Thanks for your work on this library 👍
I have a question regarding Rabbitmq memory watermarks and the way amqpstorm handles them.
Imagine the following:
- I have a process that keeps publishing messages (basically an infinite loop for this example)
- At a certain point memory alarm is triggered on RMQ, and further publishes are blocked (
Writes on a blocked connection will time out or fail with an I/O write exception.
), also the publisher get notified that a connexion is blocked (Compatible AMQP 0-9-1 clients will be [notified] when they are blocked and unblocked.
). - Then Rabbitmq flushes out some of the data to disk, and unblocks publisher
What happens on AMQPstorm side ? Does it raise ? do we lose some messages ? does the block/unblock logic trigger some logic in AMQPStorm ?
Thanks for the help
Links: RMQ doc
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