APM Server version (apm-server version
): 8.13.2
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:
When using APM server standalone (not fleet managed) along with xpack.apm_data.enabled: true
to install relevant APM index templates, APM server's integration check fails due to a mismatch between the template names that are installed, and the template names APM server expects
Elasticsearch creates templates with the names, e.g. traces-apm@template
, however the integration check expects the index template to be named e.g. traces-apm
Steps to reproduce:
Please include a minimal but complete recreation of the problem,
including server configuration, agent(s) used, etc. The easier you make it
for us to reproduce it, the more likely that somebody will take the time to
look at it.
- Create
elasticsearch instance withxpack.apm_data.enabled: true
- Deploy
APM server using the above elasticsearch instance as its output
Provide logs (if relevant):
{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2024-05-01T10:27:05.677Z","log.logger":"beater","log.origin":{"function":"","":"beater/waitready.go","file.line":62},"message":"precondition 'apm integration installed' failed: error querying Elasticsearch for integration index templates: unexpected HTTP status: 404 Not Found ({\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"resource_not_found_exception\",\"reason\":\"index template matching [metrics-apm.service_summary.60m] not found\"}],\"type\":\"resource_not_found_exception\",\"reason\":\"index template matching [metrics-apm.service_summary.60m] not found\"},\"status\":404}): to remediate, please install the apm integration:","":"apm-server","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}