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MultiSearch for fluently built descriptors in NEST 8 #8468




Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch version:

Elasticsearch version:

.NET runtime version:
.NET Standard 2.0

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:
We're looking to migrate from NEST 7 to NEST 8. We're currently using NEST 7 in compatibility mode against ES 8.

In NEST 7, we used fluent syntax to build SearchDescriptor for single searches and were able to use that same shape to build for MultiSearch. In NEST 8, there doesn't appear to be support for that for multi-search, only initializer syntax and a different shape to boot. Here's a look at the operative code we currently have with NEST 7 where I built an abstraction ToSearchDescriptor that expects SearchDescriptor (now SearchRequestDescriptor) to be produced so that I could mix and match any queries I wanted. This works great!

var results = await _client.MultiSearchAsync(selector: ms =>
	foreach (var scopedSearch in scopedSearchParams)
		var sp = scopedSearch.SearchParams;
		ms = ms.Search<ILazyDocument>(s => sp.ToSearchDescriptor(_indexConfiguration, scopedSearch.IndexType));
		if (sp.CaptureSearch)
			ms = ms.RequestConfiguration(r => r.DisableDirectStreaming());
		if (_searchOptions.ErrorTrace || sp.ErrorTrace)
			ms = ms.ErrorTrace();
	return ms;

Do you plan to support this style of multi-search in the future? All of our search parameter implementations are built on the fluent syntax so this is a big commitment but it's not clear the direction we should go. It looks like if we re-wrote all of those (no small task) to use initializer syntax (ie. SearchRequest), we could manufacture the multi-search shape but even that shape change is confusing now. I expect it has something to do w/ the header for each search but, as shown above, this magic was handled for us and we could be consistent in our abstraction. That is, any implementation that produced a SearchDescriptor didn't know or care whether it was used for a single or multi-search. Very nice!




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