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Accurate Neural Network Execution Time Estimation

Implementation of the ANNETTE Estimation Module Link to Paper

ANNETTE (Accurate Neural Network Execution Time Estimation) is a framework designed to predict the latency (execution time) of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on hardware accelerators using a stacked modeling approach. It creates accurate estimations by combining mapping models and layer-wise estimation models derived from benchmarks. This allows for efficient design space exploration and hardware-specific neural architecture search, offering a significant tool for developers to estimate performance without extensive testing on actual hardware. The methodology demonstrates high accuracy and fidelity in predictions, making it a valuable asset for optimizing neural network deployment on diverse hardware platforms.


M. Wess, M. Ivanov, C. Unger, A. Nookala, A. Wendt and A. Jantsch, "ANNETTE: Accurate Neural Network Execution Time Estimation With Stacked Models," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 3545-3556, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3047259.


  • Tested with python >=3.6

recommended install:

  • git clone --recurse-submodules
  • cd annette
  • recommended: python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install -e .
  • wget
  • unzip -o -d database


  • mmtoir to export to MMDNN format (here you might need to install tensorflow or pytorch)
  • ANNETTE only needs the .pb-file, you can savely remove the .npy-weightfile
  • annette_o2a lets you convert .onnx models to the annette format


annette_estimate [network-name] [mapping-model] [layer-model]


  • The results are store in database/results/[layer-model]
  • Python functions return the total execution time in [ms] and a pandas dataframe with the layer-wise results
  • Example visualization with plotly (notebooks/sample_estimation.ipynb)


  • openvino example in runs/ (install openvino with pip install openvino)
  • results stored to database/benchmarks


  • use annette_m2a [network-file/network-name] to convert from mmdnn to annette format. Output is stored in database/graphs/annette/[network].json
  • Either copy the file to database/graphs/mmdnn/[network].pb and use only the network-name oder give the full Path


  • Some example graphs are already stored in database/graphs/annette
  • Some example notebooks are found in notebooks/
  • Some model optimizer examples ov and dnndk
  • Some layer model exmaples ncs2-roofline and dnndk-roofline
  • For conversion and download MMDNN requires some of the frameworks such as pytorch, tensorflow

Simple examples (networks in database/graphs/annette)

annette_m2a cf_resnet50 
annette_estimate cf_resnet50 ov ncs2-roofline

Pytorch Mnasnet0.5

mmdownload -f pytorch -n mnasnet0_5 -o database/graphs/pytorch/
mmtoir -f pytorch -d database/graphs/mmdnn/mnasnet0_5 --inputShape 3,224,224 -n database/graphs/pytorch/imagenet_mnasnet0_5.pth
annette_m2a mnasnet0_5
annette_estimate mnasnet0_5 ov ncs2-roofline

Pytorch Densenet121

mmdownload -f pytorch -n densenet121 -o database/graphs/pytorch/
mmtoir -f pytorch -d database/graphs/mmdnn/densenet121 --inputShape 3,224,224 -n database/graphs/pytorch/imagenet_densenet121.pth
annette_m2a densenet121 
annette_estimate densenet121 ov ncs2-roofline

Pytorch Squeezenet1.0

mmdownload -f pytorch -n squeezenet1_0 -o database/graphs/pytorch/
mmtoir -f pytorch -d database/graphs/mmdnn/squeezenet1_0 --inputShape 3,224,224 -n database/graphs/pytorch/imagenet_squeezenet1_0.pth
annette_m2a squeezenet1_0 
annette_estimate squeezenet1_0 ov ncs2-roofline
mmtoir -f tensorflow -w database/graphs/tf/deeplabv3_mnv2_dm05_pascal.pb --inNodeName MobilenetV2/MobilenetV2/input --inputShape 513,513,3 --dstNodeName ArgMax -o database/graphs/mmdnn/deeplabv3
annette_m2a deeplabv3 
annette_estimate deeplabv3 ov ncs2-roofline


mmdownload -f tensorflow -n mobilenet_v1_1.0_frozen -o database/graphs/tf/
mmtoir -f tensorflow -w database/graphs/tf/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224/frozen_graph.pb --inNodeName input --inputShape 224,224,3 --dstNodeName MobilenetV1/Predictions/Softmax -o database/graphs/mmdnn/mobilenet_v1
annette_m2a mobilenet_v1
annette_estimate mobilenet_v1 ov ncs2-roofline


mmtoir -f tensorflow -w database/graphs/tf/darknet_yolov4_tiny_512_512_coco.pb --inNodeName inputs --inputShape 512,512,3 --dstNodeName detector/yolo-v4-tiny/Conv_17/BiasAdd detector/yolo-v4-tiny/Conv_20/BiasAdd -o database/graphs/mmdnn/darknet_yolov4_tiny_512_512_coco
annette_m2a darknet_yolov4_tiny_512_512_coco
annette_estimate darknet_yolov4_tiny_512_512_coco ov ncs2-roofline


mmtoir -f tensorflow -w database/graphs/tf/darknet_yolov4_512_512_coco.pb --inNodeName inputs --inputShape 512,512,3 --dstNodeName detector/yolo-v4/Conv_1/BiasAdd detector/yolo-v4/Conv_9/BiasAdd detector/yolo-v4/Conv_17/BiasAdd -o database/graphs/mmdnn/darknet_yolov4_512_512_coco
annette_m2a darknet_yolov4_512_512_coco
annette_estimate darknet_yolov4_512_512_coco ov ncs2-roofline


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.2.3. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see