "i16x8.add", - "i16x8.add_sat_s", - "i16x8.add_sat_u", - "i16x8.sub", - "i16x8.sub_sat_s", - "i16x8.sub_sat_u", - "f64x2.nearest", - "i16x8.mul", - "i16x8.min_s", - "i16x8.min_u", - "i16x8.max_s", - "i16x8.max_u", - , - "i16x8.avgr_u", - "i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_s", - "i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_s", - "i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_u", - "i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_u", - "i32x4.abs", - "i32x4.neg", - , - "i32x4.all_true", - "i32x4.bitmask", - , - , - "i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_s", - "i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_s", - "i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_u", - "i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_u", - "i32x4.shl", - "i32x4.shr_s", - "i32x4.shr_u", - "i32x4.add", - , - , - "i32x4.sub", - , - , - , - "i32x4.mul", - "i32x4.min_s", - "i32x4.min_u", - "i32x4.max_s", - "i32x4.max_u", - "i32x4.dot_i16x8_s", - , - "i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_s", - "i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_s", - "i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_u", - "i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_u", - "i64x2.abs", - "i64x2.neg", - , - "i64x2.all_true", - "i64x2.bitmask", - , - , - "i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_s", - "i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_s", - "i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_u", - "i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_u", - "i64x2.shl", - "i64x2.shr_s", - "i64x2.shr_u", - "i64x2.add", - , - , - "i64x2.sub", - , - , - , - "i64x2.mul", - "i64x2.eq", - "i64x2.ne", - "i64x2.lt_s", - "i64x2.gt_s", - "i64x2.le_s", - "i64x2.ge_s", - "i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_s", - "i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_s", - "i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_u", - "i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_u", - "f32x4.abs", - "f32x4.neg", - , - "f32x4.sqrt", - "f32x4.add", - "f32x4.sub", - "f32x4.mul", - "f32x4.div", - "f32x4.min", - "f32x4.max", - "f32x4.pmin", - "f32x4.pmax", - "f64x2.abs", - "f64x2.neg", - , - "f64x2.sqrt", - "f64x2.add", - "f64x2.sub", - "f64x2.mul", - "f64x2.div", - "f64x2.min", - "f64x2.max", - "f64x2.pmin", - "f64x2.pmax", - "i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_s", - "i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_u", - "f32x4.convert_i32x4_s", - "f32x4.convert_i32x4_u", - "i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero", - "i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero", - "f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_s", - "f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_u" -]; -var SECTION = { type: 1, import: 2, func: 3, table: 4, memory: 5, global: 6, export: 7, start: 8, elem: 9, code: 10, data: 11 }; -var TYPE = { i32: 127, i64: 126, f32: 125, f64: 124, void: 64, func: 96, funcref: 112, v128: 123 }; -var KIND = { func: 0, table: 1, memory: 2, global: 3 }; -var ALIGN = { - "i32.load": 4, - "i64.load": 8, - "f32.load": 4, - "f64.load": 8, - "i32.load8_s": 1, - "i32.load8_u": 1, - "i32.load16_s": 2, - "i32.load16_u": 2, - "i64.load8_s": 1, - "i64.load8_u": 1, - "i64.load16_s": 2, - "i64.load16_u": 2, - "i64.load32_s": 4, - "i64.load32_u": 4, - "i32.store": 4, - "i64.store": 8, - "f32.store": 4, - "f64.store": 8, - "i32.store8": 1, - "i32.store16": 2, - "i64.store8": 1, - "i64.store16": 2, - "i64.store32": 4, - "v128.load": 16, - "v128.load8x8_s": 8, - "v128.load8x8_u": 8, - "v128.load16x4_s": 8, - "v128.load16x4_u": 8, - "v128.load32x2_s": 8, - "v128.load32x2_u": 8, - "v128.load8_splat": 1, - "v128.load16_splat": 2, - "v128.load32_splat": 4, - "v128.load64_splat": 8, - "v128.store": 16, - "v128.load": 16, - "v128.load8_lane": 1, - "v128.load16_lane": 2, - "v128.load32_lane": 4, - "v128.load64_lane": 8, - "v128.store8_lane": 1, - "v128.store16_lane": 2, - "v128.store32_lane": 4, - "v128.store64_lane": 8, - "v128.load32_zero": 4, - "v128.load64_zero": 8 -}; - -// node_modules/watr/src/parse.js -var OPAREN = 40; -var CPAREN = 41; -var SPACE3 = 32; -var DQUOTE2 = 34; -var SEMIC = 59; -var parse_default3 = (str3) => { - let i = 0, level = [], buf = ""; - const commit = () => buf && (level.push(buf), buf = ""); - const parseLevel = () => { - for (let c, root; i < str3.length; ) { - c = str3.charCodeAt(i); - if (c === DQUOTE2) commit(), buf = str3.slice(i++, i = str3.indexOf('"', i) + 1), commit(); - else if (c === OPAREN) { - if (str3.charCodeAt(i + 1) === SEMIC) i = str3.indexOf(";)", i) + 2; - else commit(), i++, (root = level).push(level = []), parseLevel(), level = root; - } else if (c === SEMIC) i = str3.indexOf("\n", i) + 1 || str3.length; - else if (c <= SPACE3) commit(), i++; - else if (c === CPAREN) return commit(), i++; - else buf += str3[i++]; - } - commit(); - }; - parseLevel(); - return level.length > 1 ? level : level[0]; -}; - -// node_modules/watr/src/util.js -var err2 = (text) => { - throw Error(text); -}; - -// node_modules/watr/src/compile.js -var compile_default = (nodes) => { - if (typeof nodes === "string") nodes = parse_default3(nodes); - let sections = { - type: [], - import: [], - func: [], - table: [], - memory: [], - global: [], - export: [], - start: [], - elem: [], - code: [], - data: [] - }, binary2 = [ - 0, - 97, - 115, - 109, - // magic - 1, - 0, - 0, - 0 - // version - ]; - if (typeof nodes[0] === "string" && nodes[0] !== "module") nodes = [nodes]; - nodes = nodes.map((node) => { - if (node[2]?.[0] === "import") { - let [kind, name, imp, ...args] = node; - return [...imp, [kind, name, ...args]]; - } else if (node[1]?.[0] === "import") { - let [kind, imp, ...args] = node; - return [...imp, [kind, ...args]]; - } - return node; - }); - let order = ["type", "import", "table", "memory", "global", "func", "export", "start", "elem", "data"], postcall = []; - for (let name of order) { - let remaining = []; - for (let node of nodes) { - node[0] === name ? postcall.push(build[name](node, sections)) : remaining.push(node); - } - nodes = remaining; - } - for (let cb of postcall) cb?.(); - for (let name in sections) { - let items = sections[name]; - if (items.importc) items = items.slice(items.importc); - if (!items.length) continue; - let sectionCode = SECTION[name], bytes = []; - if (sectionCode !== 8) bytes.push(items.length); - for (let item of items) bytes.push(...item); - binary2.push(sectionCode, ...uleb(bytes.length), ...bytes); - } - return new Uint8Array(binary2); -}; -var build = { - // (type $name? (func (param $x i32) (param i64 i32) (result i32 i64))) - // signature part is identical to function - // FIXME: handle non-function types - type([, typeName, [kind, ...sig]], ctx) { - if (kind !== "func") err2(`Unknown type kind '${kind}'`); - const [idx2] = consumeType(sig, ctx); - if (typeName) ctx.type[typeName] = idx2; - }, - // (func $name? ...params result ...body) - func([, ...body], ctx) { - let locals2 = [], blocks = []; - if (body[0]?.[0] === "$") ctx.func[body.shift()] = ctx.func.length; - if (body[0]?.[0] === "export") build.export([...body.shift(), ["func", ctx.func.length]], ctx); - let [typeIdx, params, result] = consumeType(body, ctx); - ctx.func.push([typeIdx]); - while (body[0]?.[0] === "local") { - let [, ...types] = body.shift(), name; - if (types[0][0] === "$") - params[name = types.shift()] ? err2("Ambiguous name " + name) : locals2[name] = params.length + locals2.length; - locals2.push(...types.map((t) => TYPE[t])); - } - let locTypes = locals2.reduce((a, type2) => (type2 == a[a.length - 1] ? a[a.length - 2]++ : a.push(1, type2), a), []); - const consume = (nodes, out = []) => { - if (!nodes?.length) return out; - let op2 = nodes.shift(), opCode, args = nodes, immed, id2, group2; - if (group2 = Array.isArray(op2)) { - args = [...op2]; - opCode = OP.indexOf(op2 = args.shift()); - } else opCode = OP.indexOf(op2); - if (opCode >= 268) { - opCode -= 268; - immed = [253, ...uleb(opCode)]; - if (opCode <= 11) { - const o = consumeParams(args); - immed.push(Math.log2(o.align ?? ALIGN[op2]), ...uleb(o.offset ?? 0)); - } else if (opCode >= 84 && opCode <= 93) { - const o = consumeParams(args); - immed.push(Math.log2(o.align ?? ALIGN[op2]), ...uleb(o.offset ?? 