Intersphinx catalog to link to the documentation #3354
Any way we can generate an Intersphinx catalog one can use to automatically link to the documentation?
Something like this would work to patch it:
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None: # noqa: D103
class PatchedPythonDomain(PythonDomain):
def resolve_xref( # noqa: PLR0913, PLR0917
env: BuildEnvironment,
fromdocname: str,
builder: Builder,
type: str, # noqa: A002
target: str,
node: pending_xref,
contnode: Element,
) -> Element:
if target in fixup:
return reference("", text=target.split(".")[-1], refuri=fixup[target], internal=False)
return super().resolve_xref(env, fromdocname, builder, type, target, node, contnode)
fixup = {
"httpx.AsyncClient": "",
"starlette.applications.Starlette": "",
"starlette.datastructures.Secret": "",
"starlette.testclient.TestClient": "",
app.add_domain(PatchedPythonDomain, override=True)
though unsure how to emphasize the URI 🤔