Android dependencies have moved to the drop-sdk-java/android directory of this repo and published as a separate artifact. To migrate, add the following to your dependencies block:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.dropbox.core:dropbox-android-sdk:6.0.0'
- #504 Cleanup python codegen and formats
- #503 Point to latest stone
- #501 Updated to
to unblock adoption of Spring Boot v3, this is a breaking change if you useDbxSessionStore
.- Improved generateStone task to properly declare inputs and outputs
- #500 Build Improvements
- Added better error messaging when trying to build the project without submodules initialized.
- Removed obsolete javadoc flag
- Updated test dependencies
- Removed redundant gradle wrappers
- #499 Update for python 3.10 compatability
- #486 Makes project compatible with config cache
- Removed redundant gradle wrappers
- Updated to Gradle 7.6.2
- Updated test dependencies
- Removed obsolete javadoc flag
- Update jackson-core to 2.15.0 #492
- Update dropbox-api-spec to point to more recent version (Sept 01, 2022) #431
- Generated stone api code is now checked into repository for greater visibility of spec changes #418
- Renamed
#424 - Added gradle version catalog #414#436
- Moved android code from
#429 - Converted Java code to Kotlin in
while mostly maintaining binary compatibility. #430 - Binary Compatibility Changes since
#449 (see changes):- The following classes are now
and cannot be
- In
, constants for the Intent Extra Keys were moved
- The following classes are now
- Fixed NPE bug in login flow #347
- Republished 5.3.0 due to premature release of 5.4.0
- Published prematurely due to misconfiguration of GH Action, do not use.
5.3.0 (2022-07-20) Milestone
- Update dropbox-api-spec to point to more recent version (July 13, 2022) #400
- The generateStone Gradle Task now supports Gradle Configuration Caching #390
- API Backwards Compatibility Fix - Won't crash when new types are returned from API #395
- Version Bumps in the Dropbox Android Sample Apps #391
- Update jackson-core to 2.7.9
- Bug fixes for build breakages in 5.1.0
- Upgrade to Gradle 7.2
- Bumped Java source and target compatability to 11
- Upgrade OKHttp to V4
- Mark PipedRequestBody as a one shot request to avoid potential data corrupting during upload
- Expose progress listener for upload progress via getOutputStream, useful for concurrent uploads
- Return an error when we have an invalid access token
- DbxRefreshResult Expires In returns the right time
- update Java tests to use Google's Truth library
- bump target Java version from 6 to 8
- revert Java version bump (back to Java 6)
- update Java tests to use Google's Truth library
- bump target Java version from 6 to 8
- Fix bug in authorization flow.
- Files Namespace
- Add internal_error to SearchError union.
- Add locked to LookupError union.
- Add cant_move_into_vault to RelocationError union.
- Add MoveIntoVaultError union.
- Add SearchMatchFieldOptions struct.
- Add optional match_field_options to SearchV2Arg struct.
- Doc/example changes.
- Sharing Namespace
- Add is_vault to SharePathError union.
- Add invalid_shared_folder to AddFolderMemberError union.
- Team Namespace
- Make members field of LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateArg struct optional.
- Add app_folder_removal_not_supported to RevokeLinkedAppError union.
- Doc/example changes.
- Team Log Namespace
- Add auto_approve to InviteMethod union.
- Add moved_from_another_team to InviteMethod union.
- Add moved_from_another_team to MemberStatus union.
- Add no_one to SharedLinkVisibility union.
- Add optional new_team to MemberChangeStatusDetails struct.
- Add optional previous_team to MemberChangeStatusDetails struct.
- Add external_sharing_create_report_details to EventDetails union.
- Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventDetails union.
- Add content_administration_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union.
- Add external_sharing_create_report to EventType union.
- Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventType union.
- Add content_administration_policy_changed to EventType union.
- Add send_for_signature_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union.
- Add external_sharing_create_report to EventTypeArgs union.
- Add external_sharing_report_failed to EventTypeArgs union.
- Add content_administration_policy_changed to EventTypeArgs union.
- Add send_for_signature_policy_changed to EventTypeArgs union.
- Add SendForSignaturePolicy union.
- Add ExternalSharingCreateReportDetails struct.
- Add ExternalSharingReportFailedDetails struct.
- Add ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedDetails struct.
- Add SendForSignaturePolicyChangedDetails struct.
- Add ExternalSharingCreateReportType struct.
- Add ExternalSharingReportFailedType struct.
- Add ContentAdministrationPolicyChangedType struct.
- Add SendForSignaturePolicyChangedType struct.
Support include_granted_scopes in OAuth2 flow.
Support new scope parameter when refreshing DbxCredential.
Files Namespace:
- Update comments on FileLockMetadata struct
- Add optional lockholder_account_id to FileLockMetadata struct
- Add optional invalid_argument to SearchError union
- Add get_thumbnail:2 route
- Add ThumbnailV2Error union
- Add MinimalFileLinkMetadata struct
- Add PreviewResult struct
- Add SharedLinkFileInfo struct
- Add PathOrLink union
- Add ThumbnailV2Arg struct
- Change UnlockFileArg's path type to WritePathOrId
- Change LockFileArg's path type to WritePathOrId
Update query description on SearchArg Struct, SearchV2Arg Struct
Update move:2 and move_batch:2 route descirption
File Properties Namespace
- Update AddPropertiesArg description
- Add duplicate_property_groups to InvalidPropertyGroupError Union
- Update property_groups description on AddPropertiesError Union
Shared Links Namespace:
- Fix Typo
Team Groups Namespace:
- Add add_creator_as_owner to GroupCreateArg struct
- Update comments for async_job_id on GroupMembersChangeResult struct
Team Legal Holds Namespace:
Add exporting to LegalHoldStatus union
Add invactive_legal_hold to LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError union
Add legal_hold_policy_not_found to LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError union
Add MembersInfo struct
Add LegalHoldsError union
mark legal_holds/export_policy to deprecated
mark legal_holds/export_policy_job_status/check to deprecated
Change LegalHoldPolicy's members type to MembersInfo
Update LegalHoldPolicy's examples
Update LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError to extend LegalHoldsError
Update LegalHoldsGetPolicyError to extend LegalHoldsError
Update LegalHoldsListPoliciesError to extend LegalHoldsError
Update LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError to extend LegalHoldsError
Deleted deprecated routes legal_holds/export_policy and legal_holds/export_policy_job_status/check
Added comments to legalHoldPolicy struct
Add more detailed comments to LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionResult
Fix misc typos in comments
Team_log namespace:
- Add team_exceeded_legal_hold_quota to LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError union
- Change LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError and LegalHoldsPolicyReleaseError to extend LegalHoldsError
- Add optional EventTypeArg event_type to GetTeamEventsArg struct
- Add invalid_filters to GetTeamEventsError union
Team Log Namespace:
- Remove lifespan comment
Team Log Generated Namesapce:
Add team_invite_details to ActionDetails union
Add optional has_linked_apps to JoinTeamDetails struct
Add optional has_linked_devices to JoinTeamDetails struct
