File tree
1,432 files changed
lines changed- build
- org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/make
- core
- scannerconfig
- internal/core
- makefile
- gnu
- posix
- scannerconfig
- gnu
- util
- scannerconfig2
- org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/make/scannerdiscovery
- org.eclipse.cdt.make.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/make
- internal/ui
- dnd
- editor
- preferences
- scannerconfig
- text
- makefile
- ui
- actions
- dialogs
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt
- build/internal/core
- scannerconfig
- scannerconfig2
- managedbuilder
- buildmodel
- core
- internal
- buildmodel
- buildproperties
- core
- dataprovider
- enablement
- envvar
- language/settings/providers
- macros
- scannerconfig
- tcmodification
- extension
- language/settings/providers
- makegen/gnu
- pdomdepgen
- projectconverter
- templateengine
- processes
- newmake/core
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.tests
- suite/org/eclipse/cdt/managedbuilder
- testplugin
- tests/suite
- tests/org/eclipse/cdt
- managedbuilder
- core
- regressions
- tests
- language/settings/providers/tests
- templateengine/tests
- projectmodel/tests
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.gnu.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/managedbuilder/gnu
- cygwin
- templates
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/managedbuilder
- internal/ui/commands
- ui
- properties
- wizards
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.ui.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/managedbuilder/ui/tests
- codan
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.checkers/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/internal/checkers
- fs
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.checkers.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/internal/checkers/ui/quickfix
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan
- core
- model
- param
- internal/core
- cfg
- model
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.cxx/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/core/cxx
- externaltool
- model
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/core/tests
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.examples/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/examples/checkers/cppcheck
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/internal/ui
- actions
- preferences
- views
- org.eclipse.cdt.codan.ui.cfgview/src/org/eclipse/cdt/codan/ui/cfgview/views
- core
- org.eclipse.cdt.core
- browser/org/eclipse/cdt/core/browser
- model/org/eclipse/cdt
- core
- language
- settings/providers
- model
- settings/model
- extension/impl
- util
- internal/core
- language
- settings/providers
- model
- ext
- settings/model
- xml
- xml2
- util
- parser/org/eclipse/cdt
- core
- dom/parser
- index/export
- parser/util
- internal/core
- dom
- ast/tag
- parser
- c
- cpp
- semantics
- rewrite
- astwriter
- changegenerator
- commenthandler
- index
- composite
- cpp
- provider
- indexer
- parser
- scanner
- token
- util
- pdom
- db
- dom
- c
- cpp
- export
- indexer
- tag
- src/org/eclipse/cdt
- core
- build
- errorparsers
- formatter
- resources
- internal
- core
- cdtvariables
- envvar
- resources
- errorparsers
- formatter
- scanner
- templateengine/org/eclipse/cdt/core/templateengine
- process
- processes
- utils/org/eclipse/cdt
- internal/core
- utils
- cdtvariables
- coff
- parser
- debug
- dwarf
- stabs
- tools
- elf
- parser
- envvar
- macho
- parser
- som
- parser
- xcoff
- parser
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.native/src/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/spawner
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests
- misc/org/eclipse/cdt
- core
- internal/errorparsers/tests
- resources/tests
- utils
- model/org/eclipse/cdt/core
- language/settings/providers
- model/tests
- settings/model
- parser/org/eclipse/cdt
