I run Linux. I want to play OneShot, and I want a good first experience. I don't have a physical Windows machine.
I tried running the game in a virtual machine, and the closest I've got so far is Windows 7 in VirtualBox, and the game actually starts, but the floor texture disappears whenever I change rooms (but only after leaving the first building). It comes back when I restart the game. This is obviously not ideal.
I could try using Steam Play/Proton, but according to the ProtonDB entry the "meta" elements of the game don't really transfer over too well. I've seen a few of these meta elements already.
I see that you're still updating this repo, so my hopes are high, but is it actually a good idea to try using this repo for my first playthrough, or will the experience just sort of fall apart?
Sorry for opening an issue for this, but I couldn't find another place to contact you at. If you want to reply privately, you're more than welcome to use the contact details from here.