DQA-4440: Drop dependency on grumphp.
DQA-4479: [8.x] Add date() to the forbidden functions.
DQA-3678: [8.x] Sniff to check form_alter() usage.
Automate the detection of unauthorized hook_form_alter
Exclude config folder from verification
Fix issue with core and core_version_requirement detection as they cannot be used together.
Regular maintenance (modules dependencies and tests) Remove check of PHP version in the .info.yml files; Check the presence of required props: name, description, type, core and core_version_requirement;
DQA-3473: Remove composer update.
Set the minimum version of GRUMPHP to 1.5
DQA-2680: Update minimum grumphp version.
DQA-0: Test severity level
DQA-0: Revert some config.
DQA-2421: Fix syntax in *-conventions.compatible.yml.
DQA-0: Run phpunit for QA Automation.
DQA-0: Run phpunit for QA Automation.
DQA-0: Run phpunit for QA Automation.
DQA-0: Run phpunit for QA Automation.
DQA-0: Allow old version of GRUMPHP.
DQA-0: Lower grumphp version
Composer 2 compatible Update PHP squizlabs/php_codesniffer from 3.5.6 to 3.6.0 Update drupal/coder from 8.3.9 to 8.3.13 Update phpro/grumphp from v0.15.2 to v1.3.3 Update phpmd/phpmd from 2.9.1 to 2.10.1 Remove dependency on openeuropa/code-review