Everything that is needed to train a certain network on a server or locally is provided here. Together with each script, you find sample data and a script file (.bat or .sh) that executes on the sample data.
Tensorflow object detection api 2.0 is necessary Tensorflow 2.4 Requirements file: requirements_tf24odapi.txt
Install TF2 Object Detection API: install_tf2odapi.sh
For each of the tools in this folder, there are samples available in ./samples for both windows and linux. The intention is to use these samples as a base in the generation of hardware modules for specific hardware devices.
The Machine Learning Frameworks offer many possibilites to implement training and inference within a project. Much depends on the experience and habits of the developer. To overcome incompatibilites between frameworks and networks and to easily train multiple networks with the same or similar scripts, we define a certain basic structure for the execution of the training and optimization of networks. The purpose is also to encapsulate the python code, to be able only to use shell scripts for execution without customization.
In the training folder, the following processes shall be executed as separate python scripts, i.e. an .sh script with arguments shall start the different process steps:
- Generate or download training data, e.g. generate_data.py (Optional)
- Train baseline model as the standard training script of a certain network, e.g. train.py
- Optimize or retrain model, which is the place, where our optimization algorithms will be applied (Optional)
- Export finished model from checkpoints or intermediate representations
Note: The script train baseline model can be a part of the optimize model script
Load TF2 Object Detection API environment: init_eda_env.sh Load GPU task spooler: init_eda_ts.sh Lood TF2 Object Detection API environment as well as task spooler: init_eda_ts_env.sh
In the following examples, these constants are used:
set USERNAME=wendt
set [email protected]
set MODELNAME=ssd_mobilenet_v2_R300x300_D100_coco17_starwars
set PYTHONENV=tf24
Start training on a CPU or GPU for the Tensorflow 2 Object Detection API.
Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/model_main_tf2.py
Script: tf2oda_model_main_training.py
python %SCRIPTPREFIX%\tf2oda_model_main_training.py ^
--pipeline_config_path="%BASEPATH%/jobs/%MODELNAME%.config" ^
Prints the Coco metrics from the tensorboard prepared file from the training of the last checkpoint
Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/
Script: tf2oda_evaluate_ckpt_performance.py
python %SCRIPTPREFIX%\tf2oda_evaluate_ckpt_performance.py ^
--pipeline_config_path="jobs/%modelname%.config" ^
--model_dir="%BASEPATH%/models/%MODELNAME%" ^
Problem: Interrupted model is trained again and the tranining just stops after initializing without any error
Answer: Delete the model folder because the training wants to continue from a faulty checkpoint
Problem: After interrupting training, the memory is still full and CuDNN causes internal errors.
Answer: Kill the task by first running nvidia-smi and then kill -9 [PID]
Exports the metrics from tensorboard to a CSV file.
Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/
Script: tf2oda_evaluate_ckpt_performance.py
python %SCRIPTPREFIX%\tf2oda_read_tf_summary.py ^
--checkpoint_dir="%BASEPATH%/models/%MODELNAME%" ^
Export a TF2 Saved Model from a Checkpoint. The latest checkpoint of a folder is selected. If you want another checkpoint, edit the file "checkpoint" and
enter the checkpoint to export in the line model_checkpoint_path: "ckpt-5"
Source: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/
Script: tf2oda_export_savedmodel.py
python %SCRIPTPREFIX%\tf2oda_export_savedmodel.py ^
--input_type="image_tensor" ^
--pipeline_config_path="%BASEPATH%/jobs/%MODELNAME%.config" ^
--trained_checkpoint_dir="%BASEPATH%/models/%MODELNAME%" ^
Zip files and folders into a zip file. Wildcards can be used to select all files of a certain type. Within this folder, scripts for automatic compressing of a workspace are included. The compressed file can be copied to the training server and processed from there.
Script: zip_tool.py
python %SCRIPTPREFIX%\zip_tool.py ^
--items="jobs, *.sh" ^
On the training server e.g. EDA01 or EDA02 start Tensorboard by doing the following:
- Execute
tensorboard --logdir models/[MODELNAME] --bind_all
. It starts tensorboard in a the shell and exposes the interface to the network. It reads both the train and the eval folder into tensorboard. - Execute the http://[IP]:6006 in the browser to get the tensorboard panel
- Quit Tensorboard with Ctrl+C in the shell
- If ts cannot execute command: Check if EOF is Unix and not Windows!
If there are any issues or suggestions for improvements, please add an issue to github's bug tracking system or please send a mail to Alexander Wendt