0)); - if (opCode <= 91) immed.push(...uleb(args.shift())); - } else if (opCode === 13) { - for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) immed.push(i32.parse(args.shift())); - } else if (opCode === 12) { - args.unshift(op2); - immed = consumeConst(args, ctx); - } else if (opCode >= 21 && opCode <= 34) { - immed.push(...uleb(args.shift())); - } - opCode = null; - } else if (opCode >= 252) { - immed = [252, ...uleb(opCode -= 252)]; - if (!(opCode & 2)) immed.push(...uleb(args.shift())); - else immed.push(0); - if (!(opCode & 1)) immed.push(0); - opCode = null; - } else if (opCode >= 69) { - } else if (opCode >= 40 && opCode <= 62) { - let o = consumeParams(args); - immed = [Math.log2(o.align ?? ALIGN[op2]), ...uleb(o.offset ?? 0)]; - } else if (opCode >= 65 && opCode <= 68) { - immed = encode_exports[op2.split(".")[0]](args.shift()); - } else if (opCode >= 32 && opCode <= 34) { - immed = uleb(args[0]?.[0] === "$" ? params[id2 = args.shift()] || locals2[id2] : args.shift()); - } else if (opCode == 35 || opCode == 36) { - immed = uleb(args[0]?.[0] === "$" ? ctx.global[args.shift()] : args.shift()); - } else if (opCode == 16) { - let fnName = args.shift(); - immed = uleb(id2 = fnName[0] === "$" ? ctx.func[fnName] ?? err2("Unknown function `" + fnName + "`") : fnName); - } else if (opCode == 17) { - let typeId = args.shift()[1]; - typeId = typeId[0] === "$" ? ctx.type[typeId] : typeId; - immed = uleb(typeId), immed.push(0); - } else if (opCode == 63 || opCode == 64) { - immed = [0]; - } else if (opCode === 2 || opCode === 3 || opCode === 4) { - blocks.push(opCode); - if (opCode < 4 && args[0]?.[0] === "$") blocks[args.shift()] = blocks.length; - if (args[0]?.[0] === "result" && args[0].length < 3) { - let [, type2] = args.shift(); - immed = [TYPE[type2]]; - } else if (args[0]?.[0] === "result" || args[0]?.[0] === "param") { - let [typeId] = consumeType(args, ctx); - immed = [typeId]; - } else { - immed = [TYPE.void]; - } - if (group2) { - nodes.unshift("end"); - if (opCode < 4) while (args.length) nodes.unshift(args.pop()); - else if (args.length < 3) nodes.unshift(args.pop()); - else { - nodes.unshift(args.pop()); - if (nodes[0][0] !== "else") nodes.unshift("else"); - else if (nodes[0].length < 2) nodes.shift(); - nodes.unshift(args.pop()); - } - } - } else if (opCode === 5) { - if (group2) while (args.length) nodes.unshift(args.pop()); - } else if (opCode === 6) { - opCode = null; - } else if (opCode == 11) blocks.pop(); - else if (opCode == 12 || opCode == 13) { - immed = uleb(args[0]?.[0] === "$" ? blocks.length - blocks[args.shift()] : args.shift()); - } else if (opCode == 14) { - immed = []; - while (!Array.isArray(args[0])) id2 = args.shift(), immed.push(...uleb(id2[0][0] === "$" ? blocks.length - blocks[id2] : id2)); - immed.unshift(...uleb(immed.length - 1)); - } else if (opCode < 0) err2(`Unknown instruction \`${op2}\``); - if (group2) { - while (args.length) consume(args, out); - } - if (opCode) out.push(opCode); - if (immed) out.push(...immed); - }; - return () => { - const bytes = []; - while (body.length) consume(body, bytes); - ctx.code.push([...uleb(bytes.length + 2 + locTypes.length), ...uleb(locTypes.length >> 1), ...locTypes, ...bytes, 11]); - }; - }, - // (memory min max shared) - // (memory $name min max shared) - // (memory (export "mem") 5) - memory([, ...parts], ctx) { - if (parts[0][0] === "$") ctx.memory[parts.shift()] = ctx.memory.length; - if (parts[0][0] === "export") build.export([...parts.shift(), ["memory", ctx.memory.length]], ctx); - ctx.memory.push(range(parts)); - }, - // (global i32 (i32.const 42)) - // (global $id i32 (i32.const 42)) - // (global $id (mut i32) (i32.const 42)) - global([, ...args], ctx) { - let name = args[0][0] === "$" && args.shift(); - if (name) ctx.global[name] = ctx.global.length; - let [type2, [...init]] = args, mut = type2[0] === "mut" ? 1 : 0; - ctx.global.push([TYPE[mut ? type2[1] : type2], mut, ...consumeConst(init, ctx), 11]); - }, - // (table 1 2? funcref) - // (table $name 1 2? funcref) - table([, ...args], ctx) { - let name = args[0][0] === "$" && args.shift(); - if (name) ctx.table[name] = ctx.table.length; - let lims = range(args); - ctx.table.push([TYPE[args.pop()], ...lims]); - }, - // (elem (i32.const 0) $f1 $f2), (elem (global.get 0) $f1 $f2) - elem([, [...offset], ...elems], ctx) { - const tableIdx = 0; - ctx.elem.push([tableIdx, ...consumeConst(offset, ctx), 11, ...uleb(elems.length), ...elems.flatMap((el) => uleb(el[0] === "$" ? ctx.func[el] : el))]); - }, - // (export "name" (kind $name|idx)) - export([, name, [kind, idx2]], ctx) { - if (idx2[0] === "$") idx2 = ctx[kind][idx2]; - ctx.export.push([...str2(name), KIND[kind], ...uleb(idx2)]); - }, - // (import "math" "add" (func $add (param i32 i32 externref) (result i32))) - // (import "js" "mem" (memory 1)) - // (import "js" "mem" (memory $name 1)) - // (import "js" "v" (global $name (mut f64))) - import([, mod, field, ref], ctx) { - let details, [kind, ...parts] = ref, name = parts[0]?.[0] === "$" && parts.shift(); - if (kind === "func") { - if (name) ctx.func[name] = ctx.func.length; - let [typeIdx] = consumeType(parts, ctx); - ctx.func.push(details = uleb(typeIdx)); - ctx.func.importc = (ctx.func.importc || 0) + 1; - } else if (kind === "memory") { - if (name) ctx.memory[name] = ctx.memory.length; - details = range(parts); - } else if (kind === "global") { - if (name) ctx.global[name] = ctx.global.length; - let [type2] = parts, mut = type2[0] === "mut" ? 1 : 0; - details = [TYPE[mut ? type2[1] : type2], mut]; - ctx.global.push(details); - ctx.global.importc = (ctx.global.importc || 0) + 1; - } else throw Error("Unimplemented " + kind); - ctx.import.push([...str2(mod), ...str2(field), KIND[kind], ...details]); - }, - // (data (i32.const 0) "\aa" "\bb"?) - // (data (offset (i32.const 0)) (memory ref) "\aa" "\bb"?) - // (data (global.get $x) "\aa" "\bb"?) - data([, ...inits], ctx) { - let offset, mem2; - if (inits[0]?.[0] === "offset") [, offset] = inits.shift(); - if (inits[0]?.[0] === "memory") [, mem2] = inits.shift(); - if (inits[0]?.[0] === "offset") [, offset] = inits.shift(); - if (!offset && !mem2) offset = inits.shift(); - if (!offset) offset = ["i32.const", 0]; - ctx.data.push([0, ...consumeConst([...offset], ctx), 11, ...str2(inits.map((i) => i[0] === '"' ? i.slice(1, -1) : i).join(""))]); - }, - // (start $main) - start([, name], ctx) { - if (!ctx.start.length) ctx.start.push([name[0] === "$" ? ctx.func[name] : name]); - } -}; -var consumeConst = (node, ctx) => { - let op2 = node.shift(), [type2, cmd] = op2.split("."); - if (type2 === "global") return [35, ...uleb(node[0][0] === "$" ? ctx.global[node[0]] : node[0])]; - if (type2 === "v128") return [253, 12, ...v128(node)]; - if (cmd === "const") return [65 + ["i32", "i64", "f32", "f64"].indexOf(type2), ...encode_exports[type2](node[0])]; - return [ - ...consumeConst(node.shift(), ctx), - ...consumeConst(node.shift(), ctx), - OP.indexOf(op2) - ]; -}; -var v128 = (args) => { - let [t, n] = args.shift().split("x"), stride = t.slice(1) >>> 3; - n = +n; - if (t[0] === "i") { - let arr2 = n === 16 ? new Uint8Array(16) : n === 8 ? new Uint16Array(8) : n === 4 ? new Uint32Array(4) : new BigInt64Array(2); - for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { - arr2[i] = encode_exports[t].parse(args.shift()); - } - return new Uint8Array(arr2.buffer); - } - let arr = new Uint8Array(16); - for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { - arr.set(encode_exports[t](args.shift()), i * stride); - } - return arr; -}; -var escape2 = { n: 10, r: 13, t: 9, v: 1, "\\": 92 }; -var str2 = (str3) => { - str3 = str3[0] === '"' ? str3.slice(1, -1) : str3; - let res = [], i = 0, c, BSLASH2 = 92; - for (; i < str3.length; ) { - c = str3.charCodeAt(i++); - res.push(c === BSLASH2 ? escape2[str3[i++]] || parseInt(str3.slice(i - 1, ++i), 16) : c); - } - res.unshift(...uleb(res.length)); - return res; -}; -var range = ([min, max, shared]) => isNaN(parseInt(max)) ? [0, ...uleb(min)] : [shared === "shared" ? 3 : 1, ...uleb(min), ...uleb(max)]; -var consumeType = (nodes, ctx) => { - let params = [], result = [], idx2, bytes; - while (nodes[0]?.[0] === "param") { - let [, ...types] = nodes.shift(); - if (types[0]?.[0] === "$") params[types.shift()] = params.length; - params.push(...types.map((t) => TYPE[t])); - } - if (nodes[0]?.