- core/parser/tests
- ast2
- prefix
- rewrite
- astwriter
- comenthandler
- scanner
- internal/index/tests
- suite/org/eclipse/cdt/core/testplugin
- util
- org.eclipse.cdt.ui
- browser/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/browser/typeinfo
- src/org/eclipse/cdt
- internal
- corext
- codemanipulation
- fix
- refactoring/code/flow
- template/c
- util
- ui
- actions
- buildconsole
- callhierarchy
- compare
- cview
- dialogs
- cpaths
- dnd
- editor
- asm
- filters
- help
- includebrowser
- indexview
- language
- settings/providers
- preferences
- formatter
- refactoring
- dialogs
- extractfunction
- extractlocalvariable
- gettersandsetters
- hidemethod
- implementmethod
- includes
- rename
- togglefunction
- utils
- resources
- search
- actions
- text
- c/hover
- contentassist
- correction
- doctools
- folding
- spelling
- engine
- template
- typehierarchy
- util
- viewsupport
- wizards
- classwizard
- dialogfields
- filewizard
- indexwizards
- settingswizards
- workingsets
- ui
- actions
- dialogs
- newui
- refactoring/actions
- resources
- text
- doctools
- doxygen
- generic
- wizards
- conversion
- templateengine/org/eclipse/cdt/ui
- internal/templateengine/wizard
- templateengine
- pages
- uitree
- uiwidgets
- utils.ui/org/eclipse/cdt/utils/ui/controls
- org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests
- src/org/eclipse/cdt/ui
- testplugin
- util
- tests
- templateengine
- ui/org/eclipse/cdt/ui/tests
- callhierarchy/extension
- chelp
- misc
- quickfix
- text
- contentassist2
- doctools
- debug
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug
- core
- breakpointactions
- executables
- sourcelookup
- internal/core
- breakpoints
- disassembly
- executables
- sourcelookup
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug
- internal/ui
- actions
- breakpoints
- breakpoints
- dialogs
- disassembly
- editor
- viewer
- launch
- pinclone
- preferences
- sourcelookup
- views
- executables
- memory
- ui
- breakpointactions
- breakpoints
- disassembly/rulers
- editors
- importexecutable
- sourcelookup
- org.eclipse.cdt.gdb/src/org/eclipse/cdt/gdb/internal/eventbkpts
- dsf
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf
- concurrent
- datamodel
- debug
- internal/provisional/model
- model
- service
- command
- sourcelookup
- service
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf
- debug
- internal/ui
- actions
- disassembly
- model
- preferences
- presentation
- viewmodel
- actions
- numberformat/detail
- ui
- actions
- sourcelookup
- viewmodel
- breakpoints
- expression
- launch
- modules/detail
- numberformat
- update
- variable
- ui
- concurrent
- viewmodel
- datamodel
- properties
- update
- org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf/src/org/eclipse/cdt/examples/dsf
- filebrowser
- timers
- org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.pda
- pdavm/src/org/eclipse/cdt/examples/pdavm
- src/org/eclipse/cdt/examples/dsf/pda/service
- commands
- org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.pda.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/examples/dsf/pda/ui
- editor
- viewmodel
- org.eclipse.cdt.tests.dsf/src/org/eclipse/cdt/tests/dsf
- breakpoints
- concurrent
- debug/vm/launch
- pda/service/command
- service
- vm
- dsf-gdb
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf
- gdb
- breakpoints
- internal
- memory
- tracepointactions
- launching
- service
- command
- mi/service
- command
- commands
- output
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.multicorevisualizer.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf/gdb/multicorevisualizer/internal
- ui
- model
- view
- utils
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf/mi/service/command/commands
- org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/dsf/gdb/internal/ui
- actions
- breakpoints
- commands
- launching
- osview
- preferences
- tracepointactions
- tracepoints
- viewmodel
- breakpoints
- launch
