Looping arcade platformer game, based on Candy Wrapper by Harmony Honey
Candy Collective is an open source platform game built with Godot Engine 4.3. It embodies simplicity, it is a little unconventional and includes a touch of harshness with its visual design and gameplay.
Compared to the original Candy Wrapper, this version has been adapted to permit expansions from aspiring game builders. Contributors can design their own worlds (sequences of levels) and have them included alongside the original headline game. We'll also consider contributions to the game engine and original content provided they maintain the spirit of the project.
This project is used within Endless learning initiatives which aim to build career-readiness and collaboration skills through game making. We hope to foster a lasting community of open source game developers who can continuously build and improve games while learning new skills and sharpening existing ones. Candy Collective acts as an arena for participants to practice basic usage of the Godot Editor, and gain experience in contributing to a community project via Git and GitHub.
Licensed under The Unlicense; see LICENSE for more information.
Original game by Harmony Honey.
Border Basic and Outward Bound font by VEXED, used under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International license.
m3x6 font by Daniel Linssen.
based on
by BlondPanda, used under
Creative Commons 0 license.