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Packaged OutPut Trying to Recompile on Target - What Are Client-Target Requirements. #1747




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Issue Details

I am using Electron Packager with an Ionic Project which is using capacitor to synch the result to the electron directory. The main ionic project AND the Electron Project are getting the right output. And Initially we had a problem in that Public Internet wasnt allowed on the client, which we fixed with some snippets that other folks had written.

But when we create an Electron Package on the destination it appears it is trying to dynamically everything on the resources directory and rechecking the nodeJS packages which are somehow not included in the Windows Binary.

Our Question/Bug Report is why is the compiled EXE making calls to things like NodeJS updater code which is external to the binary? Is nodeJS packagers on the development station and client have to be the same for every package? And when we zip the directory it appears all the source code is REINCLUDED?

  • Electron Packager Version:


  • Electron Version:
  • Operating System:
    • 37
  • Last Known Working Electron Packager version::

Expected Behavior

We expect that the Windows Binary plus a few DLLs should work without the source code.

Actual Behavior

The Outputted Binary looks to be dynamically compiling everything under the resources directory of the output from Electron Packager, and that the tool copied the entire directory structure and all the packages into the new outputted folder?

We need to know the exact DLL's and other files in support of the compiled binary and perhaps a FAQ on requirements to use your packager to distribute the app to say 1000 clients... do they all need NodeJS installed, or can they run without it?

Also your app keeps referencing an Electron Updater App which is written in Python (.py) file, and on windows servers Python wouldnt be installed by default.

To Reproduce

Packager binaries are making errored calls to Updater Python scripts when Python isnt installed on the server.

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