[0] === "result") result = nodes.shift().slice(1).map((t) => TYPE[t]); - bytes = [TYPE.func, ...uleb(params.length), ...params, ...uleb(result.length), ...result]; - idx2 = ctx.type.findIndex((t) => t.every((byte, i) => byte === bytes[i])); - if (idx2 < 0) idx2 = ctx.type.push(bytes) - 1; - return [idx2, params, result]; -}; -var consumeParams = (args) => { - let params = {}, param; - while (args[0]?.includes("=")) param = args.shift().split("="), params[param[0]] = Number(param[1]); - return params; -}; - -// node_modules/watr/src/print.js -var indent = ""; -var newline = "\n"; -function print(tree, options = {}) { - if (typeof tree === "string") tree = parse_default3(tree); - ({ indent = " ", newline = "\n" } = options); - indent ||= "", newline ||= ""; - return typeof tree[0] === "string" ? printNode(tree) : tree.map((node) => printNode(node)).join(newline); -} -var INLINE = [ - "param", - "local", - "drop", - "f32.const", - "f64.const", - "i32.const", - "i64.const", - "local.get", - "global.get", - "memory.size", - "result", - "export", - "unreachable", - "nop" -]; -function printNode(node, level = 0) { - if (!Array.isArray(node)) return node + ""; - let content = node[0]; - for (let i = 1; i < node.length; i++) { - if (Array.isArray(node[i])) { - if (INLINE.includes(node[i][0]) && (!Array.isArray(node[i - 1]) || INLINE.includes(node[i - 1][0]))) { - if (!Array.isArray(node[i - 1])) content += ` `; - } else { - content += newline; - if (node[i]) content += indent.repeat(level + 1); - } - content += printNode(node[i], level + 1); - } else { - content += ` `; - content += node[i]; - } - } - return `(${content})`; -} - -// src/util.js -function err3(msg) { - throw Error(msg || "Bad syntax"); -} -function pretty(str3) { - return print(str3 + "", { indent: " ", newline: "\n" }); -} -function ids(node, set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { - if (node?.ids) return node.ids; - if (typeof node === "string") set2.add(node); - else if (Array.isArray(node)) { - if (node[0] === INT || node[0] === FLOAT) return; - if (node[0] === "=" && node[1][0] === "(") return set2.add(node[1][1]), set2; - for (let i = 1; i < node.length; i++) ids(node[i], set2); - node.ids = set2; - } - return set2; -} -function intersect(set1, set2) { - for (const item of set1) if (set2.has(item)) return true; - return false; -} -function stringify(tree) { - if (typeof tree === "string") return tree; - let [op2, a, ...args] = tree; - if (op2 === INT || op2 === FLOAT) return a + args.join(""); - return `${stringify(a)} ${op2} ${args.length ? stringify(args[0]) : ""}`; -} -function u82s(uint8Array) { - let result = ""; - for (const byte of uint8Array) { - const asciiChar = String.fromCharCode(byte); - if (asciiChar === '"' || asciiChar === "\\") { - result += "\\" + asciiChar; - } else if (byte >= 32 && byte <= 126) { - result += asciiChar; - } else { - result += `\\${byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")}`; - } - } - return result; -} - -// src/precompile.js -var units; -var prev; -function precompile(node) { - prev = { units }; - units = {}; - const result = expr2(node); - ({ units } = prev); - return result; -} -function expr2(node) { - if (Array.isArray(node)) { - return expr2[node[0]] ? expr2[node[0]](node) : node; - } - return node; -} -function applyUnits(n, unit, ext) { - if (unit) n = expr2(["*", [FLOAT, n], units[unit] || err3(`Unknown unit \`${unit}\``)]); - if (ext) n = expr2(["+", n, applyUnits(...ext.slice(1))]); - return n; -} -Object.assign(expr2, { - [FLOAT]([, n, unit, ext]) { - if (unit) return applyUnits(n, unit, ext); - return [FLOAT, n]; - }, - [INT]([, n, unit, ext]) { - if (unit) return applyUnits(n, unit, ext); - return [INT, n]; - }, - ";"([, ...list]) { - return [";", ...list.filter((s, i) => !i || s).map((s) => expr2(s))]; - }, - ","(node) { - return node.flatMap((a, i) => { - if (!i || !a) return [a]; - a = expr2(a); - return [a]; - }); - }, - "./"([, a]) { - return ["./", expr2(a)]; - }, - "../"([, a]) { - return ["../", expr2(a)]; - }, - "()"([, a]) { - a = expr2(a); - if (!a || !a.length) return; - if (a[0] === "()") return a; - if (typeof a[1] === "number") return a; - if (a[1] === "..") return a; - if (a[0] === ",") return a; - return a; - }, - // f(a,b,c) - "("([, name, args]) { - args = !args ? [,] : args[0] === "," ? args : [",", args]; - return ["(", name, args]; - }, - // [1,2,3] - "[]"([, inits]) { - inits = expr2(inits); - inits = !inits ? [,] : inits[0] === "," ? inits : [",", inits]; - inits = inits.flatMap((el, i) => { - if (!i) return [el]; - if (el[0] === ".." && typeof el[1][1] === "number" && typeof el[2][1] === "number" && Math.abs(el[2][1] - el[1][1]) < 108) { - let from = el[1][1], to = el[2][1], step = 1, els = []; - if (from === -Infinity) for (let i2 = 0; i2 < to; i2 += step) els.push([FLOAT, 0]); - else if (from < to) for (let i2 = from; i2 < to; i2 += step) els.push([FLOAT, i2]); - else for (let i2 = from; i2 > to; i2 -= step) els.push([FLOAT, i2]); - return els; - } - return [el]; - }); - return ["[]", inits]; - }, - ".."([, a, b]) { - if (!a && !b) return ["..", [FLOAT, -Infinity], [FLOAT, Infinity]]; - if (!a) return ["..", [FLOAT, -Infinity], expr2(b)]; - if (!b) return ["..", expr2(a), [FLOAT, Infinity]]; - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return ["..", a, b]; - }, - "|>"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return ["|>", a, b]; - }, - // a[0] - "["([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a); - if (!b) return ["[", a]; - b = expr2(b); - return unroll("[", a, b) || ["[", a, b]; - }, - "="([, a, b]) { - b = expr2(b); - if (a[0] === "(") { - b = !b ? [";"] : b[0] === ";" ? b : [";", b]; - let [, name, args] = a; - args = !args ? [,] : args[0] === "," ? args : [",", args]; - return ["=", ["(", name, args], b]; - } - if ((a[0] === INT || a[0] === FLOAT) && a[2]) { - let [, n, unit] = a; - units[unit] = expr2(["/", b, [FLOAT, n]]); - return; - } - if (a[0] === "*") { - return ["=", a, b]; - } - a = expr2(a); - if (a[0] === "," && intersect(ids(a), ids(b))) { - const n = a.length - 1; - return [ - ";", - unroll("=", [",", ...Array.from({ length: n }, (b2, i) => `t:${i}`)], b), - unroll("=", a, [",", ...Array.from({ length: n }, (a2, i) => `t:${i}`)]) - ]; - } - if (a[0] === "[]") { - let [, arr, idx2] = a; - idx2 = expr2(idx2); - a = ["[]", arr, idx2]; - } - return unroll("=", a, b) || ["=", a, b]; - }, - "+="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["+", a, b]]); - }, - "-="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["-", a, b]]); - }, - "*="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["*", a, b]]); - }, - "/="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["/", a, b]]); - }, - "%="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["%", a, b]]); - }, - "**="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["**", a, b]]); - }, - "~="([, a, b]) { - return expr2(["=", a, ["~", a, b]]); - }, - "+"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("+", a, b) || (typeof b[1] === "number" && typeof a[1] === "number" ? [a[0] === INT && b[0] === INT ? INT : FLOAT, a[1] + b[1]] : b[1] === 0 ? a : a[1] === 0 ? b : ["+", a, b]); - }, - "-"([, a, b]) { - if (!b) { - a = expr2(a); - if (typeof a[1] === "number") return [a[0], -a[1]]; - return ["-", a]; - } - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("-", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [a[0] === INT && b[0] === INT ? INT : FLOAT, a[1] - b[1]] : a[1] === 0 ? ["-", b] : b[1] === 0 ? a : ["-", a, b]); - }, - "*"([, a, b]) { - if (!b) return ["*", expr2(a)]; - a = expr2(a); - b = expr2(b); - return unroll("*", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [FLOAT, a[1] * b[1]] : a[1] === 0 || b[1] === 0 ? [FLOAT, 0] : b[1] === 1 ? a : a[1] === 1 ? b : ["*", a, b]); - }, - "/"([, a, b]) { - if (!b) return ["/", expr2(a)]; - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("/", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [FLOAT, a[1] / b[1]] : a[1] === 0 ? [FLOAT, 0] : ( - // 0 / x - b[1] === 1 ? a : ( - // x / 1 - ["/", a, b] - ) - )); - }, - "%"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("%", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [FLOAT, a[1] % b[1]] : ["%", a, b]); - }, - "%%"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("%%", a, b) || // FIXME - // (typeof a[1] === 'number' && typeof b[1] === 'number') ? [FLOAT, a[1] %% b[1]] : - ["%%", a, b]; - }, - "**"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("**", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [FLOAT, a[1] ** b[1]] : b[1] === 0 ? [FLOAT, 1] : a[1] === 1 ? [FLOAT, 1] : b[1] === 1 ? a : b[1] === -1 ? ["/", [FLOAT, 1], b] : typeof b[1] === "number" && b[1] < 0 ? ["/", [FLOAT, 1], expr2(["**", a, [FLOAT, Math.abs(b[1])]])] : ( - // a ** 3 -> a*a*a - typeof a === "string" && typeof b[1] === "number" && b[1] % 1 === 0 && b[1] <= 3 ? Array(b[1]).fill(a).reduce((prev2, a2) => ["*", a2, prev2]) : ["**", a, b] - )); - }, - "//"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("//", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [FLOAT, Math.floor(a[1] / b[1])] : a[1] === 0 ? [FLOAT, 0] : ( - // 0 // x - b[1] === 1 ? a : ( - // x // 1 - ["//", a, b] - ) - )); - }, - "!"