Here are a few basic concepts to help you understand how Egnyte APIs work.
Egnyte domain
An instance of Egnyte Connect product that is owned by a client has a separate subdomain {name} Can have a custom domain name with branding.
Only {name} domain names work with Public API so a custom domain needs to be resolved to before being used. Don't worry, we have a service for that
file group_id and entry_id
A file in Egnyte Connect can have versions. Every time you update the file, group_id remains the same and points to the file, but every version gets a new entry_id that points to it.
/Shared and /Private
/Shared is the root of a company's folder tree.
/Private is where each user has their own folder accessible only by them and domain admins
Permissions are set on a folder level and all files inside the folder are accessible with the same permissions.
Permissions only work in /Shared, not in /Private