- org.eclipse.cdt.examples.dsf.gdb/src/org/eclipse/cdt/examples/dsf/gdb/launch
- org.eclipse.cdt.tests.dsf.gdb/src/org/eclipse/cdt/tests/dsf/gdb
- framework
- tests
- nonstop
- jtag
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/gdbjtag/core
- jtagdevice
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/gdbjtag/ui
- launch
- org.eclipse.cdt.docker.launcher/src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/docker/launcher
- ui/launchbar
- org.eclipse.cdt.launch/src/org/eclipse/cdt/launch
- internal
- ui
- ui
- llvm/org.eclipse.cdt.llvm.dsf.lldb.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/llvm/dsf/lldb/core/internal/service
- lrparser
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser
- old/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/dom/lrparser
- c99
- action/deprecated
- bindings
- symboltable
- src/org/eclipse/cdt
- core/dom/lrparser
- action
- cpp
- lpgextensions
- internal/core/dom/lrparser
- c99
- cpp
- gcc
- gpp
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/core/lrparser/tests
- memory
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.memory.memorybrowser/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/ui/memory/memorybrowser
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.memory.traditional/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/ui
- internal
- memory/traditional
- org.eclipse.cdt.debug.ui.memory.transport/src/org/eclipse/cdt/debug/ui/memory/transport
- qt
- org.eclipse.cdt.qt.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/qt/core
- index
- pdom
- org.eclipse.cdt.qt.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/qt/ui
- assist
- pro/parser
- org.eclipse.cdt.qt.ui.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/qt/tests
- testsrunner
- org.eclipse.cdt.testsrunner/src/org/eclipse/cdt/testsrunner
- internal
- launcher
- model
- ui/view
- actions
- launcher
- org.eclipse.cdt.testsrunner.boost/src/org/eclipse/cdt/testsrunner/internal/boost
- org.eclipse.cdt.testsrunner.gtest/src/org/eclipse/cdt/testsrunner/internal/gtest
- org.eclipse.cdt.testsrunner.qttest/src/org/eclipse/cdt/testsrunner/internal/qttest
- org.eclipse.cdt.testsrunner.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/testsrunner
- core
- testsrunners
- toolchains/arduino/org.eclipse.cdt.arduino.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/arduino/core/internal
- upc/org.eclipse.cdt.core.parser.upc/src/org/eclipse/cdt
- core/dom/parser/upc
- internal/core/dom/parser/upc
- visualizer
- org.eclipse.cdt.visualizer.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/visualizer/core
- org.eclipse.cdt.visualizer.examples/src/org/eclipse/cdt/visualizer/examples/sourcegraph
- org.eclipse.cdt.visualizer.ui/src/org/eclipse/cdt/visualizer/ui
- canvas
- util
- windows/
- xlc
- org.eclipse.cdt.core.lrparser.xlc/parser/org/eclipse/cdt
- core/lrparser/xlc
- internal/core/lrparser/xlc
- c
- cpp
- org.eclipse.cdt.errorparsers.xlc.tests/src/org/eclipse/cdt/errorparsers/xlc/tests
- org.eclipse.cdt.make.xlc.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/make/xlc/core/scannerconfig
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.xlc.core/src/org/eclipse/cdt/managedbuilder/xlc/core
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,432 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
28 | 28 |
| |
29 | 29 |
| |
30 | 30 |
| |
31 |
| - | |
32 |
| - | |
| 31 | + | |
| 32 | + | |
33 | 33 |
| |
34 | 34 |
| |
35 | 35 |
| |
| |||
57 | 57 |
| |
58 | 58 |
| |
59 | 59 |
| |
60 |
| - | |
| 60 | + | |
61 | 61 |
| |
62 | 62 |
| |
63 | 63 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
199 | 199 |
| |
200 | 200 |
| |
201 | 201 |
| |
202 |
| - | |
| 202 | + | |
203 | 203 |
| |
204 | 204 |
| |
205 | 205 |
| |
| |||
249 | 249 |
| |
250 | 250 |
| |
251 | 251 |
| |
252 |
| - | |
| 252 | + | |
253 | 253 |
| |
254 | 254 |
| |
255 | 255 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
183 | 183 |
| |
184 | 184 |
| |
