Pre-flight checklist
- I have read the contribution documentation for this project.
- I agree to follow the code of conduct that this project uses.
- I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without success.
Forge version
Electron version
Operating system
macOS , windows 11
Last known working Forge version
No response
Expected behavior
I pack my app with this config:
packagerConfig: {
asar: {
unpack: ['**/assets/**/*.@(png|jpg)']
I want to modify some images in 'app.asar.unpacked` dir , then open the app , It could use the new images.
Actual behavior
When I open the app , there is an error : WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: texSubImage2D: bad image data
I the new image smaller (bytes, not size) than old, it could work , if bigger , The error will happen.
I see the image in devtool, it's not be loaded correctly.
If I don't use asar , everything is ok .
Steps to reproduce
create a simple html page, it render a 3d object (with texture ) by webgl.
then pack it to an electron app by electron-forge, with :
packagerConfig: {
asar: {
unpack: ['**/assets/**/*.@(png|jpg)']
then , change the 3d object's texture in 'app.asar.unpacked`, make the image is bigger .
The error will happen.
Additional information
No response
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