Kibana version: 8.15.3
Elasticsearch version: 8.15.3
Server OS version: 22.04
Browser version: 134.0.6998.88
Browser OS version: Windows
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): deb
Describe the bug:
When viewing a graph in Lens with a 24 hour, the first bucket in the graph is now-24h
as expected, but the first tick on the Xaxis is rounded down to the nearest 6 hours. This means it shows "6:00" on the axis underneath data for from "09:00". The spacing between the ticks is preserved, so all that's happenign is this label, which should be way off to the left and off the graph, is getting dragged forward to the origin. Attached screenshot is hopefully clearer than my clumsy description.
Steps to reproduce:
- View a graph over a 24 hour period
- Examine the tool-tip for the first bucket, note that the time doesn'e match with the tick label beneath
Screenshots (if relevant):