Please report bugs with sufficient details and steps that, if followed, reliably reproduce the issue. Please see how to report bugs effectively.
Ensure your bug is reproducible with the latest version, ideally git master. If applicable, please attach debug log as output by:
efck-chat-keyboard --debug
# or
python -m efck --debug
Contributing pull requests is welcomed. A good place to find issues to fix is the issue tracker, such as the bugs reported. Also sometimes the following command line:
grep -RIPin "\b(TODO|FIXME|HACK|XXX)\b|[^\$]\?$" "${@:-.}"
To cook own tabs, extend
in your own file, saved at a platform-dependent
To cook own text transforms, save files containing
func(text: str) -> str
(see built-in examples)
into {AppConfigLocation}/filters/{your_transform}.py
pip install -e '.[extra]'
pip install PyQt6 # or PySide6, or PyQt5
# Optional, if missing an emoji font. Most platforms supply own
# emoji fonts and might not yet support rendering Noto Color Emoji.
QT_API=pyqt6 # export to force use of specific Qt bindings
python -m efck.tests -v
python -m efck --debug
See relevant commands in the CI workflow.
gammaray -- python -m efck --debug
# or
python -m efck --debug & gammaray
And, of course, your IDE.