Add optional has_linkeD_shared_folders to JoinTeamDetails struct
Update comments in JoinTeamDetails struct
Update JoinTeamDetails struct examples
Update LegalHoldsExportAHoldDetails struct examples
Update PaperContentRemoveFromFolderDetails target_asset_index to be optional
Update PaperContentRemoveFromFolderDetails parent_asset_index to be optional
Add shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAddExpirationDetails struct
Update SharedLinkSettingAddExpirationDetails struct examples
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAddPasswordDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadDisabledDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadEnabledDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangeAudienceDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangeExpirationDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangePasswordDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsRemoveExpirationDetails struct
Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsRemovePasswordDetails struct
Add file_locking_status_changed_details to EventDetails union
Add rewind_folder_details to EventDetails union
Add legal_holds_export_cancelled_details to EventDetails union
Add legal_holds_export_downloaded_details to EventDetails union
Add legal_holds_export_removed_details to EventDetails union
Add create_team_invite_link_details to EventDetails union
Add delete_team_invite_link_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_add_page_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_add_section_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_remove_page_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_remove_section_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_rename_page_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_rename_section_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_reorder_page_details to EventDetails union
Add binder_reorder_section_details to EventDetails union
Add rewind_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union
Add team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed_details to EventDetails union
Add web_sessions_change_active_session_limit_details to EventDetails union
Add enterprise_settings_locking_details to EventDetails union
Add file_locking_lock_status_changed to EventType union
Add rewind_folder to EventType union
Add legal_holds_export_cancelled to EventType union
Add legal_holds_export_downloaded to EventType union
Add legal_holds_export_removed to EventType union
Add create_team_invite_link to EventType union
Add delete_team_invite_link to EventType union
Add binder_add_page to EventType union
Add binder_add_section to EventType union
Add binder_remove_page to EventType union
Add binder_remove_section to EventType union
Add binder_rename_page to EventType union
Add binder_rename_section to EventType union
Add binder_reorder_page to EventType union
Add binder_reorder_section to EventType union
Add rewind_policy_changed to EventType union
Add team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed to EventType union
Add web_sessions_change_active_session_limit to EventType union
Add enterprise_settings_locking to EventType union
Add TeamInviteDetails struct
Add InviteMethod union
Add LockStatus union
Add RewindPolicy union
Add FileLockingLockStatusChangedDetails struct
Add RewindFolderDetails struct
Add LegalHoldsExportCancelledDetails struct
Add LegalHoldsExportDownloadedDetails struct
Add LegalHoldsExportRemovedDetails struct
Add CreateTeamInviteLinkDetails struct
Add DeleteTeamInviteLinkDetails struct
Add BinderAddPageDetails struct
Add BinderAddSectionDetails struct
Add BinderRemovePageDetails struct
Add BinderRemoveSectionDetails struct
Add BinderRenamePageDetails struct
Add BinderRenameSectionDetails struct
Add BinderReorderPageDetails struct
Add BinderReorderSectionDetails struct
Add RewindPolicyChangedDetails struct
Add TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedDetails struct
Add WebSessionsChangeActiviteSessionLimitDetails struct
Add EnterpriseSettingsLockingDetails struct
Add FileLockingLockStatusChangedType struct
Add RewindFolderType struct
Add LegalHoldsExportCancelledType struct
Add LegalHoldsExportDownloadedType struct
Add LegalHoldsExportRemovedType struct
Add CreateTeamInviteLinkType struct
Add DeleteTeamInviteLinkType struct
Add BinderAddPageType struct
Add BinderAddSectionType struct
Add BinderRemovePageType struct
Add BinderRemoveSectionType struct
Add BinderRenamePageType struct
Add BinderRenameSectionType struct
Add BinderReorderPageType struct
Add BinderReorderSectionType struct
Add RewindPolicyChangedType struct
Add TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedType struct
Add WebSessionsChangeActiveSessionLimitType struct
Add EnterpriseSettingsLockingType struct
Added AccountState union
Added AccountLockOrUnlockedType struct
Added AccountLockOrUnlockedDetails struct
Added MemberSendInvitePolicy union
Added MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedType struct
Added MemberSendInvitePolicyChangedDetails struct
Added a new tag first_party_token_exchange to LoginMethod union
Added new tags account_lock_or_unlocked_details and member_send_invite_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union
Added new tags account_lock_or_unlocked and member_send_invite_policy_changed to EventType union
Added a new field file_size to FileOrFolderLogInfo and FileLogInfo struct
Added a new field file_count to FolderLogInfo struct
Add NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportDetails, NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedDetails, NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportDetails, NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedDetails, NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportDetails, NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedDetails, OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportDetails, OutdatedLnkViewReportFailedDetails structs to the EventDetails union
Add NoExpirationLinkGenCreateReportType, NoExpirationLinkGenReportFailedType, NoPasswordLinkGenCreateReportType, NoPasswordLinkGenReportFailedType, NoPasswordLinkViewCreateReportType, NoPasswordLinkViewReportFailedType, OutdatedLinkViewCreateReportType, OutdatedLinkViewReportFailedType structs to the EventType union
Add deprecated tag to was_linked_apps_truncated, was_linked_devices_truncated, was_link_shared_folders_truncated parameters in JoinTeamDetails struct
Added the EventTypeArg union
Users Namespace:
Add file_locking to UserFeature union
Add file_locking to UserFeatureValue
Update example for UserFeaturesGetaluesBatchArg
Add FileLockingValue union
Cloud Docs Namespace
- added a new route property is_cloud_doc_auth indicating whether the endpoint is a Dropbox cloud docs endpoint which takes cloud docs auth token.
- Add get_content, get_metadata, rename, unlock, and lock routes
- Add corresponding args, results, and errors
Shared Links Namespace
- Update SharedLinkSettings example
Stone CFG Namespace
- Update auth type string patterns
- Update host string patterns
- Update style string patterns
- Update select_admin_mode string patterns
Team Secondary Mails Namespace:
- Remove is_preview from route add, resend_verification_emails, and delete
Team Members Namespace:
- Update comment for retain_team_shares arg of MembersRemoveArg
- Fix mobile sign in bug.
- Account namespace:
- Added set_profile_photo end point.
- Auth namespace:
- Added route_access_denied to AuthError.
- Check namespace:
- Added this namespace for authentication test
- Common namespace:
- Added SecondaryEmail struct.
