Preflight Checklist
- I have read the contribution documentation for this project.
- I agree to follow the code of conduct that this project follows, as appropriate.
- I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without success.
Issue Details
- Electron Packager Version:
- 17.1.2
- Electron Version:
- 28.1.1
- Operating System:
- macOS 12.7.2
- Last Known Working Electron Packager version::
Expected Behavior
I tried many times compiling app for MAS with:
electron-packager ./ "Mon Glucko" --platform=mas --electron-version=28.1.1 --overwrite --entitlements="./www/res/electron/entitlements.plist" --entitlements-inherit="./www/res/eletron/entitlements-inherit.plist" --icon="icon.icns" --provisioning-profile="embedded.provisionprofile" --osx-sign
When I add osx-sign, I could not test the app locally.
After I tried to use for packaging productbuild or electron-osx-flat, and uploading app with transporter correctly.
But app crashes on MAS when Apple tests the app.
I do not understand the problem.
I tried many options but nothing is running.