I maintain the C++, C, and Shell syntax for VS Code, along with many other syntax extensions (Docker, Prolog, Perl, Objective-C, etc)
Before I made some big changes, I switched my C++ repo to use GPLv3. Meaning VS Code can no longer include it with VS Code. At the time I did this so that the highlighting on VS Codium could be better than what was on VS Code.
I love the Theia project so I wanted to let you know, the team is welcome to pull from my repo directly to ship the latest C++ syntax highlighting. If there's ever a change on my end (like changing where the .tmLanguage is stored) I'll make sure to tell you guys before pushing to master.
I'd love to be able to say Theia has better highlighting than VS Code by default.
Also, if you guys are ever curious about using the tree sitter parser instead of Texate (or along side Textmate), I'd love to be a part of that work.