- Contacts namespace:
- Added scope route attribute to delete_manual_contacts end point.
- Files namespace:
- Added scope route attribute to the following end points:
- get_metadata
- list_folder/longpoll
- list_folder
- list_folder/continue
- list_folder/get_latest_cursor
- download
- download_zip
- export
- upload_session/start
- upload_session/append
- upload_session/append:2
- upload_session/finish
- upload_session/finish_batch
- upload_session/finish_batch/check
- search
- upload
- create_folder
- create_folder:2
- create_folder_batch
- create_folder_batch/check
- delete
- delete:2
- delete_batch
- delete_batch/check
- permanently_delete
- copy
- copy:2
- copy_batch
- copy_batch:2
- copy_batch/check
- copy_batch/check:2
- move
- move:2
- move_batch
- move_batch:2
- move_batch/check:2
- move_batch/check
- get_thumbnail
- get_thumbnail_batch
- get_preview
- list_revisions
- restore
- get_temporary_link
- get_temporary_upload_link
- copy_reference/get
- copy_reference/save
- save_url
- save_url/check_job_status
- Added new search:2 end point.
- Added new search/continue:2 end point
- Added new lock_file_batch end point
- Added new unlock_file_batch end point
- Added new get_file_lock_batch end point
- Added New MetadataV2 union
- Added new HighlightSpan struct
- Added new FileLockMetadata struct
- Added file_lock_info to FileMetadata struct
- Added template_error to ListFolderError union
- Added retry_error to ExportError union
- Added scope route attribute to the following end points:
- File_properties namespace:
- Added scope route attribute to to the following end points:
- properties/add
- properties/overwrite
- properties/update
- properties/remove
- properties/search
- templates/add_for_user
- templates/add_for_team
- templates/get_for_user
- templates/get_for_team
- templates/update_for_user
- templates/update_for_team
- templates/list_for_user
- templates/list_for_team
- templates/remove_for_user
- templates/remove_for_team
- Added scope route attribute to to the following end points:
- File_requests namespace:
- Added optional scope route attribute to to the following end points:
- list:2
- list/continue
- list
- get
- create
- update
- count
- delete
- delete_all_closed
- Updated docstrings for CreateFileRequestError
- Added optional scope route attribute to to the following end points:
- Team namespace:
- Added scope route attribute to to the following end points:
- legal_holds/release_policy
- members/secondary_emails/add
- members/secondary_emails
- get_info
- token/get_authenticated_admin
- features/get_values
- devices/list_member_devices
- devices/list_members_devices
- devices/revoke_device_session
- devices/revoke_device_session_batch
- team_folder/create
- team_folder/rename
- team_folder/list
- team_folder/list/continue
- team_folder/get_info
- team_folder/activate
- team_folder/archive
- team_folder/archive/check
- team_folder/permanently_delete
- groups/list
- groups/list/continue
- groups/get_info
- groups/create
- groups/delete
- groups/update
- groups/members/add
- groups/members/remove
- groups/members/set_access_type
- groups/members/list
- groups/members/list/continue
- linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps
- linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps
- linked_apps/revoke_linked_app
- linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch
- member_space_limits/set_custom_quota
- member_space_limits/remove_custom_quota
- member_space_limits/get_custom_quota
- member_space_limits/excluded_users/add
- member_space_limits/excluded_users/remove
- member_space_limits/excluded_users/list
- members/list
- members/list/continue
- members/get_info
- members/add
- members/add/job_status/get
- members/set_admin_permissions
- members/send_welcome_email
- members/remove
- members/remove/job_status/get
- members/suspend
- members/unsuspend
- members/recover
- members/move_former_member_files
- namespaces/list
- namespaces/list/continue
- reports/get_storage
- reports/get_activity
- reports/get_membership
- Added new legal_holds/release_policy end point.
- Added new members/secondary_emails/add end point.
- Added new members/secondary_emails/resend_verification_emails
- Added new members/secondary_emails/delete end point
- Added new members/set_profile_photo end point
- Added new members/delete_profile_photo end point
- Added secondary_emails to MemberProfile struct
- Added invited_on to MemberProfile struct
- Added retain_team_shares in MembersRemoveArg Struct
- Added the following to MembersRemoveError union
- cannot_retain_shares_when_data_wiped
- cannot_retain_shares_when_no_account_kept
- cannot_retain_shares_when_team_external_sharing_off
- cannot_keep_account
- cannot_keep_account_under_legal_hold
- cannot_keep_account_required_to_sign_tos
- Updated docstring for DateRange
- Team_log namespace:
- Add scope route attribute to the following end points:
- get_events
- Added unlink_device to QuickActionType union
- Added enterprise_console to AccessMethodLogInfo
- Added was_linked_apps_truncated, was_linked_devices_truncated, was_linked_shared_folders_truncated to JoinTeamDetails struct
- Added web_session, qr_code, apple_oauth to LoginMethod union
- Added enterprise_admin to TrustedNonTeamMemberType union
- Added team to TeamMemberLogInfo struct
- Added is_shared_namespace to NamespaceRelativePathLogInfo struct
- Added organization_team to ContextLogInfo union
- Added legal_holds to EventCategory union
- Added notification_type to AccountCaptureNotificationEmailsSentDetails struct
- Added the following to EventDetails union:
- folder_overview_description_changed_details
- folder_overview_item_pinned_details
- folder_overview_item_unpinned_details
- legal_holds_activate_a_hold_details
- legal_holds_add_members_details
- legal_holds_change_hold_details_details
- legal_holds_change_hold_name_details
- legal_holds_export_a_hold_details
- legal_holds_release_a_hold_details
- legal_holds_remove_members_details
- legal_holds_report_a_hold_details
- member_delete_profile_photo_details
- member_set_profile_photo_details
- pending_secondary_email_added_details
- secondary_email_deleted_details
- secondary_email_verified_details
- paper_published_link_change_permission_details
- export_members_report_fail_details
- file_transfers_file_add_details
- file_transfers_transfer_delete_details
- file_transfers_transfer_download_details
- file_transfers_transfer_send_details
- file_transfers_transfer_view_details
- shared_content_restore_invitees_details
- shared_content_restore_member_details
- device_approvals_add_exception_details
- device_approvals_remove_exception_details
- file_locking_policy_changed_details
- file_transfers_policy_changed_details
- password_strength_requirements_change_policy_details
- smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed_details
- tfa_add_exception_details
- tfa_remove_exception_details
- watermarking_policy_changed_details
- changed_enterprise_admin_role_details
- changed_enterprise_connected_team_status_details
- ended_enterprise_admin_session_details
- ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated_details
- started_enterprise_admin_session_details
