Add common RESTful actions to BaseModel
Library no more build as single JS bundle.
Now it builds as several CommonJS files in /lib/
All external dependencies located in node_modules
It solve problem with huge dist size.
Add usage modelName
property first instead name
- Add toJSON() method to BaseModel
- Fix broken
relations tests
- fix issue default superagent is set incorrectly
- cleanup
modules - add .idea directory in to git ignore file
Passing superagent as config option.
Added onInitialize hook for model instances
Fixed a bug in setRealation method
Updated dependencies to latest versions
- file uploads now working, you can supply fileData option like this:
fileData: { attibuteName: 'file', file }
, where attributeName is name of form field that server expects and file is the file object. Note that to data fromdata
option won't be sent, as well as norequestData
- fixed issue with non-updating attributes on subsequent set instace method calls
- requestData and requestHeaders in api config can be an object or a function returning object
- Allow ids to be non-integer
- API onSuccess and onError callbacks are executed with full response object, not just json (which is now response.body)
- fixed BaseModel.get bug with mobx 2.0.5
- added requestHeaders to api config
- added onError callback to API
- onSuccess and onError now return only json, no requestId elsewhere
- we resolve API promise with whole response object from superagent now
- BaseModel.set static method now works if only { modelJson } was passed
- attributes in JSON can be either camelcased or underscored
- fixed static urlRoot and jsonKey properties for