- Version 0 of the fuction used to load NetCDF data from a file compliant with the version 4 of NetCDF specification #27
- Bug in handling of fill values for ESDM datasets
- Primitive oph_interlace2 #26
- Option list
- Configuration argument 'SERVER_HOSTNAME' is optional
- Bug in handling unlimited dimensions
- Support for CentOS 9 #25
- Update reference to ESDM-PAV kernels package
- Folder structure for executables building #24
- Bug in bootstrap module
- Support for new analytical kernel 'stat'
- Bug in debug printing function
- Include ESDM-PAV kernels package #23
- New configuration argument 'WORKING_DIR'
- Support for OPH_CONCATESDM2 #22
- Support for OPH_IMPORTNCS operator to load multiple files in a single fragment #21
- Support for oph_filter #19, oph_operation_array #20 primitives
- Improved parallel access to NetCDFv4 files #21
- Optimizations to query engine and nested plugin execution #18
- Improved nc file import core functions and execution flow #17
- Bug #16
- Minor memory leaks
- New query and functionalities to concatenate data from NetCDF files to fragments #15
- New query and functionalities to create a fragment from random data #14
- Bug causing server to crash when high number of variables is used in queries #13
- New parameter 'MEMORY_BUFFER' in oph_ioserver.conf
- New query and functionalities to create a fragment with data imported directly from NetCDF files #12
- Option to specify user-defined path for configuration file #11
- Support for oph_sequence primitive #10
- Configure for new building dependency (NetCDF library)
- Main IO Server thread to avoid memset on whole network buffer #9
- Bug in create and insert blocks to properly evaluate fragment name in case of hierarchical notation
- Reference to oph_get_index_array
- Bug in metadb reader and when loading a non-empty metadb schema
- Support for oph_normalize, oph_padding and oph_replace primitives
- Option to disable memory check at server startup
- Bug in usage of primitives argument number from global function symtable
- Test mode for debugging without memory check constraints
- Support for oph_append and oph_concat2 primitives
- Code indentation style
- Initial public release including support for most Ophidia operators