Some key bindings, like C-N for next-line, have shift-select-mode activated when called with an uppercase letter, which activates the mark. This does not work in God mode, because the key sequence is tranlated to C-S-N, which has no binding. For example, when I prees C-N with uppercase N, next-line with a highlighted region (because I have transient-mark-mode set) is called. When I press uppercase N in God mode, I get an error "Unknown key binding for 'C-S-N'". For now, I have modified the :else branch in god-mode-lookup-command as follows, which seems to work for me:
(defun god-mode-lookup-command (key-string)
"Execute extended keymaps in KEY-STRING, or call it if it is a command."
(when key-string
(let* ((key-vector (read-kbd-macro key-string t))
(binding (key-binding key-vector)))
(cond ((commandp binding)
(setq last-command-event
(aref key-vector (- (length key-vector) 1)))
((keymapp binding)
(god-mode-lookup-key-sequence nil key-string))
(if (and (string-match "S-\\(.\\)\\'" key-string)
(string= (get-char-code-property
(aref (match-string 1 key-string) 0)
(god-mode-lookup-command (replace-regexp-in-string
"S-\\(.\\)\\'" "\\1" key-string))
(error "God: Unknown key binding for `%s`" key-string)))))))
In my understanding, Emacs translates all bindings with uppercase letters without binding to their lowercase counterparts. I do not know if my solution is acceptable; it looks a bit rude to me, but it works.