Releases: ec-europa/qa-automation
Releases · ec-europa/qa-automation
- MULTISITE-21554: Port sniff QualityAssurance.Functions.DrupalHttpRequest to D8
- MULTISITE-21555: Port sniff QualityAssurance.Functions.DrupalWrappers to D8
- MULTISITE-21556: Port sniff QualityAssurance.Generic.HardcodedPath to D8
- MULTISITE-21557: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InfoFiles.Forbidden to D8
- MULTISITE-21558: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InfoFiles.Required to D8
- MULTISITE-21559: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InstallFiles.FunctionDeclarations to D8
- MULTISITE-21560: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InstallFiles.HookUpdateN to D8
- MULTISITE-21561: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InstallFiles.InstallUpdateCallbacks to D8
- MULTISITE-21562: Port sniff QualityAssurance.InstallFiles.Update7000 to D8
New sniffs and Drone pipeline and bugfix
- MULTISITE-21295: Replace wimg with phpcompatibility package
- MULTISITE-21251: Remove dependency into master branch of Platform Dev
- MULTISITE-21436: Add sniff to detect curly brackets
- MULTISITE-21207: Add sniff for detecting whitespaces on tpl files
- MULTISITE-21458: Create pipeline for QA automation check
Drupal 8 compatibility
4.0.0 MULTISITE-21465: Add dependency to openeuropa/code-review and provide…
News sniffs and a bug fix
3.0.10 Update
Toolkit compatibility
Merge pull request #39 from ec-europa/improvement/MULTISITE-19240 MULTISITE-19240: Toolkit compatibility
Bugfix and new sniff phpcompatibility
Merge pull request #38 from ec-europa/improvement/MULTISITE-18366 MULTISITE-18366: PHPCompatibility and bug fix
Bugfix and PHPCompatibility support
Merge pull request #36 from ec-europa/develop MULTISITE-19240: Toolkit fixes
QA-Automation 3.0.5 (Temp disable of 2 Drupal rules)
Merge pull request #34 from ec-europa/develop Skip two main rules that flag upgrade