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        Item 1


Name Type Stateful Required Description
gap Number Yes No margin between carousel items in pixels.
index Number Yes No 0 - based index position. It sets the current slide to be displayed
itemsPerSlide Number Yes No number of items for each carousel slide and enable slide controls. If set to a whole number, will default to x.1 where x is the whole number set.
autoplay Boolean or Number No No If true, will automatically scroll through the carousel. If a number is provided, will set the interval in milliseconds.
a11yPreviousText String No Yes A11y text for previous button and mask.
a11yNextText String No Yes A11y text for next button and mask.
a11yPauseText String No Yes A11y text for pause button.
a11yPlayText String No Yes A11y text for play button.


Event Data Description
onNext Event Trigggered when next slide button is clicked
onPrevious Event Triggered when previous slide button is clicked
onScroll Event Triggered when scrolling slides
onSlide Event new slide is navigated to (by controls or API)
onPause Event Triggered when autoplay is paused
onPlay Event Triggered when autoplay is resumed


Will render slides content