- shared_link_settings_add_expiration_details
- shared_link_settings_add_password_details
- shared_link_settings_allow_download_disabled_details
- shared_link_settings_allow_download_enabled_details
- shared_link_settings_change_audience_details
- shared_link_settings_change_expiration_details
- shared_link_settings_change_password_details
- shared_link_settings_remove_expiration_details
- shared_link_settings_remove_password_details
- Added the following to EventType union:
- folder_overview_description_changed
- folder_overview_item_pinned
- folder_overview_item_unpinned
- legal_holds_activate_a_hold
- legal_holds_add_members
- legal_holds_change_hold_details
- legal_holds_change_hold_name
- legal_holds_export_a_hold
- legal_holds_release_a_hold
- legal_holds_remove_members
- legal_holds_report_a_hold
- member_delete_profile_photo
- member_set_profile_photo
- pending_secondary_email_added
- secondary_email_deleted
- secondary_email_verified
- paper_published_link_change_permission
- export_members_report_fail
- file_transfers_file_add
- file_transfers_transfer_delete
- file_transfers_transfer_download
- file_transfers_transfer_send
- file_transfers_transfer_view
- shared_content_restore_invitees
- shared_content_restore_member
- device_approvals_add_exception
- device_approvals_remove_exception
- file_locking_policy_changed
- file_transfers_policy_changed
- password_strength_requirements_change_policy
- smarter_smart_sync_policy_changed
- tfa_add_exception
- tfa_remove_exception
- watermarking_policy_changed
- changed_enterprise_admin_role
- changed_enterprise_connected_team_status
- ended_enterprise_admin_session
- ended_enterprise_admin_session_deprecated
- started_enterprise_admin_session
- Add scope route attribute to the following end points:
- Team_policies namespace:
- Added disabled in TwoStepVerificationState union
- Added new unions PasswordControlMode, SmarterSmartSyncPolicyState, FileLockingPolicyState
- Paper namespace:
- Updated doctoring for the namespace
- Updated doctoring for PaperApiBaseError
- Added PaperFolderCreateArg, PaperFolderCreateResult structs
- Added new PaperFolderCreateError union
- Updated docstring for following end points:
- docs/folder_users/list
- docs/folder_users/list/continue
- docs/sharing_policy/get
- docs/sharing_policy/set
- docs/archive
- docs/permanently_delete
- docs/download
- docs/get_folder_info
- docs/users/add
- docs/users/remove
- docs/users/list
- docs/users/list/continue
- docs/list
- docs/list/continue
- docs/create
- docs/update
- folders/create
- Added scope route attribute to the following end points:
- docs/folder_users/list
- docs/folder_users/list/continue
- docs/sharing_policy/get
- docs/sharing_policy/set
- docs/archive
- docs/permanently_delete
- docs/download
- docs/get_folder_info
- docs/users/add
- docs/users/remove
- docs/users/list
- docs/users/list/continue
- docs/list
- docs/list/continue
- docs/create
- docs/update
- Sharing namespace:
Add scope route attribute to the following end points:
- get_shared_link_metadata
- list_shared_links
- modify_shared_link_settings
- create_shared_link_with_settings
- revoke_shared_link
- get_shared_link_file
- add_file_member
- update_file_member
- get_file_metadata
- get_file_metadata/batch
- list_file_members
- list_file_members/batch
- list_file_members/continue
- list_received_files
- list_received_files/continue
- remove_file_member
- remove_file_member_2
- relinquish_file_membership
- unsharp_file
- list_folders
- list_folders/continue
- list_mountable_folders
- list_mountable_folders/continue
- get_folder_metadata
- list_folder_members
- list_folder_members/continue
- share_folder
- check_share_job_status
- check_job_status
- unsharp_folder
- transfer_folder
- update_folder_policy
- add_folder_member
- remove_folder_member
- check_remove_member_job_status
- update_folder_member
- mount_folder
- unmount_folder
- relinquish_folder_membership
- set_access_inheritance
- Add parent_folder_name to SharedFolderMetadataBase
- Users namespace:
- Added scope route attribute to the following end points:
- get_account
- get_current_account
- get_space_usage
- get_account_batch
- Added user_within_team_space_used_cached to TeamSpaceAllocation struct
- Added new features/get_values end point
- Added scope route attribute to the following end points:
Fix Fix protocol and ciphersuite selection to enable TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.1
Update to Latest API specs: File namespace:
- Added new ExportInfo struct
- Added new fields (is_downloadable, export_info) to FileMetadata
- Added new include_non_downloadable_files to ListFolderArg
- Added new ExportMetadata, ExportArg, Export Result Structs
- Added new ExportError union
- Added new /export route
Sharing namespace:
- Added password field to LinkAudience
- Added effective_audience and link_access_level fields to LinkPermissions struct
- Updated docstrings for LinkPermissions
- Added audience and access fields to SharedLinkSettings struct
- New LinkAccessLevel and RequestedLinkAccessLevel union
- Added new create_view_link and create_edit_link fields to FileAction union
Team_log namespace:
- New types added
Team_policies namespace:
- New TwoStepVerificationState union
Team_reports namespace:
- New TemporaryFailureReason union added.
Early Access on Short-live token feature.
Update to Latest API specs: Auth Namespace:
- Add missing_scope into AuthError
File_requests namespace:
- Add list and list/continue endpoints.
- Add count endpoint.
- Add delete and delete_all_closed endpoints.
Files namespace:
- Add unsupported_file to DownloadError.
- Add upper bound 9999 to start field in SearchArg.
- Add unsupported_content_type to LookupError.
- Add cant_move_shared_folder to RelocationError.
- Add email_not_verified and unsupported_file to GetTemporaryLinkError.
Seen_state namespace:
- Add mobile_ios, mobile_android and api into PlatformType.
- deprecate mobile in PlatformType.
Sharing namespace:
- Change shared_link_already_exists under CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError from void to SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata.
- Add banned_member to AddFolderMemberError.
Team namespace:
- Add profile_photo_url and suspended_on into MemberProfile.
Team_log namespace:
- Add reset_password and restore_file_or_folder to QuickActionType.
- Add google_oauth to LoginMethod.
- Add australia_only and japan_only to PlacementRestriction.
- Add trusted_teams to EventCategory.
- In event details.
- Add integration_connected_details.
- Add integration_disconnected_details.
- Add file_request_delete_details.
- Add guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams_details.
- Add guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams_details.
- Add member_add_external_id_details.
- Add member_change_external_id_details.
- Add member_remove_external_id_details
- Add integration_policy_changed_details.
- Add paper_default_folder_policy_changed_details.
- Add paper_desktop_policy_changed_details.
- Add team_extensions_policy_changed_details.
- Add guest_admin_change_status_details.
- In EventType
- Add integration_connected.
