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7hunderbird edited this page Sep 7, 2012 · 9 revisions

Enable Bundler Recipe

Currently the bundler:bundle_gems recipe runs as a after hook of the deploy:symlink_configs task. You will see in your deploy.rb file a line like:

after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:symlink_configs"

There must be a "deploy:symlink_configs" task in your deploy.rb file or else the bundler:bundle_gems task will not run.

Read the code of the recipe.

Disable Bundler By Application Server

Given that you are using a Shared File system for multiple Application servers, and you do not need to have bundler install gems more than once. You'll need to configure your deploy.rb file like so:

deploy.rb file example
this is where it goes...

Bundle Without Specified Groups

If you managed your Gemfile with specific groups and would like to not have it install those groups on deployment, please add this option to your deploy.rb file:

set :bundle_without, "test deployment ci"

This would overwrite the default which would be test deployment and then run this during the deploy:

bundle install --without test deployment ci
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