JavaScript SDK in version 2.x is distributed as a standalone, minified bundle. It contains all the css and assets in the 60KB bundle.
When you add the egnyte.min.js to a page as a
<script src="egnyte.min.js"></script>
it'll be available in a global namespace as "Egnyte" or window.Egnyte
If you wish to require
or import
the SDK for front-end, you can't just require the engyte-js-sdk
unless you're using browserify and are ready to set up all necessary transforms.
Instead, you should:
See also: Browser examples. One of the examples shows a webpack setup.
Webpack will warn that you're bundling a minified file, but that's really a problem only if you didn't mean to (might mean you included something from your build results creating a recursive build...)
Version 3 of egnyte-js-sdk package will introduce more means of including certain components of the SDK in webpack and alike.