- Add integration_disconnected.
- Add file_request_delete.
- Add guest_admin_signed_in_via_trusted_teams.
- Add guest_admin_signed_out_via_trusted_teams.
- Add member_add_external_id.
- Add member_change_external_id.
- Add member_remove_external_i.
- Add integration_policy_change.
- Add paper_default_folder_policy_change.
- Add paper_desktop_policy_changed.
- Add team_extensions_policy_changed.
- Add guest_admin_change_status.
stone_cfg: Add scope into route attribute.
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Common Namespace:
- Allow DisplayNameLegacy to support a name of zero chars
- Force matching dot character in alias EmailAddress
- File_properties namespace:
- Doesn’t allow app folder app to access file property endpoints.
- Files namespace:
- Create copy_batch:2 and move_batch:2 endpoints. Deprecate existing copy_batch and move_batch.
- Contacts namespace:
- New namespace
- New routes: delete_manual_contacts and delete_manual_contacts_batch
- New argument structs for new routes
- Sharing namespace:
- Add no_one option to LinkAudience union
- Sharing_files namespace:
- Doesn’t allow app folder app to access sharing files endpoints.
- Teams namespace:
- Add is_disconnected boolean to RemovedStatus struct
- Add error response type to namespace/list route
- Only Team apps with Team member file access can access team/properties endpoints.
- Team_log namespace:
- New event types added
- Common Namespace:
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Files Namespace:
- Updated doc strings.
- Team_log Namespace:
- Updated event docstrings.
- New reset field for loading events with a cursor.
- New event types added.
- Team_policies Namespace:
- New CameraUploadsPolicyState union.
- Files Namespace:
- Update to Latest API specs:
- files namespace:
- Increased size limit for download_zip endpoint.
- Update documentation for data transport call limit.
- Added get_temporary_upload_link endpoint.
- paper namespace:
- Added invite_editor to FileAction.
- Added access_inheritance to MembershipInfo.
- team_log namespace:
- Added more event types and details.
- team:
- Added members/move_former_member_files endpoint.
- Added members/move_former_member_files/job_status/check endpoint.
- files namespace:
- Add ProgressListener to upload and download.
- Change to include team_id field in auth finish class
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Namespace Files:
- Added new too_large error type for uploads.
- New documentation.
- Namespace Team:
- Add is_directory_restricted attribute to memberprofile, memberaddarg.
- Add new_is_directory_restricted to membersetprofilearg.
- Namespace Team_log:
- Additional documentation.
- Namespace Files:
- Add asAdmin to DbxTeamClientV2.
- Support SSL_* ciphers in ALLOWED_CIPHER_SUITES.
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Namespace file_properties:
- Updated comments.
- Namespace files:
- Added parent_rev attribute to deletearg.
- Added select_admin_mode attribute to relevant routes.
- Added too_many_write_operations error type to writeerror.
- New createfolderbatch endpoint and related datatypes.
- New fileid alias.
- New symlinkinfo struct on filemetadata.
- New syncsettings objects.
- New thumbnail sizes.
- New thumbnailmode object.
- Namespace seen_state:
- New namespace.
- Namespace sharing:
- Add seen_state.platformtype to userfilemembershipinfo.
- Added select_admin_mode attribute to relevant routes.
- Additional user info added to userinfo struct.
- New accessinheritance union.
- New set_access_inheritance for folderaction.
- New set_access_inheritance route.
- Updated docs.
- Namespace team:
- Add additional error types to membersremoveerror union.
- New hasteamselectivesync object.
- New selective sync settings included in various return objects and error types.
- New update_sync_settings route.
- Updated docstring.
- Updated docstrings.
- Namespace team_common:
- Added new memberspacelimittype union.
- Namespace team_log:
- Lots of updates to struct names and descriptions (note these routes and structs are still in preview and subject to further changes).
- Updated event types.
- Namespace team_policies:
- New showcasedownloadpolicy object.
- New showcaseenabledpolicy object.
- New showcaseexternalsharingpolicy object.
- Namespace users:
- Additional member space limit fields in teamspaceallocation struct.
- Updated routes with select_admin_mode attribute.
- Namespace file_properties:
- Add withPathRoot to DbxClientV2.
- Make Android and GAE optional in OSGI Import-Package statements.
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Namespace common:
- New LanguageCode alias.
- Namespace file_properties:
- Updated docstrings.
- Namespace file_requests:
- Updated docstrings.
- Namespace files:
- New aliases and structs relating to shared links.
- Move shared_link to end of parameter list for ListFolderArg.
- Add mode to ListRevisionsArg.
- Namespace sharing:
- New UserFileMembershipInfo struct.
- Namespace team_folders:
- Updated doc strings.
- Additional async example.
- Namespace team_log:
- New TeamEventList alias.
- New autogenerated datatypes.
- Namespace team_policies:
- New TwoStepVerificationPolicy.
- Namespace common:
- Update to Latest API specs:
- Namespace common:
- new LanguageCode alias.
- Namespace file_properties:
- Updated docstrings.
- Namespace file_requests:
- Updated docstrings.
- Namespace files:
- New aliases and structs relating to shared links.
- Move shared_link to end of parameter list for ListFolderArg.
- Add mode to ListRevisionsArg.
- Namespace sharing:
- New UserFileMembershipInfo struct.
- Namespace team_folders:
- updated doc strings.
- additional async example.
- Namespace team_log:
- new TeamEventList alias.
- new autogenerated datatypes.
- Namespace team_policies:
- new TwoStepVerificationPolicy.
- Namespace common:
- Update to Latest API specs:
- General:
- Numerous updates to docstrings across all namespaces.
- Updated general route configuration to support select_admin_mode.
- Auth, Users, TeamReports, TeamPropertyTemplates, TeamDevices, TeamGroups, TeamLinkedApps Namespaces:
- Update route ownership.
- Common Namespace:
- Fix regular expression for DisplayName.
- Rename shared_folder to namespace_id for path root header.
- New aliases for OptionalNamePart and DisplayNameLegacy.
- Files Namespace:
- Clarify
documentation. - Add Select-Admin badge to docs, remove list from business page.
- Support fileId for move api v2 endpoints.
- API_V2 delete_batch should grab one ns_lock when processing one namespace instead of holding all locks at beginning.
- Add FileId support to list_folder.
- Added changeset support for fileops and /rollback endpoint.
- Change default of allow_ownership_transfer to false.
- Get double the limit in list_revisions to include deleted and truncate later in controller.
- Add server_deleted timestamp to list_revisions.
- Revert changes to api delta that aren't backwards compatible.
- Add deleted_at to DeletedMetadata in list_folders, get_metadata. Add deleted_at to toplevel response, add include_deleted as param in list_revisions.
