specified to run run-patch-release
GitHub workflow when a new patch release should be cut from the release branch.
Trying to follow through for the next 7.17
release I run that workflow but it failed with No rule to make target 'update-docs'
; see logs:
Run make patch-release
INFO: Create feature branch and update the versions. Target branch main.
create-branch update-7.17.23
Switched to a new branch 'main'
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.
Switched to a new branch 'update-7.17.23'
go: downloading go1.22.1 (linux/amd64)
>> update-version
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'update-docs'. Stop.
make: *** [ patch-release] Error 2
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
That target has been removed in c25abdd for releases >8.13, so I expect it to be available on 7.17 and I can grep for it locally:
❯ ag update-docs
119: $(MAKE) update-docs VERSION=$(RELEASE_VERSION)
140: $(MAKE) update-docs VERSION=$(RELEASE_VERSION)
185:.PHONY: update-docs
186:update-docs: VERSION=$${VERSION}
187:update-docs: setup-yq
188: @echo ">> update-docs"
The CI job did check out branch 7.17
, so I'm not sure why this failure.
As a workaround I've been able to run the command locally with:
❯ RELEASE_BRANCH=7.17 RELEASE_VERSION=7.17.22 make patch-release
to create this PR