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The size of the exe packaged by forge is ridiculously large. I think this is caused by not using vite build to build the dist directory. Also, all dependencies of dependent libraries are packaged, without distinguishing between used and unused ones. #3420



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Expected behavior

The dist directory built by forge using vite

Actual behavior

Hello, I used electron-forge to package the vite practice project into an exe. The dist directory built through npm run build is only 108kb. But the asar file built through electron-forge reaches 18mb. Is this because I haven't configured it? Or is this how the packager works, without using the dist directory built by vite.

The size of the exe packaged by forge is ridiculously large. I think this is caused by not using vite build to build the dist directory. Also, all dependencies of dependent libraries are packaged, without distinguishing between used and unused ones.

Steps to reproduce


Additional information

My project structure:
electron: Place main.js and preload.js of electron
src: Place the files of vue and main.js (vue).
index.html file
forge.config.js content

module.exports = {
   packagerConfig: {
     asar: true,
     productName: "APp",
   rebuildConfig: {},
   makers: [
       name: '@electron-forge/maker-squirrel',
       config: {},
       name: '@electron-forge/maker-zip',
       platforms: ['darwin'],
       name: '@electron-forge/maker-deb',
       config: {},
       name: '@electron-forge/maker-rpm',
       config: {},
   plugins: [
       name: '@electron-forge/plugin-auto-unpack-natives',
       config: {},
       name: '@electron-forge/plugin-vite',
       config: {
         // `build` can specify multiple entry builds, which can be
         // Main process, Preload scripts, Worker process, etc.
         build: [
             // `entry` is an alias for `build.lib.entry`
             // in the corresponding file of `config`.
             entry: 'main.js',
             config: 'vite.main.config.js'
             entry: 'preload.js',
             config: 'vite.preload.config.js'
         renderer: [
             name: 'main_window',
             config: 'vite.renderer.config.js'



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