- Update ownership.
- New attributes for ListFolderArg: included_mounted_folders, limit.
- New get_thumbnail_batch route and corresponding interfaces.
- Clarify
- SharedContentLinks Namespace:
- API changes for child exceptions.
- SharedLinks Namespace:
- Add max results limit of 1000 for /2/sharing/get_shared_links.
- Update sharing route ownership.
- Add link to list_shared_links in shared_link_already_exists error.
- SharingFiles Namespace:
- Add owner name as a new field to alpha sharing file metadata.
- SharingFolders Namespace:
- Make the internal endpoint take internal folder actions.
- Update route ownership.
- Added owner_display_names to SharedFolderMetadataBase.
- Updated PermissionDeniedReason union.
- StoneCfg Namespace:
- Add Select-Admin badge to docs, remove list from business page.
- Update route ownership.
- Team Namespace:
- Enable looking up if a team is in CDM.
- Update route generator to pass through team endpoint ownership.
- Update route ownership.
- Add route member_space_limits/set_custom_quota.
- Add route member_space_limits/remove_cusom_quota.
- Add route member_space_limits/get_custom_quota.
- Deprecate beta properites routes.
- TeamFolders Namespace:
- Update team folder APIs with some extra fields.
- Update route ownership.
- TeamLog Namespace:
- Start using v2 category index.
- Reduced strictness of pattern matching for IpAddress.
- New FileCommentNotificationPolicy union
- Multiple updated attribute names in unions.
- New Structs for new team_log objects
- TeamLogGenerated Namespace:
- Variable scheme for team events.
- Mark ACCOUNT_CAPTURE_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS_SENT event as under development.
- Make sure team policies event expose their own union (for API future proofing).
- Add device_info as data_gap for 2 event types.
- Save group info into participants field.
- Account capture pro-active email notifications - audit log.
- Fix schema of member_change_membershipe_type and member_space_limits_change_status.
- Make team_folder_change_status conform to previous_value/new_value convention.
- Fixes the variable schema of domain verification and account capture event types.
- Use common.Data stone type for the variable schema fields of team_activity_create_report.
- Introduce a new struct for team name.
- Fix comments related to sso events.
- TeamMembers Namespace:
- Return root ns_id on some call.
- Update ownership.
- Update NamePart? to be OptionalNamePart?.
- TeamNamespaces Namespace:
- Implement API V2 route team/namespaces/list.
- TeamPolicies Namespace:
- Add Office Add-In Policy to
return. - Add new team policies for SSO Paper, RolloutMethod and PasswordStrength.
- Add Office Add-In Policy to
- Paper Namespace:
- New "docs/create" and "docs/update" routes and corresponding interfaces.
- File_properties Namespace:
- New routes and structs for the file properties and templates API functionality.
- File_requests Namespace:
- New routes and structs for the file_requests API functionality.
- Files_properties Namespace:
- removed in favor of file_properties.
- Properties Namespace:
- removed in favor of file_properties.
- Team_property_templates Namespace:
- removed in favor of file_properties.
- General:
- Add global response handlers.
- Add PathRootErrorException and AccessErrorException corresponding to 422 and 403 status codes.
- Add support for map data type in stone.
- Fix upload hanging in OKHttp3 when internet is cut off.
Fix the compatibility bug that cause sharing/get_file_metadata to crash.
- Update to latest API specs:
- Auth namespace:
- Added TokenFromOAuth1Arg, TokenFromOAuth1Result and TokenFromOAuth1Error.
- Added token/from_oauth1 rote.
- Added AccessError and PaperAccessError.
- Added InvalidAccountTypeError.
- Files namespace:
- Added UploadSessionFinishBatchLaunch and made it new return type for upload_session/finish_batch.
- Added Sha256HexHash alias.
- Added content_hash to FileMetadata.
- Added upload_api_rate_limit feature attribute to upload_session/start, upload_session/append_v2, upload_session/append, upload, upload_session/finish_batch.
- Added duplicated_or_nested_paths to RelocationError and removed from RelocationBatchError.
- Added properties api_group attribute and is_preview attribute to properties/*.
- Added disable_viewer_info and enable_viewer_info to CommitInfoWithProperties.
- Added link_metadata to SharedFileMetadata.
- Added ViewerInfoPolicy union.
- Added no_explicit_access to MemberSelector.
- Deprecated change_file_member_access.
- Added update_file_member route and UpdateFileMemberArgs struct.
- Sharing namespace:
- Added unsupported_link_type to SharedLinkError.
- Added is_member to GroupInfo.
- Added too_many_files to UnshareFolderError.
- Added no_explicit_access to RelinquishFolderMembershipError.
- Added viewer_info_policy, disable_viewer_info, enable_viewer_info to FolderPolicy.
- Added team, is_inside_team_folder, path_lower to SharedLinkPolicy.
- Added link_metadata, policy, shared_folder_id, time_invited to SharedFolderMetadata.
- Added actions, link_settings, viewer_info_policy to ShareFolderArg and removed default values from policies in ShareFolderArg.
- Added viewer_info_policy, link_settings to UpdateFolderPolicyArg.
- Stone Cfg namespace:
- Added feature route attribute.
- Added attribute api_group, is_preview.
- Removed attributes alpha_group, beta_group.
- Team namespace:
- Added group_name_already_used and group_name_invalid to GroupUpdateError.
- Added joined_on, persistent_id to MemberProfile.
- Added team_member_id, external_id to UserSelectorArg.
- Added TeamMemberId, MemberExternalId, GroupExternalId, ResellerId aliases.
- Added company_managed, system_managed to GroupManagementType.
- Added TimeRange.
- Added archive_in_progress to TeamFolderStatus, TeamFolderIdArg.
- Added BaseTeamFolderError.
- TeamFolderRenameError, TeamFolderArchiveError, BaseTeamFolderError, TeamFolderPermanentlyDeleteError now extend BaseTeamFolderError.
- Added folder_name_reserved to TeamFolderRenameError.
- Added GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError.
- GroupMemberSelectorError, GroupMembersSelectorError now extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError.
- Removed alpha from alpha/groups/*.
- GroupDeleteError, GroupUpdateError, GroupMembersAddError now extends GroupSelectorWithTeamGroupError.
- Added members_not_in_team, users_not_found to GroupMembersAddError.
- Added joined_on to TeamMemberProfile.
- Added member_persistent_id, duplicate_member_persistent_id, persistent_id_disabled, new_persistent_id, persistent_id_disabled, persistent_id_used_by_other_user to MemberSelectorError. 3.0.1 (2017-03-29)
- Auth namespace:
- Add OpenWith support for official partners.