([, a]) { - a = expr2(a); - return unroll("!", a) || (typeof a[1] === "number" ? [INT, !a[1]] : ["!", a]); - }, - "&"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("&", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [INT, a[1] & b[1]] : ( - // a & 0 -> 0 - a[1] === 0 || b[1] === 0 ? [INT, 0] : ["&", a, b] - )); - }, - "|"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("|", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [INT, a[1] | b[1]] : ( - // FIXME: a | 0 -> asInt(a) - // (a[1] === 0 || b[1] === 0) ? ['|', b, a] : - ["|", a, b] - )); - }, - "^"([, a, b]) { - if (!b) return ["^", expr2(a)]; - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("^", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [INT, a[1] ^ b[1]] : ["^", a, b]); - }, - "<<"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("<<", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [INT, a[1] << b[1]] : ["<<", a, b]); - }, - ">>"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll(">>", a, b) || (typeof a[1] === "number" && typeof b[1] === "number" ? [INT, a[1] >> b[1]] : [">>", a, b]); - }, - "~"([, a, b]) { - if (!b) { - a = expr2(a); - return unroll("~", a) || (typeof a[1] === "number" ? [INT, ~a[1]] : ["~", a]); - } - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("~", a, b) || ["~", a, b]; - }, - ">"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll(">", a, b) || [">", a, b]; - }, - ">="([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll(">=", a, b) || [">=", a, b]; - }, - "<"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("<", a, b) || ["<", a, b]; - }, - "<="([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("<=", a, b) || ["<=", a, b]; - }, - "=="([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("==", a, b) || ["==", a, b]; - }, - "!="([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("!=", a, b) || ["!=", a, b]; - }, - "&&"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("&&", a, b) || // 0 && b - (a[1] === 0 ? a : ( - // a && 0 - b[1] === 0 ? b : ( - // 1 && b - typeof a[1] === "number" && a[1] ? b : ( - // a && 1 - typeof b[1] === "number" && b[1] ? a : ["&&", a, b] - ) - ) - )); - }, - "||"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("||", a, b) || // 0 || b - (a[1] === 0 ? b : ( - // a || 0 - b[1] === 0 ? a : ( - // 1 || b - typeof a[1] === "number" && a[1] ? b : ( - // a || 1 - typeof b[1] === "number" && b[1] ? a : ["||", a, b] - ) - ) - )); - }, - "?"([, a, b]) { - a = expr2(a), b = expr2(b); - return unroll("?", a, b) || ["?", a, b]; - }, - "?:"([, a, b, c]) { - a = expr2(a); - return a[1] === 0 ? expr2(c) : typeof a[1] === "number" && a[1] ? expr2(b) : ["?:", a, expr2(b), expr2(c)]; - } -}); -function unroll(op2, a, b) { - if (!b) { - if (a[0] === ",") { - const [, ...as] = a; - return [",", ...as.map((a2) => [op2, expr2(a2)])]; - } - return; - } - if (a[0] === ",") { - const [, ...as] = a; - if (b[0] === ",") { - const [, ...bs] = b; - if (as.length !== bs.length) err3(`Mismatching number of elements in \`${op2}\` operation`); - return [ - ",", - ...Array.from({ length: Math.max(as.length, bs.length) }, (_, i) => [op2, expr2(as[i] || bs[i]), expr2(bs[i] || as[i])]) - ]; - } - return b = expr2(b), [",", ...as.map((a2) => [op2, expr2(a2), b])]; - } - if (b[0] === ",") { - const [, ...bs] = b; - return a = expr2(a), [",", ...bs.map((b2) => [op2, a, expr2(b2)])]; - } -} - -// src/stdlib.js -var std = { - // signed min/max (better be called i32.max_s) - "i32.smax": "(func $i32.smax (param i32 i32) (result i32) (select (local.get 0) (local.get 1) (i32.ge_s (local.get 0) (local.get 1))))", - "i32.smin": "(func $i32.smin (param i32 i32) (result i32) (select (local.get 0) (local.get 1) (i32.le_s (local.get 0) (local.get 1))))", - "i32.dup": "(func $i32.dup (param i32) (result i32) (local.get 0)(local.get 0))", - // just for reference - easier to just `f64.ne x x` directly - "f64.isnan": "(func $f64.isnan (param f64) (result i32) (f64.ne (local.get 0) (local.get 0)))", - // a ** b generic case - // ref: https://github.com/jdh8/metallic/blob/master/src/math/double/pow.c - "f64.pow": `(func $f64.pow(param f64 f64)(result f64)(local f64 i64 i64 i64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64 f64)(local.set 2(f64.const 0x1p+0))(block(br_if 0(f64.eq(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x0p+0)))(local.set 3(i64.const 0))(block(br_if 0(i64.gt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 0))(i64.const -1)))(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.nearest(local.get 1))(local.get 1)))(local.set 3(i64.shl(i64.extend_i32_u(f64.ne(f64.nearest(local.tee 2(f64.mul(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x1p-1))))(local.get 2)))(i64.const 63)))(local.set 0(f64.neg(local.get 0))))(local.set 2(f64.const 0x1p+0))(block(br_if 0(f64.eq(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1p+0)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x0p+0)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const inf)(f64.const 0x0p+0)(i64.lt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 0))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.abs(local.get 0))(f64.const inf)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const 0x0p+0)(f64.const inf)(i64.lt_s(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 0))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(i64.ge_s(local.tee 4(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 0)))(i64.const 0)))(local.set 2(f64.const nan))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(f64.abs(local.get 1))(f64.const inf)))(local.set 2(select(f64.const inf)(f64.const 0x0p+0)(i32.eq(i32.wrap_i64(i64.shr_u(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const 63)))(f64.lt(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1p+0)))))(br 1))(block(br_if 0(i64.gt_u(local.get 4)(i64.const 4503599627370495)))(local.set 4(i64.sub(i64.shl(local.get 4)(local.tee 5(i64.add(i64.clz(local.get 4))(i64.const -11))))(i64.shl(local.get 5)(i64.const 52)))))(local.set 2(f64.const inf))(br_if 0(f64.gt(local.tee 1(f64.add(local.tee 10(f64.mul(local.tee 6(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 1))(i64.const -4294967296))))(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 7(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(local.tee 11(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.tee 9(f64.div(local.tee 7(f64.add(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.sub(local.get 4)(i64.and(local.tee 5(i64.add(local.get 4)(i64.const -4604544271217802189)))(i64.const -4503599627370496))))(f64.const -0x1p+0)))(local.tee 8(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.const 0x1p+1))))))(i64.const -134217728))))(local.tee 0(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 10(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.get 0)))(local.tee 8(f64.add(f64.mul(local.tee 7(f64.div(f64.sub(f64.sub(local.get 7)(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.tee 11(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 8))(i64.const -4294967296))))))(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1p+1)(local.get 11)))))(local.get 8)))(f64.add(local.get 9)(local.get 0)))(f64.mul(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.mul(local.get 9)(local.get 9)))(local.get 