Description - ub20-390-4
21:23:13 Testing: Create and Restore Criu Checkpoint Image once - MethodTypeDeadlockTest
21:23:13 Test start time: 2024/02/27 02:23:12 Coordinated Universal Time
21:23:13 Running command: bash /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu/ /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/jdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java " -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgcthreads1 -XX:+ThrowOnDelayedCheckpointOperation -XX:sleepMillisecondsForNotCheckpointSafe=20 -Xtrace:print=j9vm.731 --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/openj9.internal.criu=ALL-UNNAMED" org.openj9.criu.DeadlockTest MethodTypeDeadlockTest 1 false false
21:23:13 Time spent starting: 20 milliseconds
21:23:18 Time spent executing: 4416 milliseconds
21:23:18 Test result: FAILED
21:23:18 Output from test:
21:23:18 [OUT] start running script
21:23:18 [OUT] export GLIBC_TUNABLES=glibc.cpu.hwcaps=-XSAVEC,-XSAVE,-AVX2,-ERMS,-AVX,-AVX_Fast_Unaligned_Load
21:23:18 [OUT] export LD_BIND_NOT=on
21:23:18 [OUT] /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/jdkbinary/j2sdk-image/bin/java -XX:+EnableCRIUSupport -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xgcthreads1 -XX:+ThrowOnDelayedCheckpointOperation -XX:sleepMillisecondsForNotCheckpointSafe=20 -Xtrace:print=j9vm.731 --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.base/openj9.internal.criu=ALL-UNNAMED -cp /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu/criu.jar org.openj9.criu.DeadlockTest MethodTypeDeadlockTest 1
21:23:18 [OUT] Pre-checkpoint
21:23:18 [OUT] Performing CRIUSupport.checkpointJVM(), current thread name: main, Tue Feb 27 02:23:13 UTC 2024, System.currentTimeMillis(): 1709000593324, System.nanoTime(): 1709000593322992818
21:23:18 [OUT] JVMJITM044W Some or all compiled code in the code cache invalidated post restore.
21:23:18 [OUT] initiate restore
21:23:18 [OUT] Error (criu/protobuf.c:72): Unexpected EOF on (empty-image)
21:23:18 [OUT] Error (criu/arch/s390/crtools.c:776): Cannot open core for virt pid 3149047: No such file or directory
21:23:18 [OUT] Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2142): Restoring regs for 3149047 failed: No such file or directory
21:23:18 [OUT] Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2520): Killing processes because of failure on restore.
21:23:18 [OUT] The Network was unlocked so some data or a connection may have been lost.
21:23:18 [OUT] Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2547): Restoring FAILED.
21:23:18 [OUT] Removed test output files
21:23:18 [OUT] finished script
21:23:18 [ERR] /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_sanity.functional_s390x_linux_Nightly_testList_1/aqa-tests/TKG/../../jvmtest/functional/cmdLineTests/criu/ line 41: 3149042 Killed $2 -XX:+EnableCRIUSupport $3 -cp "$1/criu.jar" $4 $5 $6 > testOutput 2>&1
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: User requested Java dump using]
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: TEST PASSED]
21:23:18 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: TEST FAILED]
21:23:18 >> Required condition was found: [Output match: Pre-checkpoint]
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: Checkpoint blocked because thread]
21:23:18 >> Required condition was found: [Output match: Killed]
21:23:18 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: CRIU is not enabled]
21:23:18 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: Operation not permitted]
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: Thread pid mismatch]
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: do not match expected]
21:23:18 >> Success condition was not found: [Output match: Unable to create a thread:]
21:23:18 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: TEST FAILED]
21:23:18 >> Failure condition was not found: [Output match: Could not dump the JVM processes, err=-70]