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Install Joinup with Docker


  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Getting started

Environment variables

Create an .env file in the root directory where you should assign values for environment variables containing sensitive data, such as passwords, tokens, hashes or even custom preferences. These variables are not committed in VCS and due to their nature should be manually set. Here is a list of variables that need to be set in the .env file:


Other variable, dealing with custom developer preferences can also override their .env.dist default value:


More information about these environment variables can be found in the .env.dist file.

Set up the config override

Configuration from docker-compose.yml can be overwritten in docker-compose.override.yml file. Copy docker-compose.override.yml.dist over to docker-compose.override.yml. Port mappings are not declared in the main docker-compose.yml file because this is developer custom setting, so you'll need to uncomment and edit, if case, the port mappings in the override file. Port mapping for the web container is required for accessing the webpage from the host machine so the override file is required in a normal workflow.

macOS users: As Docker has performance issues when the host machine is a macOS system, the setup needs more attention. Please read carefully all the suggestions documented in the docker-compose.override.yml.dist file, specific to macOS users and fix the lines in docker-compose.override.yml file.

Starting the containers

To start the containers, you can execute the following command from the project root directory:

$ docker-compose up -d

This will automatically read the docker-compose.yml file as a source. The -d options will start the containers in the background. If you omit the -d option, docker-compose will run in the foreground.

Stopping the containers

To stop the containers, you can use the command docker-compose down from the same directory as the docker-compose.yml. Using this command, however, will only stop the machine and will not destroy the volume that was created with it. To clean the volume as well, use the -v parameter as docker-compose down -v.

Before installing

By default, the web container starts with Xdebug and enabled, in order to support debugging. However, having them enabled while running Composer install or installing the site will dramatically slow the operations. It's recommended to enable them only when debugging and start the container with Xdebug and disabled. In order to do that, you should declare these environment variables in your .env file:


During development the PHP modules can be manually disabled or enabled:

# Enable
$ docker-compose exec web phpenmod xdebug
$ docker-compose exec web phpenmod blackfire
# Disable
$ docker-compose exec web phpdismod xdebug
$ docker-compose exec web phpdismod blackfire

Installing the codebase

Run the following command to install all packages in the vendor folder:

$ docker-compose exec --user www-data web composer install

Known issues

Permission issues

There is a known issue related to the permissions of the host and container. In order for the permissions to work properly, the user owning the files in the host machine, the user executing commands in the container, the user running Apache in the container and the user running the IDE, must all be able to perform all necessary actions in the files. To workaround this, the user ID and the group ID of the user that runs apache must be updated. To do this, before building the containers, in the docker-compose.override.yml file, copy over the web service, and replace the image entry with the following build

      context: './local'
        USER_ID: 1000
        GROUP_ID: 1000

where ./local is a untracked directory (the name can be different) somewhere on your system (this one is on the project root). Then, in the directory declared above, create the following Dockerfile file.

FROM fpfis/httpd-php-dev:7.4

RUN usermod -u ${USER_ID} www-data && \
    groupmod -g ${GROUP_ID} www-data

Change the user ID and group ID according to your needs. The value 1000 is the value of the default login user of the Linux OS. To rebuild the containers, first stop them by running from the host machine:

$ docker-compose down -v

and then recreate them by running:

$ docker-compose up -d --build -force-recreate

The above workaround will result the user www-data having the user ID and group ID of the host login user. Now, running any command in the container as www-data, will have the same effect on the files as running it locally.

GitHub authentication token

During Composer install, you might be asked for GitHub authentication token. If you want to have your personal Git, Composer and SSH settings persist over the web container, you can add the following entries in the volumes key under your web container, in docker-compose.override.yml file:

version: '3.8'
      - ${PWD}:/var/www/html
      - ~/.gitconfig:/var/www/.gitconfig
      - ~/.gitignore:/var/www/.gitignore
      - ~/.composer:/var/www/.composer
      - ~/.ssh:/var/www/.ssh

Note that in the above snippet the first line is also part of the main docker-composer.yml. This is because the volumes entry here will completely override the parent entry and will not merge with it.

Install an empty website

From the project root, run:

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run toolkit:install-clean

You can now access the website at http://localhost/web on the host machine, if the port mapping is 80:8080. If you define a different port mapping, such as 8080:8080, the website is accessible at http://localhost:8080/web.

Install a cloned site

A cloned site install is also restoring the databases from the production and is running all update scripts.

Downloading databases dump/snapshots

Before proceeding, make sure you set manually the ASDA_* environment variables in .env file. The values should be provided by DevOps team.

Download all dumps/snapshots at once

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run ./vendor/bin/run dev:download-databases

Download only the MySQL dump

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run ./vendor/bin/run mysql:download-dump

Download only the Virtuoso snapshot

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run ./vendor/bin/run virtuoso:download-snapshot

Download only the Solr snapshot

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run ./vendor/bin/run solr:download-snapshot

Note: If you are changing from a clean install to a restored environment, you'll need to destroy the volumes with docker-compose down -v (the -v is the key option) in order to destroy the volumes, and subsequently docker-compose up -d to rebuild.

Tell Docker to install a cloned site

In order to make Docker start the database service containers (mysql, sparql and solr) with production data, you should declare this in the .env file before staring the services:


After starting the containers, you may need to wait up to 1 minute because the database dump and snapshots are being imported. Check the logs to find when these operations are complete. If you plan to run all operations in a script, it might be safe to start with a one minute sleep.

Install the cloned site

After containers are up and got the chance to import from dump/snapshots, run this sequence of commands:

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run dev:rebuild-environment
# Installs the development modules, such as `devel`.
$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run dev:install-modules

But you can create your own Task Runner command, to include all steps, in the runner.yml file, which is not under VCS control:

    - task: exec
      command: sleep
        - 60
    - task: run
      command: dev:rebuild-environment
    - task: run
      command: dev:install-modules

Then simply run this script from the host machine:

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run restore

Accessing the containers

All containers are accessible through the command

$ docker-compose exec my_container_name "/bin/bash"

Depending on the container (and its base image), it might be that /bin/bash is not available. In that case, /bin/sh and sh are good substitutes.

Accessing the volumes

Some containers, like solr, define volumes that allow the container to directly access files and folders on the host machine. These volumes are constructed using the top-level volumes entry in the docker-compose.yml file and inherit all properties from the containers. These volumes help retain the data between builds. The since no directory is defined, the local driver will set the default directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/[volume identifier]. This directory is owned by the user that creates it within the container so the directory listing will have to run with root privileges.

Please, note that the volume names, as with the docker services, will be prefixed with the name of the folder that the project lies within e.g. if you install the project on the myproject folder, the mysql volume, will be named myproject_mysql.

Useful commands

  • When a service is not based on an image, but is built through a Dockerfile, the image is cached in docker-compose after first build. If changes are made, it can be rebuild using docker-compose build <container> --no-cache.
  • To rebuild all containers on startup use the --force-recreate flag as such: docker-compose up --force-recreate.
  • If a container persists still, use docker-compose rm <container_id> to remove it from the docker-compose cache and then recreate the containers.


The web container contains Xdebug. Please, refer to your IDE settings in order to set up a debug session with Docker.

Note: macOS users should set a different Xdebug configuration. See the docker-compose.override.yml.dist file for details.