0))(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.const 0x1.91a4911cbce5ap-3))(f64.const 0x1.97a897f8e6cap-3))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.d8a9d6a7940bp-3))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.1745bc213e72fp-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.5555557cccac1p-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.b6db6db6b8d5fp-2))(local.get 0))(f64.const 0x1.3333333333385p-1))))))(f64.const 0x1.8p+1)))(i64.const -67108864))))))(local.tee 9(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 7)(local.get 0))(f64.mul(local.get 9)(f64.add(local.get 8)(f64.add(local.get 10)(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1.8p+1)(local.get 0)))))))))(i64.const -4294967296))))(f64.const 0x1.ec709dc4p-1)))(local.tee 9(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 0)(f64.const -0x1.7f00a2d80faabp-35))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 9)(f64.sub(local.get 11)(local.get 0)))(f64.const 0x1.ec709dc3a03fdp-1)))))(local.tee 8(f64.convert_i64_s(i64.shr_s(local.get 5)(i64.const 52))))))(i64.const -2097152))))))(local.tee 0(f64.add(f64.mul(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.get 6))(local.get 0))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 9)(f64.add(local.get 7)(f64.sub(local.get 8)(local.get 0))))(local.get 1))))))(f64.const 0x1p+10)))(local.set 9(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.get 10)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 1)(f64.const 0x1p+10)))(br_if 1(f64.lt(local.get 9)(local.get 0))))(local.set 2(f64.const 0x0p+0))(br_if 0(f64.lt(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.0ccp+10)))(block(br_if 0(f64.ne(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.0ccp+10)))(br_if 1(f64.gt(local.get 9)(local.get 0))))(local.set 4(i64.reinterpret_f64(f64.add(f64.add(local.tee 8(f64.mul(local.tee 7(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.and(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.tee 2(f64.sub(local.get 1)(local.tee 9(f64.nearest(local.get 1))))))(i64.const -4294967296))))(f64.const 0x1.62e42ffp-1)))(f64.add(local.tee 2(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.const -0x1.718432a1b0e26p-35))(f64.mul(f64.add(local.get 0)(f64.sub(local.get 10)(f64.add(local.get 9)(local.get 7))))(f64.const 0x1.62e42ffp-1))))(f64.div(f64.mul(local.tee 0(f64.add(local.get 8)(local.get 2)))(local.tee 2(f64.sub(local.get 0)(f64.mul(local.tee 2(f64.mul(local.get 0)(local.get 0)))(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.add(f64.mul(local.get 2)(f64.const 0x1.63f2a09c94b4cp-25))(f64.const -0x1.bbd53273e8fb7p-20)))(f64.const 0x1.1566ab5c2ba0dp-14)))(f64.const -0x1.6c16c16c0ac3cp-9)))(f64.const 0x1.5555555555553p-3))))))(f64.sub(f64.const 0x1p+1)(local.get 2)))))(f64.const 0x1p+0))))(block(block(br_if 0(i32.eqz(f64.lt(f64.abs(local.get 9))(f64.const 0x1p+63))))(local.set 5(i64.trunc_f64_s(local.get 9)))(br 1))(local.set 5(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))(local.set 2(select(f64.mul(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.add(local.tee 4(i64.add(i64.shl(local.get 5)(i64.const 52))(local.get 4)))(i64.const 4593671619917905920)))(f64.const 0x1p-1020))(f64.reinterpret_i64(local.get 4))(f64.lt(local.get 1)(f64.const -0x1.fep+9)))))(local.set 2(f64.reinterpret_i64(i64.or(local.get 3)(i64.reinterpret_f64(local.get 2))))))(local.get 2))`, - // a %% b, also used to access buffer - "i32.modwrap": `(func $i32.modwrap (param i32 i32) (result i32) (local $rem i32) - (local.set $rem (i32.rem_s (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) - (if (result i32) (i32.and (local.get $rem) (i32.const 0x80000000)) - (then (i32.add (local.get 1) (local.get $rem))) - (else (local.get $rem) - ) - ))`, - "f64.modwrap": `(func $f64.modwrap (param f64 f64) (result f64) (local $rem f64) - (local.set $rem (call $f64.rem (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) - (if (result f64) (f64.lt (local.get $rem) (f64.const 0)) - (then (f64.add (local.get 1) (local.get $rem))) - (else (local.get $rem)) - ) - )`, - // divident % divisor => dividend - divisor * floor(dividend / divisor) - "f64.rem": `(func $f64.rem (param f64 f64) (result f64) - (f64.sub (local.get 0) (f64.mul (f64.floor (f64.div (local.get 0) (local.get 1))) (local.get 1))) - )`, - // increase available memory to N bytes, grow if necessary; returns ptr to allocated block - "malloc": `(func $malloc (param i32) (result i32) (local i32 i32) -(local.set 1 (global.get $__mem)) -(global.set $__mem (i32.add (global.get $__mem) (local.get 0))) -(local.set 2 (i32.shl (memory.size) (i32.const 16)) ) -(if (i32.ge_u (global.get $__mem) (local.get 2)) (then -(memory.grow (i32.add (i32.shr_u (i32.sub (global.get $__mem) (local.get 2))(i32.sub (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 16)) (i32.const 1)) )(drop) -)) -(local.get 1) -)`, - // fill mem area at $offset with range values $from, $to via $step param; returns ptr to address after range - "range": ` - (func $range.dsc (param i32 f64 f64 f64) (result i32) - (loop - (if (f64.gt (local.get 1)(local.get 2)) - (then - (f64.store (local.get 0) (local.get 1)) - (local.set 0 (i32.add (local.get 0) (i32.const 8))) - (local.set 1 (f64.sub (local.get 1) (local.get 3))) - (br 1) - ) - ) - ) - (local.get 0) - )`, - // create reference to mem address (in bytes) with length (# of f64 items) - doesn't allocate memory, just creates ref - "arr.ref": `(func $arr.ref (param i32 i32) (result f64) -(f64.reinterpret_i64 (i64.or -(i64.reinterpret_f64 (f64.convert_i32_u (local.get 0))) -(i64.extend_i32_u (i32.and (i32.const 0x00ffffff) (local.get 1))))) -(return))`, - // reads array address from ref (likely not needed to use since can be just converted float to int) - // address is float number truncated to int - "arr.adr": `(func $arr.adr (param f64) (result i32) (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (return))`, - // reads array length as last 24 bits of f64 number - "arr.len": `(func $arr.len (param f64) (result i32) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.and (i64.const 0x0000000000ffffff) (i64.reinterpret_f64 (local.get 0)))))`, - // arr.set(ref, pos, val): writes $val into array, $idx is position in array (not mem address). Returns array ref (for chaining). - // FIXME: throw if setting value < length - "arr.set": `(func $arr.set (param f64 i32 f64) (result f64) -(if (i32.lt_s (local.get 1) (i32.const 0)) (then (local.set 1 (call $i32.modwrap (local.get 1) (call $arr.len (local.get 0)))))) -(f64.store (i32.add (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (i32.shl (local.get 1) (i32.const 3))) (local.get 2)) -(local.get 0) -(return)) -`, - // same as arr.set, but returns assigned value - "arr.tee": `(func $arr.tee (param f64 i32 f64) (result f64) (call $arr.set (local.get 0)(local.get 1)(local.get 2))(drop) (return (local.get 2)))`, - // arr.get(ref, pos): reads value at position from array - "arr.get": `(func $arr.get (param f64 i32) (result f64) -(if (i32.lt_s (local.get 1) (i32.const 0)) (then (local.set 1 (call $i32.modwrap (local.get 1) (call $arr.len (local.get 0)))))) -(f64.load (i32.add (i32.trunc_f64_u (local.get 0)) (i32.shl (local.get 1) (i32.const 3)))) -)`, - math: `(global pi f64 (f64.const 3.141592653589793))` -}; -var stdlib_default = std; - -// src/build.js -var i322 = { - const: (a) => op(`(i32.const ${a})`, "i32"), - load: (a) => op(`(i32.load ${a})`, "i32"), - store: (a, v) => op(`(i32.store ${a} ${v})`), - add: (a, b) => op(`(i32.add ${a} ${b})`, "i32"), - sub: (a, b) => op(`(i32.sub ${a} ${b})`, "i32"), - eqz: (a) => op(`(i32.eqz ${a})`, "i32") -}; -var f642 = { - const: (a) => op(`(f64.const ${a})`, "f64"), - load: (a) => op(`(f64.load ${a})`, "f64"), - store: (a, v) => op(`(f64.store ${a} ${v})`), - add: (a, b) => op(`(f64.add ${a} ${b})`, "f64"), - sub: (a, b) => op(`(f64.sub ${a} ${b})`, "f64"), - lt: (a, b) => op(`(f64.lt ${a} ${b})`, "i32") -}; -function cond(i, a, b) { - let result = a.type ? `(result ${a.type.join(" ")})` : ``; - return op(`(if ${result} ${i} (then ${a}) ${b ? `(else ${b})` : ``})`, a.type); -} -function loop(body) { - return op(`(loop ${body})`); -} -function op(str3 = "", type2) { - str3 = new String(str3); - if (!type2) type2 = []; - else if (typeof type2 === "string") type2 = [type2]; - return Object.assign(str3, { type: type2 }); -} -function get(name) { - if (!func && name[0] !