185 | 185 |
| |
186 |
| - | |
| 186 | + | |
187 | 187 |
| |
188 | 188 |
| |
189 | 189 |
| |
| |||
198 | 198 |
| |
199 | 199 |
| |
200 | 200 |
| |
201 |
| - | |
| 201 | + | |
202 | 202 |
| |
203 | 203 |
| |
204 | 204 |
| |
| |||
246 | 246 |
| |
247 | 247 |
| |
248 | 248 |
| |
249 |
| - | |
| 249 | + | |
250 | 250 |
| |
251 | 251 |
| |
252 | 252 |
| |
| |||
372 | 372 |
| |
373 | 373 |
| |
374 | 374 |
| |
375 |
| - | |
| 375 | + | |
376 | 376 |
| |
377 | 377 |
| |
378 | 378 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
89 | 89 |
| |
90 | 90 |
| |
91 | 91 |
| |
92 |
| - | |
| 92 | + | |
93 | 93 |
| |
94 | 94 |
| |
95 | 95 |
| |
| |||
112 | 112 |
| |
113 | 113 |
| |
114 | 114 |
| |
115 |
| - | |
| 115 | + | |
116 | 116 |
| |
117 | 117 |
| |
118 | 118 |
| |
| |||
123 | 123 |
| |
124 | 124 |
| |
125 | 125 |
| |
126 |
| - | |
| 126 | + | |
127 | 127 |
| |
128 | 128 |
| |
129 | 129 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
123 | 123 |
| |
124 | 124 |
| |
125 | 125 |
| |
126 |
| - | |
127 |
| - | |
| 126 | + | |
| 127 | + | |
128 | 128 |
| |
129 | 129 |
| |
130 | 130 |
| |
| |||
145 | 145 |
| |
146 | 146 |
| |
147 | 147 |
| |
148 |
| - | |
| 148 | + | |
149 | 149 |
| |
150 | 150 |
| |
151 | 151 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
87 | 87 |
| |
88 | 88 |
| |
89 | 89 |
| |
90 |
| - | |
| 90 | + | |
91 | 91 |
| |
92 |
| - | |
| 92 | + | |
93 | 93 |
| |
94 | 94 |
| |
95 | 95 |
| |
96 |
| - | |
| 96 | + | |
97 | 97 |
| |
98 | 98 |
| |
99 | 99 |
| |
| |||
119 | 119 |
| |
120 | 120 |
| |
121 | 121 |
| |
122 |
| - | |
| 122 | + | |
123 | 123 |
| |
124 |
| - | |
| 124 | + | |
125 | 125 |
| |
126 | 126 |
| |
127 | 127 |
| |
128 |
| - | |
| 128 | + | |
129 | 129 |
| |
130 | 130 |
| |
131 | 131 |
| |
| |||
184 | 184 |
| |
185 | 185 |
| |
186 | 186 |
| |
187 |
| - | |
| 187 | + | |
188 | 188 |
| |
189 | 189 |
| |
190 | 190 |
| |
191 | 191 |
| |
192 | 192 |
| |
193 | 193 |
| |
194 |
| - | |
| 194 | + | |
195 | 195 |
| |
196 | 196 |
| |
197 | 197 |
| |
198 | 198 |
| |
199 | 199 |
| |
200 | 200 |
| |
201 |
| - | |
| 201 | + | |
202 | 202 |
| |
203 | 203 |
| |
204 | 204 |
| |
205 | 205 |
| |
206 | 206 |
| |
207 | 207 |
| |
208 |
| - | |
| 208 | + | |
209 | 209 |
| |
210 | 210 |
| |
211 | 211 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
117 | 117 |
| |
118 | 118 |
| |
119 | 119 |
| |
120 |
| - | |
| 120 | + | |
121 | 121 |
| |
122 | 122 |
| |
123 | 123 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
46 | 46 |
| |
47 | 47 |
| |
48 | 48 |
| |
49 |
| - | |
| 49 | + | |
50 | 50 |
| |
51 | 51 |
| |
52 | 52 |
| |
| |||
63 | 63 |
| |
64 | 64 |
| |
65 | 65 |
| |
66 |
| - | |
| 66 | + | |
67 | 67 |
| |
68 |
| - | |
| 68 | + | |
69 | 69 |
| |
70 | 70 |
| |
71 | 71 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
114 | 114 |
| |
115 | 115 |
| |
116 | 116 |
| |
117 |
| - | |
| 117 | + | |
118 | 118 |
| |
119 | 119 |
| |
120 | 120 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
73 | 73 |
| |
74 | 74 |
| |
75 | 75 |
| |
76 |
| - | |
| 76 | + | |
77 | 77 |
| |
78 | 78 |
| |
79 | 79 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
51 | 51 |
| |
52 | 52 |
| |
53 | 53 |
| |
54 |
| - | |
| 54 | + | |
55 | 55 |
| |
56 |
| - | |
| 56 | + | |
57 | 57 |
| |
58 | 58 |
| |
59 | 59 |
| |
| |||
181 | 181 |
| |
182 | 182 |
| |
183 | 183 |
| |
184 |
| - | |
| 184 | + | |
185 | 185 |
| |
186 | 186 |
| |
187 | 187 |
| |
| |||
334 | 334 |
| |
335 | 335 |
| |
336 | 336 |
| |
337 |
| - | |
| 337 | + | |
338 | 338 |
| |
339 | 339 |
| |
340 | 340 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
59 | 59 |
| |
60 | 60 |
| |
61 | 61 |
| |
62 |
| - | |
| 62 | + | |
63 | 63 |
| |
64 | 64 |
| |
65 | 65 |
| |
| |||
111 | 111 |
| |
112 | 112 |
| |
113 | 113 |
| |
114 |
| - | |
| 114 | + | |
115 | 115 |
| |
116 | 116 |
| |
117 | 117 |
| |
| |||
142 | 142 |
| |
143 | 143 |
| |
144 | 144 |
| |
145 |
| - | |
| 145 | + | |
146 | 146 |
| |
147 | 147 |
| |
148 | 148 |
| |
0 commit comments