- Breaking changes:
- static INSTANCE is removed from OkHttp3Requestor and OkHttpRequestor
- copyBatch/moveBatch now takes RelocationBatchArg instead of List
- Update to latest API specs:
- Auth namespace:
- Added user_suspended to AuthError.
- Files namespace:
- Added PathRootError.
- Added invalid_path_root to LookupError.
- Added autorename to CreateFolderArg.
- Added DeleteBatchArg, DeleteBatchResultEntry, DeleteResult, DeleteBatchResult, DeleteBatchError, DeleteBatchJobStatus and DeleteBatchLaunch.
- Added delete_batch and delete_batch/check routes.
- Added RelocationPath.
- Added to allow_shared_folder and autorename to RelocationArg.
- Added RelocationBatchArg, RelocationBatchResult, RelocationBatchJobStatus, RelocationResult,RelocationBatchError and RelocationBatchLaunch.
- Added copy_batch and copy_batch/check routes.
- Added move_batch and move_batch/check routes.
- Sharing namespace:
- Changed PathOrId validation pattern.
- Changed path in ShareFolderArg from type files.Path to files.WritePath.
- Added contains_app_folder, contains_team_folder and invalid_path_root to ShareFolderArg.
- Stone Cfg namespace:
- Changed validation pattern for owner in Route.
- Added feature route attribute.
- Team namespace:
- Added team_license_limit to MembersRecoverError.
- Removed beta_group attribute from members/recover.
- Auth namespace:
- Fix the bug that when InputStream throws IOException, DbxUploader#uploadAndFinish() throws NetworkIOException
- Fix "Required field ... missing" deserialization bug caused by certain backwards-compatible response changes from the server.
- Update to latest API specs:
- Files
- Add uploadSessionFinishBatch(..) endpoint for batch uploads.
- Sharing:
- Add changeFileMemberAccess(..) for changing a member's access to a shared file.
- Add preview URL to SharedFolderMetadata.
- Add parent folder access information to MemberAccessLevelResult.
- Add AddFolderMemberError.TOO_MANY_INVITEES.
- Add AddMemberSelectorError.AUTOMATIC_GROUP.
- Add MountFolderError.INSUFFICIENT_QUOTA.
- Team:
- Add TeamMemberStatus.Tag.REMOVED.
- Add ability to update group management type for a group.
- Add ability to include removed members when listing members of a team.
- Add membersRecover(..) endpoint for recovering team members.
- Files
- Fix OkHttpRequestor/OkHttp3Requestor to support interceptors that consume request bodies, like Stetho.
- Fix does not apply to streaming uploads.
- Fix OkHttpRequestor/OkHttp3Requestor to properly handle streaming uploads.
- The requestors no longer buffer entire request body in memory for streams.
- Add configureRequest(..) method for simpler subclassing of OkHttpRequestor and OkHttp3Requestor.
- Fix BadRequest error when adding custom state to a DbxWebAuth.Request object.
- Remove final modifier from DbxClientV2 and DbxTeamClientV2 class declarations for easier mocking in tests.
- Update to latest API specs:
- Files (DbxUserFilesRequests)
- Add file properties endpoints.
- Sharing (DbxUserSharingRequests)
- Add endpoints for sharing files and managing shared file membership.
- Change return type of removeFolderMember(..) endpoint to always be an async Job ID (LaunchEmptyResult.isAsyncJobId() will be true).
- Add checkRemoveMemberJobStatus(..) for checking asynchronous removeFolderMember(..) requests.
- Returns additional information compared to checkJobStatus(..)
- Change return type of updateFolderMember(..) to return a MemberAccessLevelResult instead of void.
- Add NO_EXPLICIT_ACCESS to UpdateFolderMemberError.
- Files (DbxUserFilesRequests)
- Fix Android Fake ID exploit where app certificate chains aren't properly validated.
- Allow old locale formats for APIv2 requests.
- Fix ExceptionInInitializationError caused by CertificateParsingException when using Java 6 JREs.
- Fix CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
- Add support for OkHttp3.
- Add support for Google App Engine with new GoogleAppEngineRequestor.
- Add support for require_role, force_reapprove, state, and disable_signup parameters in the OAuth 2 web-based authorization flow (DbxWebAuth).
- Enable certificate pinning for OkHttpRequestor and OkHttp3Requestor by default.
- Update to latest API specs:
- Files (DbxUserFilesRequests)
- Add saveUrl(..) saving online content to your Dropbox.
- Shared folders (DbxUserSharingRequests)
- Add AccessLevel.VIEWER_NO_COMMENT.
- Add GroupInfo.getIsOwner().
- Change return type of SharePathError.Tag.ALREADY_SHARED from Void to SharedFolderMetadata.
- Add leaveACopy argument to relinquishFolderMembership(..).
- Change relinquishFolderMembership(..) to return async job ID when leaving a copy.
- Business endpoints (DbxTeamTeamRequests)
- Add MemberProfiler.getMembershipType().
- Add keepAccount argument to membersRemove(..).
- Files (DbxUserFilesRequests)
- Migrate build from maven to gradle.
- Improve code shrinking when using ProGuard.
- Response/request serialization updated to be better optimized by ProGuard.
- Properly support multidex builds.
- Response/request objects should no longer always be kept in primary dex.
- Add partial download support through range requests.
- Fix deserialization bug when handling new server responses that were previously void.
- Fix bug where user locale is ignored for APIv2 requests.
- Fix bug where filenames containing line feeds were rejected as bad requests.
2.0.3 (2016-05-07)
- Fix Bad JSON error on ProGuard optimized APKs when deserializing error responses.
- All 2.0.x versions before 2.0.3 are affected and should be upgraded immediately.
- Only affects Android apps that enable ProGuard.
- Affected apps may crash when deserializing an error response from Dropbox servers.
2.0.2 (2016-04-28)
- Update to latest API specs:
- Authentication
- Add token/revoke endpoint.
- Account
- Add disabled field to Account.
- Files (DbxUserFilesRequests)
- Add withIncludeDeleted(Boolean) and withIncludeHasExplicitSharedMembers(Boolean) to GetMetadataBuilder and ListFolderBuilder.
- Add close argument to uploadSessionStart(..) to explicitly close an upload session.
- Add uploadSessionAppendV2(..) that provides explicit session close support. uploadSessionAppend(..) is now deprecated.
- Add copyReferenceGet(..) and copyReferenceSave(..) for copying files and folders.
- Add getTemporaryLink(..) endpoint.
- Shared links (DbxUserSharingRequests)
- Add removeExpiration argument to modifySharedLinkSettings(..).
- Shared folders
- Add FolderAction.LEAVE_A_COPY.
- Add SharedFolderMetadata.getTimeInvited().
- Add IS_OSX_PACKAGE and INSIDE_OSX_PACKAGE to SharePathError. Returned when a user attempts to share an OS X package or folder inside an OS X package.