== "_" || globals[name]) return globals[name] ||= { type: "f64" }, op(`(global.get $${name})`, globals[name].type); - if (locals[name].static) return op(`(global.get $${locals[name].static})`, locals[name].type); - return locals[name] ||= { type: "f64" }, op(`(local.get $${name})`, locals[name].type); -} -function set(name, init = "") { - if (!func && name[0] !== "_" || !initing && globals[name]) return globals[name] ||= { type: init.type || "f64" }, op(`(global.set $${name} ${init})`); - if (locals[name].static) return op(`(global.set $${locals[name].static} ${init})`); - return locals[name] ||= { type: init.type || "f64" }, op(`(local.set $${name} ${init})`); -} -function tee(name, init = "") { - if (!func && name[0] !== "_" || !initing && globals[name]) return globals[name] ||= { type: init.type || "f64" }, op(`(global.set $${name} ${init})(global.get $${name})`, init.type); - if (locals[name].static) return op(`(global.set $${locals[name].static} ${init})(global.get $${locals[name].static})`, locals[name].type); - return locals[name] ||= { type: init.type || "f64" }, op(`(local.tee $${name} ${init})`, init.type); -} -function call(name, ...args) { - if (!funcs[name]) err3(`Unknown function call '${name}'`); - return op(`(call $${name} ${args.join(" ")})`, funcs[name].type); -} -function include(name) { - if (!stdlib_default[name]) err3("Unknown include `" + name + "`"); - let code = stdlib_default[name]; - let type2 = code.match(/\(result\s+([^\)]+)\)/i)?.[1].trim().split(/\s+/); - if (!funcs[name]) defineFn(name, code, type2); -} -function defineFn(name, body, type2) { - if (funcs[name]) err3(`Redefine func \`${name}\``); - funcs[name] = new String(body); - funcs[name].type = type2; -} -function uptype(a, b) { - if (a.length < b.length) a.length = b.length; - for (let i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++) - if (a[i] !== b[i]) a[i] = "f64"; -} -function type(opStr, type2) { - let dif = type2.findIndex((t, i) => opStr.type[i] != t); - if (dif < 0) return opStr; - if (dif >= opStr.type.length - 1) { - opStr = float(opStr); - for (let i = opStr.type.length; i < type2.length; i++) opStr += `(${type2[i]}.const nan)`; - return op(opStr, type2); - } else { - err3("Unimplemented return type mismatch"); - } -} -function float(opStr) { - if (opStr.type[0] === "f64") return opStr; - if (opStr == RETURN) return opStr; - if (opStr.startsWith("(i32.const")) return op(opStr.replace("(i32.const", "(f64.const"), "f64"); - return op(`(f64.convert_i32_s ${opStr})`, "f64"); -} -function int(opStr) { - if (opStr.type[0] === "i32") return opStr; - if (opStr == RETURN) return opStr; - return op(`(i32.trunc_f64_s ${opStr})`, "i32"); -} -function pick(count, input) { - if (input.type.length === 1) { - if (count === 1) return input; - const name = `dup:${input.type[0]}`; - locals[name] ||= { type: input.type[0] }; - return op( - `(local.set $${name} ${input})${`(local.get $${name})`.repeat(count)}`, - Array(count).fill(input.type[0]) - ); - } - if (input.type.length === count) return input; - if (count < input.type.length) return op(input + `(drop)`.repeat(input.type.length - count), input.type.slice(0, count)); - if (count > input.type.length) err3("Picking more members than available"); -} -var isConstExpr = (a) => ( - //(typeof a === 'string' && globals[a]) || - a[0] === INT || a[0] === FLOAT -); - -// src/compile.js -var imports; -var globals; -var locals; -var funcs; -var func; -var initing; -var exports; -var datas; -var mem; -var returns; -var defers; -var depth; -var RETURN = `%return%`; -var MAX_MEMORY = 2048; -var HEAP_SIZE = 1024; -function compile(node, config = {}) { - if (typeof node === "string") node = parse_default2(node); - node = precompile(node); - console.log("compile", node); - let prevCtx = { imports, globals, locals, funcs, func, exports, datas, mem, returns, defers, depth }; - globals = {}; - locals = {}; - imports = []; - funcs = {}; - exports = {}; - returns = null; - defers = null; - func = null; - mem = false; - depth = 0; - datas = {}; - let init = expr3(node, true).trim(), code = ``; - const lastNode = node[0] === ";" ? node[node.length - 1] : node; - for (let id2 of ids(lastNode)) if (!id2.includes(":")) exports[id2] = globals[id2] || funcs[id2] || err3("Unknown export member `" + id2 + `'`); - if (Object.keys(imports).length) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Imports -`; - for (let name in imports) - code += `(import "${imports[name][0]}" "${imports[name][1]}" ${imports[name][2]}) -`; - code += ` -`; - } - if (mem !== false) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Memory -`; - if (config.memory) { - code += `(import "imports" "memory" (memory ${Math.ceil(mem / 65536)} ${MAX_MEMORY})) -`; - } - code += `(memory (export "memory") ${Math.ceil(mem / 65536)} ${MAX_MEMORY}) -(global $__mem (mut i32) (i32.const ${mem})) - -`; - } - for (let data in datas) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Data -`; - break; - } - for (let data in datas) { - code += `(data (i32.const ${data}) "${datas[data]}") -`; - } - for (let data in datas) { - code += ` -`; - break; - } - for (let name in globals) if (!name.includes(":")) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Globals -`; - break; - } - for (let name in globals) - if (!globals[name].import) code += `(global $${name} (mut ${globals[name].type}) ${globals[name].init || `(${globals[name].type}.const 0)`}) -`; - code += ` -`; - for (let name in funcs) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Functions -`; - break; - } - for (let name in funcs) { - code += pretty(funcs[name]) + "\n\n"; - } - if (init) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Init -` + pretty(`(func $module:start - ${Object.keys(locals).map((name) => `(local $${name} ${locals[name].type})`).join("")} - ${init} - (return))`) + ` -(start $module:start) - -`; - } - for (let name in exports) { - code += `;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Exports -`; - break; - } - for (let name in exports) { - code += `(export "${name}" (${funcs[name] ? "func" : "global"} $${name})) -`; - } - console.groupCollapsed(); - console.log(code); - console.groupEnd(); - ({ imports, globals, funcs, func, locals, exports, datas, mem, returns, defers, depth } = prevCtx); - if (config?.target === "wasm") - code = compile_default(code); - return code; -} -function expr3(statement, out = true) { - if (!statement) return op(); - if (typeof statement === "string") { - locals[statement] ||= { type: "f64" }; - return out ? get(statement) : op(); - } - if (statement.expr) return statement.expr; - if (statement[0] in expr3) return statement.expr = expr3[statement[0]](statement, out) || op(); - err3(`Unknown operation ${statement}`); -} -Object.assign(expr3, { - // number primitives: 1.0, 2 etc. - [FLOAT]([, a], out) { - return out && f642.const(a); - }, - [INT]([, a], out) { - return out && i322.const(a); - }, - '"'([, str3], out) { - if (!out) return; - datas[mem] = [...new TextEncoder().encode(str3)]; - const result = call("arr.ref", mem, str3.length); - mem += str3.length << 3; - return result; - }, - // a; b; c; - ";"([, ...statements], out) { - let last = statements.length - 1; - let list = statements.map((s, i) => (initing = !i, expr3(s, i == last ? out : false))); - return op(list.join("\n"), list[last]?.type); - }, - ","([, ...statements], out) { - let list = []; - for (let s of statements) list.push(expr3(s, out)); - list = list.filter(Boolean); - return op( - list.join("\n"), - out && list.flatMap((op2) => op2.type) - ); - }, - // a() - "("([, name, [, ...args]], out) { - if (!funcs[name]) err3("Unknown function call: " + name); - if (out) return call(name, args.map((arg) => float(expr3(arg)))); - return op(call(name, args.map((arg) => float(expr3(arg)))) + `(drop)`.repeat(!out && funcs[name].type.length)); - }, - // [1,2,3] - "[]"([, [, ...inits]], out) { - mem ||= 0; - if (!inits.length) return out && op(f642.const(0), "f64"); - depth++; - if (function isPrimitive(inits2) { - return inits2.every((x) => !x || (typeof x[1] === "number" || x[0] === "[" && isPrimitive(x.slice(1)))); - }(inits)) { - const f64s = new Float64Array(inits.map((x) => x ? x[1] : 0)); - const offset = mem; - mem += f64s.length << 3; - datas[offset] = u82s(new Uint8Array(f64s.buffer)); - depth--; - if (func) { - let tmp = `arr:${depth}`; - locals[tmp] = { type: "i32" }; - return include("malloc"), include("arr.ref"), op( - set(tmp, call("malloc", i322.const(f64s.length << 3))) + `(memory.copy ${get(tmp)} ${i322.const(offset)} ${i322.const(f64s.length << 3)})` + call("arr.ref", get(tmp), i322.const(f64s.length)), - "f64" - ); - } else { - return include("arr.ref"), out && call("arr.ref", i322.const(offset), i322.const(f64s.length)); - } - } - let start = `arr.start:${depth}`, ptr = `arr.ptr:${depth}`; - locals[start] = { type: "i32" }; - locals[ptr] = { type: "i32" }; - include("malloc"); - let str3 = set(ptr, tee(start, call("malloc", i322.const(HEAP_SIZE)))); - for (let init of inits) { - if (init[0] === "..") { - let [, min, max] = init; - if (max[1] === Infinity) err3(`Arrays cannot be constructed from right-open ranges`); - if (min[1] === -Infinity && typeof max[1] === "number") { - if (max[1] < 0) err3(`Bad array range`); - str3 += set(ptr, i322.add(get(ptr), i322.const(max[1] << 3))); - } else { - let i = `range.i:${depth}`, to = `range.end:${depth}`; - locals[i] = locals[to] = { type: "f64" }; - str3 += set(i, float(expr3(min))) + set(to, float(expr3(max))); - str3 += loop( - cond( - f642.lt(get(i), get(to)), - f642.store(get(ptr), get(i)) + set(ptr, i322.add(get(ptr), i322.const(8))) + set(i, f642.add(get(i), f642.const(1))) + `(br 1)` - ) - ); - } - } else if (init[0] === "|>") { - str3 += expr3(init); - } else str3 += f642.store(i322.sub(tee(ptr, i322.add(get(ptr), i322.const(8))), i322.const(8)), float(expr3(init))); - } - include("malloc"), include("arr.ref"); - str3 += `(global.set $__mem ${get(ptr)})`; - depth--; - if (out) return op(str3 + call("arr.ref", `${get(start)} (i32.shr_u (i32.sub ${get(ptr)} ${get(start)}) ${i322.const(3)}) -`), "f64", { buf: true }); - return op(str3); - }, - // a[b] or a[] - "["([, a, b], out) { - include("arr.len"), include("i32.modwrap"); - if (!out) return op(expr3(a, false) + expr3(b, false)); - if (!b) return call("arr.len", expr3(a)); - if (typeof b[1] === "number") { - if (b[1] >= 0) return f642.load(i322.add(`(i32.trunc_f64_u ${expr3(a)})`, i322.const(b[1] << 3))); - } - return include("arr.get"), call("arr.get", expr3(a), int(expr3(b))); - }, - "="([, a, b], out) { - if (a[0] === "[") { - let [, name, idx2] = a; - include("arr.len"), include("arr.set"), include("arr.tee"), include("i32.modwrap"); - return call("arr." + (out ? "tee" : "set"), expr3(name), int(expr3(idx2)), float(expr3(b))); - } - if (a[0] === "(") { - let [, name, [, ...args]] = a, body = b, inits = [], result = "", dfn = [], code; - if (func) err3("Declaring local function `" + name + "`: not allowed"); - if (funcs[name]) err3("Redefining function `" + name + "`: not allowed"); - let rootLocals = locals; - func = name, locals = {}, returns = Object.assign([], { type: [] }), defers = []; - args = args.map((arg) => { - let name2, init; - if (typeof arg === "string") name2 = arg; - else if (arg[0] === "=") [, name2, init] = arg, inits.push(["?", ["!=", name2, name2], ["=", name2, init]]); - else if (arg[0] === "~") [, name2, init] = arg, inits.push(["~=", name2, arg[2]]); - else err3("Unknown function argument"); - locals[name2] = { arg: true, type: "f64" }; - dfn.push(`(param $${name2} f64)`); - return name2; - }); - b.splice(1, 0, ...inits); - body = expr3(b); - uptype(returns.type, body.type); - let btype = body.type; - for (let r of returns) { - if (defers.length) r = op(`${type(r, returns.type)}(br $func)`, returns.type); - else r = op(`(return ${type(r, returns.type)})`, returns.type); - body = body.replace(RETURN, r); - } - body = type(op(body, btype), returns.type); - if (returns.type.length) result = `(result ${returns.type.join(" ")})`; - if (defers.length) body = op(`(block $func ${result} ${body})`, body.type); - let initState; - defineFn( - name, - `(func $${name} ${dfn.join("")} ${result}` + Object.entries(locals).filter(([k, v]) => !v.arg && !v.static).map(([k, v]) => `(local $${k} ${v.type})`).join(" ") + (body ? ` -${body}` : ``) + (defers.length ? ` -${defers.join(" ")}` : ``) + // defers have 0 stack, so result is from body - `)`, - body.type - ); - locals = rootLocals; - func = returns = defers = null; - return initState; - } - if (a[0] === "*") { - [, a] = a; - locals[a] ||= { static: `${func}.${a}`, type: "f64" }; - if (isConstExpr(b)) { - globals[`${func}.${a}`] = { type: "f64", init: float(expr3(b)) }; - return; - } - globals[`${func}.${a}`] = { type: "f64", init: op("(f64.const nan)") }; - return expr3(["?", ["!=", a, a], ["=", a, b]], out); - } - if (typeof a === "string") { - if (globals[a]?.func) err3(`Redefining function '${a}' is not allowed`); - if (!func && isConstExpr(b)) { - globals[a] = { type: "f64", init: float(expr3(b)) }; - return; - } - locals[a] ||= { type: "f64" }; - const bop = expr3(b); - return (out ? tee : set)(a, float(bop)); - } - err3(`Unknown assignment left value \`${stringify(a)}\``); - }, - // a |> b - "|>"([, a, b], out) { - if (a[0] === "..") { - depth++; - const [, min, max] = a; - const minop = expr3(min), maxop = expr3(max); - const cur2 = "_", idx2 = `idx:${depth}`, end = `end:${depth}`, bop = expr3(b, out); - locals[cur2] = locals[idx2] = locals[end] = { type: "f64" }; - const str3 = `;; |>:${depth} -` + set(idx2, float(expr3(min))) + set(end, float(expr3(max))) + loop( - cond( - f642.lt(get(idx2), get(end)), - set(cur2, get(idx2)) + bop + // FIXME: if bop returns result - gotta save it to heap - set(idx2, f642.add(get(idx2), f642.const(1))) + `(br 1)` - ) - ); - depth--; - return op(str3); - } else { - console.log(a, b); - err3("loop over list: unimplemented"); - } - depth--; - return op(str, "f64", { dynamic: true }); - }, - "-"([, a, b], out) { - if (!b) { - let res = expr3(a, out); - if (!out) return res; - if (res.type.length > 1) err3("Group negation: unimplemented"); - if (res.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.sub (i32.const 0) ${res})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.neg ${res})`, "f64"); - } - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type.length > 1 || bop.type.length > 1) err3("Group subtraction: unimplemented"); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.sub ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.sub ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "f64"); - }, - "+"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] == "i32" && bop.type[0] == "i32") return op(`(i32.add ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.add ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "f64"); - }, - "*"([, a, b], out) { - if (!b) { - locals[a] ||= { static: `${func}.${a}`, type: "f64" }; - globals[`${func}.${a}`] = { type: "f64", init: op("(f64.const nan)") }; - return expr3(a, out); - } - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type.length > 1 || bop.type.length > 1) { - err3("Complex group multiplication is not supported"); - } - return op(`(f64.mul ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "f64"); - }, - "/"([, a, b], out) { - if (!b) { - if (!func) err3("Global return"); - let aop2 = expr3(a); - returns.push(aop2); - if (!returns.type) returns.type = [...aop2.type]; - else uptype(returns.type, aop2.type); - return op(RETURN, aop2.type); - } - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(f64.div ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "f64"); - }, - "**"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (b[1] === 0.5) return op(`(f64.sqrt ${float(aop)})`, "f64"); - return include("f64.pow"), call("f64.pow", float(aop), float(bop)); - }, - "%"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (b[1] === Infinity) return aop; - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") op(`(i32.rem_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return include("f64.rem"), call("f64.rem", float(aop), float(bop)); - }, - "%%"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return include("i32.modwrap"), call("i32.modwrap", aop, bop); - return include("f64.modwrap"), include("f64.rem"), call("f64.modwrap", float(aop), float(bop)); - }, - "++"([, a], out) { - if (!out) return expr3(["=", a, ["+", a, [INT, 1]]], false); - if (a[0] === "[") return expr3(["-", ["=", a, ["+", a, [INT, 1]]], [INT, 1]]); - if (typeof a !== "string") err3("Invalid left hand-side expression in prefix operation"); - let aop = expr3(a); - return op(`${aop}${set(a, expr3(["+", a, [INT, 1]]))}`, aop.type[0]); - }, - "--"([, a], out) { - if (!out) return expr3(["=", a, ["-", a, [INT, 1]]], false); - if (a[0] === "[") return expr3(["+", ["=", a, ["-", a, [INT, 1]]], [INT, 1]]); - if (typeof a !== "string") err3("Invalid left hand-side expression in prefix operation"); - let aop = expr3(a); - return op(`${aop}${set(a, expr3(["-", a, [INT, 1]]))}`, aop.type[0]); - }, - "!"([, a], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out); - if (!out) return op(aop); - if (aop.type.length > 1) err3("Group inversion: unimplemented"); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(if (result i32) (i32.eqz ${aop}) (then (i32.const 1)) (else (i32.const 0)))`, "i32"); - return op(`(if (result i32) (f64.eq ${aop} (f64.const 0)) (then (i32.const 1)) (else (i32.const 0)))`, "i32"); - }, - "|"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (b[1] === 0) return int(aop); - return op(`(i32.or ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - "&"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.and ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - "^"([, a, b], out) { - if (!b) { - let aop2 = expr3(a, false); - if (!defers) err3("Bad defer"); - defers.push(aop2); - return; - } - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.xor ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - "<<"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.shl ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - ">>"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.shr_s ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - "<<<"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.rotl ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - ">>>"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - return op(`(i32.rotr ${int(aop)} ${int(bop)})`, `i32`); - }, - // comparisons - "<"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.lt_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.lt ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - "<="([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.le_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.le ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - ">"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.gt_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.gt ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - ">="([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.ge_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.ge ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - "=="([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.eq_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.eq ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - "!="([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a, out), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(aop + bop); - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && bop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(i32.ne_s ${aop} ${bop})`, "i32"); - return op(`(f64.ne ${float(aop)} ${float(bop)})`, "i32"); - }, - // logical - we put value twice to the stack and then just drop if not needed - "||"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(`(if ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (else ${bop}))`); - if (aop.type[0] == "f64") return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param f64) (result f64) (f64.ne (f64.const 0)) (then) (else (drop) ${float(bop)}))`, "f64"); - if (bop.type[0] == "i32") return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param i32) (result i32) (then) (else (drop) ${bop}))`, "i32"); - return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param i32) (result f64) (then (f64.convert_i32_s)) (else (drop) ${bop}))`, "f64"); - }, - "&&"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (!out) return op(`(if ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${bop}))`); - if (aop.type[0] == "f64") return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param f64) (result f64) (f64.ne (f64.const 0)) (then (drop) ${float(bop)}))`, "f64"); - if (bop.type[0] == "i32") return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param i32) (result i32) (then (drop) ${bop}))`, "i32"); - return op(`${pick(2, aop)}(if (param i32) (result f64) (then (drop) ${bop})) (else (f64.convert_i32_s))`, "f64"); - }, - // a ? b; - differs from a && b so that it returns 0 if condition doesn't meet - "?"([, a, b], out) { - let aop = expr3(a), bop = expr3(b, out); - if (aop.type.length > 1) err3("Group condition is not supported yet."); - if (!out) return op(`(if ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${bop}))`); - return op(`(if (result ${bop.type[0]}) ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${bop.type[0] === "i32" ? bop : float(bop)} ) (else (${bop.type[0]}.const 0)))`, bop.type); - }, - "?:"([, a, b, c], out) { - let aop = expr3(a), bop = expr3(b, out), cop = expr3(c, out); - if (aop.type.length > 1) err3("Group condition is not supported yet."); - if (bop.type[0] === "i32" && cop.type[0] === "i32") return op(`(if ${out ? `(result i32)` : ``} ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${bop} ) (else ${cop}))`, out ? "i32" : []); - return op(`(if ${out ? `(result f64)` : ``} ${aop.type[0] == "i32" ? aop : `(f64.ne ${aop} (f64.const 0))`} (then ${float(bop)} ) (else ${float(cop)}))`, out ? "f64" : []); - }, - // a ~ range - clamp a to indicated range - "~"([, a, b], out) { - if (!b) { - return out && op(`(i32.xor (i32.const -1) ${int(expr3(a))})`, "i32"); - } - if (b[0] !== "..") err3("Non-range passed as right side of clamp operator"); - let [, min, max] = b, aop = expr3(a), minop = min && expr3(min, out), maxop = max && expr3(max, out); - if (!out) return op(minop + maxop); - if (!max) { - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && minop.type[0] === "i32") return include("i32.smax"), call("i32.max", aop, minop); - return op(`(f64.max ${float(aop)} ${float(minop)})`, "f64"); - } - if (!min) { - if (aop.type[0] === "i32" && maxop.type[0] === "i32") return include("i32.smin"), call("i32.min", aop, maxop); - return op(`(f64.min ${float(aop)} ${float(maxop)})`, "f64"); - } - if (aop.type == "i32" && minop.type == "i32" && maxop.type == "i32") { - return include("i32.smax"), include("i32.smin"), call("i32.smax", call("i32.smin", aop, maxop), minop); - } - return op(`(f64.max (f64.min ${float(aop)} ${float(maxop)}) ${float(minop)})`, "f64"); - } - // , - // '<>'([, path], out) { - // if (locals) err('Import must be in global scope') - // path = path.trim(); - // if (path[0] === "'" || path[0] === '"') path = path.slice(1, -1); - // let url = new URL('import:' + path) - // let { hash, pathname } = url - // let lib = config.imports?.[pathname] - // if (!lib) err(`Unknown import entry '${pathname}'`) - // // FIXME: include directive into syntax tree - // // let src = fetchSource(pathname) - // // let include = parse(src) - // // node.splice(node.indexOf(impNode), 1, null, include) - // let members = hash ? hash.slice(1).split(',') : Object.keys(lib) - // for (let member of members) { - // const val = lib[member] - // if (typeof val === 'number') { - // // FIXME: here can be mutable global object - // globals[member] = { var: true, import: true, type: 'f64' } - // imports.push([pathname, member, `(global $${member} f64)`]) - // } - // else if (typeof val === 'function') { - // // FIXME: function may return multiple values, but how to detect that? - // imports.push([pathname, member, `(func $${member} ${val.length ? `(param${` f64`.repeat(val.length)})` : ''} (result f64))`]) - // globals[member] = { func: true, import: true, type: 'i32' } - // } - // } - // // we return nothing since member is marked as imported - // return '' - // }, - // a,b,c . x? - // '.'([, a, b]) { - // // a.0 - index access - doesn't require modwrap - // let idx = isNaN(Number(b)) ? err('Alias access is unimplemented') : Number(b) - // return op(`(f64.load (i32.add ${int(expr(a))} (i32.const ${idx << 3})))`, 'f64') - // }, -}); - -// index.js -var piezo_default = compile; -export { - compile, - piezo_default as default, - parse_default2 as parse, - precompile -};