- Business endpoints (DbxTeamTeamRequests)
- GroupSummary.getMemberCount() is now optional and returns a Long.
- devicesListTeamDevices(..) is now deprecated by devicesListMemberDevices(..).
- linkedAppsListTeamLinkedApps(..) is now deprecated by linkedAppsListMembersLinkedApps(..).
- Add returnMembers argument to groupsMembersSetAccessType(..).
- Authentication
- Fix JsonDateReaderTest failures for non-English systems.
- Update ProGuard rules to fix handling of embedded trusted SSL certs resource.
- Fix tutorial example to list folder entries for folders with many files.
2.0.1 (2016-03-09)
- Update to latest API specs:
- Update documentation.
- Add FolderPolicy.getResolvedMemberPolicy()
- Add GroupInfo.getGroupType()
- Add SharedFolderMetadataBase.getOwnerTeam()
- Add SharedFolderMetadataBase.getParentSharedFolderId()
- Add MountFolderError.NOT_MOUNTABLE
- Add UmountFolderError.NOT_UNMOUNTABLE
- Add validation for member external id and email address
- Add TeamSharingPolicies.getSharedLinkCreatePolicy()
- Add MembersSuspendError.TEAM_LICENSE_LIMIT
- Add MembersUnsuspendError.TEAM_LICENSE_LIMIT
- Fix bug when deserializing v2 data types with missing optional primitive fields.
- Fix bug where some Date objects were not being properly truncated to seconds granularity in v2 data types.
- Fix v2 timestamp parsing to support DateTime and Date formats.
- Add support for Dropbox API app endpoints.
- Update upload-file example to include chunked upload example.
- Increase default socket read timeout to 2 minutes.
- Parse Retry-After header for 503 retry exceptions in API v1.
- Add example from online tutorial.
2.0.0 (2016-03-03)
- Remove toJson(..) and fromJson(..) methods from data types.
- Support ProGuard shrinking for Android development and provide example.
- Rename v2 request classes to support future auth styles:
- DbxFiles -> DbxUserFilesRequests
- DbxSharing -> DbxUserSharingRequests
- DbxUsers -> DbxUserUsersRequests
- DbxTeam -> DbxTeamTeamRequests
- Replace public final references in DbxClientV2 and DbxTeamClientV2 with accessor methods.
- Update longpoll example with better documentation on setting timeout values.
2.0-beta-7 (2016-02-24)
- Updated to latest API specs.
2.0-beta-6 (2016-02-22)
- Updated to latest API specs.
- Use getter methods instead of public final fields.
- Rename exception classes to be consistent with Java practices (e.g. end in "Exception").
- Move DbxException inner classes out into their own files.
- Expose Retry-After backoff for rate limiting exceptions.
- Add configuration setting for automatically retrying failed requests.
- Fix bug that hid certain routes containing union request arguments.
- Add new Java packages for v2 client.
- Break out v2 nested classes into their own files in the appropriate packages.
- Change format of builder methods.
- Prepend 'with' to method names
- Change format of tagged union classes.
- getTag() renamed to tag() to avoid naming conflicts
- Tags without values now referenced as public static final singletons
- Unions of value-less tags generated as enums
- Add builders for request and response classes.
- Fix deserialization bug with Union containing tags with optional values.
- Make read timeouts more easily configurable for StandardHttpRequestor.
- Add longpoll example.
- Separate integration tests from unit tests and enable unit tests by default.
- Fix android example bugs and linter warnings
- Fix compilation error
- Fix upload failure bug
- Fix download failure bug
- Update build dependencies
- Stop using deprecated interfaces
2.0-beta-5 (2016-01-22)
- Updated to latest API specs.
- Change format of tagged union classes.
- Change getter method format from getAbc() to getAbcValue().
- Add new isAbc() convenience methods.
- Add new getTag() method for tag discrimination.
- Accept List instead of ArrayList for requests.
- Fix BadRequest exception for DbxFiles.listFolderLongpoll(String).
- Uppercase enum and static fields.
- Add support for Dropbox API team endpoints.
- Expose localized user messages and request IDs in exceptions.
2.0-beta-4 (2015-12-10)
- Update sharing endpoints to support new paging routes.
- Fix bug that caused sharing calls to fail due to bad shared folder IDs.
2.0-beta-3 (2015-12-01)
- Add a workaround for older Android versions' buggy SecureRandom.
- Fix android example.
2.0-beta-2 (2015-11-13)
- Put "Dbx" prefix on namespace classes (Files -> DbxFiles, etc.)
- Updated to latest API specs.
2.0-beta-1 (2015-10-13)
- Add support for Dropbox API v2. Moved API v1-specific classes to 'v1' sub-package.
- Add support for Android.
- Add support for using OkHttp as the HTTP client library.
1.8.2 (2015-10-19)
- Fix bug parsing "photo_info" in file metadata.
- Add support for /account/info fields: email, email_verified, name_details.
1.8.1 (2015-09-21)
- Fix bug in version validation code that caused crash at startup.
1.8 (2015-09-14)
- Include SDK version in HTTP requests (via the User-Agent header).
- Fix 'urlState' handling in DbxWebAuth. Was mistakenly include the '|' separator.
- Add support for /delta/latest_cursor and /longpoll_delta.
- Add support for include_media_info=true on /metadata and /delta.
- Add support for using OkHttp as the underlying HTTP client.
1.7.7 (2014-09-02)
- Fix encoding of Unicode characters in API request URL paths. Bug affected systems where Java's "file.encoding" wasn't UTF-8.
1.7.6 (2013-12-09)
- Stricter SSL: Hard-code the ciphersuites and trusted root certificates (instead of using the system defaults).
- Add DbxOAuth1Upgrader, which upgrades existing OAuth 1 access tokens to OAuth 2 access tokens.
- Add support for /delta's new "path_prefix" parameter.
1.7.5 (2013-09-16)
- Fix crash in getRevisions.
1.7.4 (2013-09-13)
- Fix crash in getAccountInfo, caused by new quota field "datastores".
- Fix file uploading by setting Content-Type explicitly.
1.7.3 (2013-09-05)
- Fix copy/move for folders.
- Fix getMetadataWithChildren for when the file/folder doesn't exist.
1.7.2 (2013-08-22)
- Get thumbnails working (they were completely broken).
1.7.1 (2013-08-21)
- Get chunked uploads working (they were almost completely broken).
1.7 (2013-07-31)
- Added support for most API calls.
- A few minor backwards-incompatibilities.
1.6 (2013-07-07)
- Completely rewritten SDK, focused on web apps (no Android support).
- Many API calls not yet implemented.
- Not backwards compatible with previous versions.